Metal soap, is metal soap harmful

Metal soap, is metal soap harmful

For those who first heard the concept of “metal soap”, it may seem strange. There are many people who have already used this tool. But still it is worth learning a little what it is, and only then apply it for your own hygiene. The item sparkles like a platinum bar of soap. But in fact, this is a cavity, an oval sphere, on which it is simply impossible to find seams. You can even tap on the soap and you will hear the characteristic sound of emptiness. Is such a thing really capable of washing your hands of dirt, odors and stains? Also, it will not be superfluous to find out if metal soap is harmful or useful?

Everything is clear with ordinary soap, but what to do with metal?

Metallic soap: a novelty for hygiene

A noticeable little thing with a metallic sheen immediately attracted the attention of fans of interesting novelties.

  • People began to buy metal soap and check how effective it is.
  • At first, the experimenters desperately smeared their hands with garlic and onions.
  • First of all, they tried to wash it with ordinary soap.
  • But the first time, with careful soaping, the smell did not immediately go away.
  • After repeating the manipulations with the hand, we decided to test a metal hygiene item.
  • Few believed that he would be able to rid their hands of an unpleasant odor. But, to the surprise of the skeptics, the smell disappeared immediately.

According to many amateurs to carry out experiments who tried to use a regular tablespoon to wash their hands, the effect is the same. It is not so convenient to just use the device. In addition, there is a special protrusion in the metal soap to clean the dirt from under the nails.

Characteristics of metallic soap as a hygiene item

Metal soap weighs only 70 grams and is more similar in size to household soap. There is no need to expect that, by substituting it under the stream, they can soap your hands, get a thick foam. Due to the absence of these, the skin does not dry out, does not shrink.

The cost in online stores is from 500 rubles. But do not forget that the item has been used for almost several years, which speaks of cost savings. Moreover, the item does not crumble, does not rust, and, according to the manufacturers, it can be used for a lifetime.

So far, no one has reported on the dangers of soap. Despite the fact that the item is produced by several companies, few have studied the effectiveness of the new item. Therefore, it is still premature to talk about the advisability of using soap, its useful and harmful properties.

In any case, you should be careful with products that have too few reviews.

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