Fences on the border of the site, railings of balconies and verandas, made of metal, inspire a sense of security and reliability. The same impression is transferred to decorative fences around flower beds or lawns. The popularity of metal elements in the design of garden plots is largely due to the amazing combination of lightness and elegance with strength and reliability.
Advantages of metal fences
Metal fences for flower beds are forged, cast or welded, their main function is decorative, although they will perfectly protect flower beds from a child’s ball, bicycle or lawn mower. In combination with other elements of the backyard – lamps, benches, barbecues, they are designed to become a decoration without losing their utilitarian value. A cast-iron lace fence around a flower bed will look spectacular even if it is the only metal design detail, but such accents should fit into the overall picture of the landscape.
Today fences with floral patterns are popular. As a rule, they are not available on the open market, but there are many specialized companies that make such decorative fences for flower beds to order. Most often they offer clients their own design, but you can come to them with your own ideas. Typically, such fences are made in separate sections, so they are easier to transport and then install on site.
Such fences are strong, practical and durable. Usually cast or forged sections are made from steel or cast iron, welded sections can be made from any metal profile. Being outdoors all year round, they are constantly exposed to all the elements, but still remain the most durable of all possible options. Since they consist of separate parts, are mounted on site, if necessary, they can be easily dismantled and transferred to another place.
Metal is an expensive material, but since decorative fences are usually low (most often 30 – 50 cm), the final cost of the product suits many, and you can install them yourself.
Iron goes well with other natural materials, designers love to use it with natural stone or brick. Metal fences, especially with forging elements, give a unique charm to the flower beds. They emphasize the luxury of the rose garden, even in winter, against the backdrop of snow-covered flower beds, they add amazing beauty to the entire site.
Video “Instructions for assembling the fence”
Detailed video instructions for assembling the fence. This instruction can be applied to any type of fences.
There are very few drawbacks to a decorative metal fence. Usually talk about the high cost. Making even a small flower bed, if you measure its perimeter, can be expensive. With a long product length, a small height and a huge service life can become arguments in favor.
The second disadvantage is called corrosion. Indeed, a fence that perfectly resists any mechanical stress can corny rust with a lack of care. Some manufacturers recommend painting their products annually. But the chemical industry does not stand still, you can treat the fence with a special anti-corrosion compound, and then, over time, simply update the treatment or painting. The real owner always takes care of what is in the house and on the site, caring for an iron decorative fence does not take much time compared to other concerns.
A lot of weight and complexity of installation can also be attributed to the disadvantages. Also, they can be traumatic. If you slip, tangle and fall on sharp iron stakes, you can get very seriously injured. That is why twisted lace should not end in sharp corners or stakes. But this issue is successfully solved by designers.
Metal fences around the flower beds can be very different, it all depends on the choice of the owner. Someone can take old pipes, cut them, dig them around the perimeter of the flower garden – you get a very original design. Especially if you fill them with earth, plant flowers. Succulents look interesting in such dishes, and ampelous or climbing plants will create a romantic joyful atmosphere.
Anyone who has a thick wire lying around can bend it in a semicircle, stick it into the ground and get a low, pretty border. If you have a welding machine and the appropriate skills, you can weld a decorative fence of varying degrees of complexity from a round or square profile with a cross section of 10 to 16 mm, and then install it on the site. Installation can be of two types:
- sections are simply stuck into the ground, they are held on special pins;
- fragments are installed on the foundation.
The first case suggests the temporality of such a design, the fence can be easily rearranged to another place, but it will not protect the flower garden from the spread of weeds. In addition, it will easily lose stability under the influence of water and the weight of plants, lean or even fall, which will not add beauty to the site. The fence, installed on the foundation, looks solid, which means it is reliable. It remains in the position that was given to it, performs decorative and purely utilitarian functions – it looks beautiful, undoubtedly fits into the design of the site, at the same time, it protects the flower bed from the penetration of weeds and the encroachment of children, pets, lawn mowers, bicycles.
Iron lace looks good on stone or brick. Fences around the site are often made on a stone (brick) base or separated by supporting posts made of these materials. They do the same with their small decorative counterparts. You can order sections of the fence from the manufacturer, and then install it yourself on the site. For this, most likely, welding will be needed, and materials for the foundation – cement, sand, bricks (or stone).
First of all, you need to decide what sections of the fence will be installed on. You can make a strip foundation, or you can deepen brickwork or stone into the ground. In addition, if supporting posts are supposed, they must also be done simultaneously with the foundation. I must say that all these issues must be resolved before the iron fragments are made – during the creation of a design project.
If the fence will be installed on a concrete foundation protruding 10 cm above the ground, then it will have to be done in advance, since the concrete must still harden. Along the perimeter of the flower garden, it is necessary to dig a trench, 20 cm deep, 10 cm wide, align the walls and bottom, then fill in the sand, pour it with water so that it lies more densely. If the foundation does not protrude above the ground, and the soil is dense enough, then you can do without formwork and pour the mortar directly into the trench. For a protruding foundation (or if the soil is light, sandy), you need to make a formwork.
To do this, wooden walls are installed on the sides of the trench, it is better to fix them with spacers. The trench is poured with mortar to the desired height, which was previously marked with a stretched fishing line, left to harden. The solution can be bought ready-made or prepared by yourself at the rate of: 1 part cement – 2 parts sand. After the cement has hardened, the formwork is removed, the ground is leveled. Knowing in advance at what distance from each other the support pipes (pins) will be installed, to which fragments of the fence are welded, they are installed simultaneously with the pouring of the foundation.
This is a description of the basics of installation, then there are already variations. Around the support pipes there may be brick or stone masonry, they may not be at all, and each fragment of the fence will have pins that will be installed in the cement. Another, even more simple design is possible, when the foundation is made only for the support pipes.
Video “A few examples of metal fences”
Demonstrative video with several examples of metal fences. Such fences can be used for flower beds.