Metal gazebos: types of welded frame structures, projects and drawings for the construction of summer garden pavilions

Any owner of a suburban area, having decided to build a summer gazebo, is faced with the problem of choosing building materials. At first glance, only wood is suitable for giving – the gazebo will be in harmony with the garden landscape. However, there are situations when it is recommended to build metal gazebos.

Forms and varieties

There are several good reasons for choosing metal when building a gazebo:

  1. The soil in the selected area is loose, is in unstable equilibrium.
  2. The gazebo will sometimes have to be moved to another place.
  3. Due to the particularly unfavorable climate, increased reliability is required from the structure.
  4. The desire to build a creative structure that needs special strength.

Metal gazebos: types of welded frame structures, projects and drawings for the construction of summer garden pavilions

It is not in vain that designers love metal – with its help, when creating objects, it is possible to realize the most daring fantasies. The type and shape of a metal gazebo in the private sector depends only on the preferences of its owners. There are square and round, hexagonal and rectangular, forged, with an arched roof, etc.

Different projects also differ in the assembly method:

  • welded structures, all work is carried out quickly and reliably;
  • prefabricated, where the bolts are used as mounting hardware.

By combining both methods, it is possible to organize a gazebo in the courtyard of the house from several modules, which will later allow it to be easily disassembled and transferred to another place or for storage. Like wooden structures, metal gazebos are open or covered with wall structures that protect from wind or snow. Empty openings for the winter can also be covered with polycarbonate sheets or PVC curtains.

Video “Do-it-yourself metal gazebo”

From this video you will learn how to make a metal gazebo project with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself metal gazebo, instructions

What metal is suitable

For the construction of light structures with their own hands, profile pipes of rectangular or round section are suitable. A wall thickness of 2–3 mm is enough for a gazebo. When choosing a material, you should be guided by practicality. For example, round pipes are cheaper, but welding with them requires special skills, it will be difficult for a beginner to make a strong and beautiful seam.

Another question is whether to prefer steel or stay on aluminum. It all depends on the circumstances:

  • steel is cheaper and stronger;
  • aluminum is more expensive, but lighter, more convenient to work with, gives the outdoor structure a more colorful look.

It is permissible to build from galvanized metal or painted. Finally, if there are sufficient funds, it is worth building a forged gazebo, giving it a breathtaking look.

How to build

For a recreation area, experts recommend choosing quiet, secluded places with beautiful views of the surrounding nature. But when it comes to metal buildings, technical requirements are also added to the list:

  1. If the structure is not firmly attached to the ground, it can be moved or even overturned by gusts of strong wind. Be sure to consider the wind rose and their strength on the site.
  2. The ground level should be high so that the floor of the gazebo does not flood on rainy days.

The selected site must be cleaned, preparing for construction. Get rid of debris, dig up roots and shrubs. It is also desirable to remove the top layer of soil, deepening 20 cm deep, which will allow you to get rid of weeds in the future.

The excavated area is covered with a sand cushion, which is compacted with water. On top, you can lay a plastic film or geotextile.

Further actions depend on whether you need a large stationary gazebo or a small portable one. Experts recommend working with unpainted metal so as not to inhale harmful fumes when heated. Paint or varnish the material should be at the very end.

with foundation

Stationary buildings require a solid foundation. You will have to build a columnar foundation by digging holes, constructing a sand cushion in them and pouring concrete into the inserted support columns.

Another option is to concrete the site. On the prepared area:

  • formwork is being built;
  • mesh reinforcement is laid, made of wire, for which corrosion is not terrible;
  • the pit is poured with concrete, simultaneously leveling the surface.

In the future, the concrete surface is covered with some kind of floor covering. Suitable paving slabs, natural or artificial stone, wooden boards, etc.

To increase reliability, both methods, concreting and column foundation, can be combined. Profiled pipes are also used for supporting pillars.

Metal gazebos: types of welded frame structures, projects and drawings for the construction of summer garden pavilions

without foundation

For portable arbors, the foundation is optional. The lower frame is pre-created with special vertically directed supports. With their help, the gazebo is brought and fixed on a prepared area covered with paving slabs or natural stone. True, for mobility, the dimensions of such a structure should be small.

Wall materials

The frame of the building is made by welding or bolting parts according to the selected drawing. Here is a step by step guide:

  1. First, the support posts are scalded with rows of veins (a belt of shaped pipes) located at different heights from each other. The first row of lower jumpers is fixed at a height of 80 cm from the ground, the next – 20 cm higher.
  2. The frame frame is welded. Jumpers are attached to the ends of the support posts according to the drawing. The height of all elements must be the same.
  3. The upper trim is mounted – pipes 40×25 mm are placed on supports and welded.
  4. The finished frame is primed, the primer is allowed to dry, and then painted.

It is recommended to carry out welding work together: one master will cook, the other will check the evenness of the entire structure.

When constructing a closed gazebo, the side of the frame is also covered. The same polycarbonate is suitable for this purpose, although you can simply decorate the “walls” with metal bars or specially welded home-made openwork structures.


The easiest way is to make a gable roof according to the following scheme.

The frame is first welded on the ground, then lifted and fixed on the upper harness. At the end, the frame is sheathed with roofing material: polycarbonate, roofing profiled sheet, metal tile. Most often, polycarbonate sheets are used, they can be given a curved shape, getting picturesque arched structures complete with curved profile pipes.

Metal gazebos: types of welded frame structures, projects and drawings for the construction of summer garden pavilions

It is better to fasten this material with thermal washers. For this:

  1. A sheet of material is laid, leveled.
  2. A drill for metal at the point of fastening makes a through hole through the material and metal.
  3. They fasten the sheet with a thermal washer.
  4. The ends of cellular polycarbonate are insulated with special protective tapes.

The floor for a stationary gazebo is done last:

  1. Transverse logs are attached to the lower interchange with a step of 50 cm.
  2. Holes are drilled in the logs in increments of 30 cm.
  3. Using self-tapping screws, boards are mounted as a floor covering.

Prepared boards are recommended to be subjected to special treatment first. To do this, the wood is impregnated with stain, polished. It is necessary to paint and varnish boards only upon completion of all work.


Although the frame of the structure is made of metal, wooden planks are quite suitable for decoration. For their installation, wooden bars with holes made in advance are attached to the horizontal pipes of the frame, and planks are attached over the bars.

You can decorate the interior in many ways. Flowers are the first thing that comes to mind when decorating a garden gazebo. Climbing plants are suitable, for example grapes, braiding the entire building. Fresh flowers in bright pots hung on the walls also look beautiful.

There are other possibilities as well. Forged jewelry looks good. Textiles are a beautiful and practical decor option. Lightweight curtains not only decorate the walls, but also create good protection from the wind.

Since metal is not afraid of fire, you can install a portable barbecue in the built gazebo or even build a full-fledged barbecue oven from bricks, turning the gazebo into a summer kitchen.

Having made a choice in favor of metal as a building material, you will not lose. Arbors with a metal frame are reliable, serve for a long time, delighting their owners with a beautiful openwork look.

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