Metabolism – what is it? How to speed up your metabolism?

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Metabolism is otherwise the metabolism. Its pace 50% depends on our individual predispositions. The metabolism of men and women differs from each other.

Metabolism is otherwise the metabolism. About 50% of the nutrients supplied with food to the body are used for the proper functioning of the organs. The rest of this energy is either burned or deposited as fat.

There is no justice in the world. This also applies to eating and the weight gain associated with it. Why do some people, even though they overeat, do not get fat, and others – after a one-time full dinner – feel that they have a kilogram more? Why do some people lose kilograms faster when using the same diet, and others do not lose weight? The metabolism is to blame for this. Or rather, its pace.

Metabolism – what is metabolism?

Energy is needed to keep the body alive. The cost we incur for our organs to function properly is known as the Basic Metabolism (PPM). It accounts for 50-70% of a person’s daily energy expenditure and relates to changes taking place on an empty stomach, lying down, in complete physical and mental peace. This energy is consumed, among others for breathing, the proper functioning of the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and cell renewal.

The remaining 30-50% of the daily energy expenditure is the Secondary Metabolism (PPPM) needed to perform everyday activities, physical and mental work, maintain a proper body temperature, and eat, digest and absorb food.

The metabolic rate 50% depends on us

Scientific research proves that 50% of the metabolic rate depends on ourselves. Women tend to have a slower metabolism than men due to a different body composition (less muscle and more body fat). Older people burn more slowly than young people, but also in this case women are more disadvantaged. The process of slowing down the metabolism in men is gradual, while in women during the menopause it is significant. Genes also play an important role.

The climate is also important. Long ago, it was observed that the people of the North have a much faster metabolism than the people of the South. It is not difficult to justify this state of affairs: the former have to generate much more energy to maintain normal body temperature.

So is it just a matter of accepting a slower metabolism? There is nothing you can do about being a woman, getting older, or being born in Poland, not Norway. There is nothing to blame the parents. The answer is no! After all, 50% of it depends on ourselves – on the activity we undertake and what we eat. Thanks to regular movement, we can accelerate the metabolic rate. Physical effort increases the demand for energy, but it must be sufficiently long and intense. Physical activity builds up muscles, and they need more energy than adipose tissue. In order to maintain a healthy body weight, a balance must be maintained between the amount of energy supplied with food and the amount used. When the energy balance is positive, the excess unused energy is stored as adipose tissue.

To find out if your body is properly removing free radicals and assimilating selected vitamins, do a genetic test of vitamin and antioxidant metabolism. If you are trying to lose weight and you still do not succeed, do a test package. Full nutrigenetic profile – determination of metabolic predispositions. It will help you adjust your diet to your genetic makeup.

Don’t believe the tables!

Any table of calories to be eaten daily are misleading because they do not take all factors into account. The gender distinction is not sufficient. It is also necessary to take into account the body build, age, physical activity rate. It’s the same with diets. How much you burn in a day depends on how much you need to digest. So it’s worth answering a few questions first:

• Do you work at all?

• If so, is it manual or office work?

• How is time spent during the day or after work?

• Is any type of physical activity practiced?

• How old are you?

Then – using the appropriate formula – you can calculate how many calories are consumed per day:

10 x body weight + (6,25 x height in cm) – (5 x age) – 161 = daily caloric intake for proper body function (sitting and doing nothing).

To take into account the activity coefficient, the obtained result should be multiplied by one of the variables:

• 1,4-1,5 – for people with low physical activity

• 1,7 – for moderately active people

• 2,0 – for people who are very physically active.

So in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume them. This can be done in two ways. The first is to drastically reduce the amount of food you eat, which is a terrible idea. It leads to the destruction of the organism. The second way – much better – is to reduce the number and caloric content of meals, while increasing physical activity.

Metabolism. Questions and Answers

Why do we not lose weight at the same pace as other people using the same diet?

The rate of burning depends largely on genes and eating habits acquired in childhood. The starting number of fat cells is inherited from the parents. If, in addition, fat cells multiply in childhood, they will not disappear in adulthood. Alternatively, they may shrink, but will remain. So if the parents were overweight, and we have been struggling with extra pounds since childhood, any attempt to lose weight will be more difficult than in the case of people who have been thin for a long time.

If, despite your efforts, you still cannot lose weight, do a genetic test of the genes for metabolism and obesity. Thanks to it, you will adjust your diet to your genetic predisposition and it will be easier to control.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Are there any diseases in which the metabolism may be increased or decreased?

Yes. The metabolism decreases with hypothyroidism, diseases of the adrenal cortex, pituitary insufficiency, and malnutrition. It is increased due to hyperthyroidism, leukemia, in fever, during pregnancy, while taking certain medications.

Metabolism – how to accelerate its pace?

You should reduce the number of calories you eat, but avoid situations where you are so hungry that you constantly think about eating. It is worth limiting the consumption of saturated fats in favor of unsaturated fats. You cannot overeat with sweets. In their place, it is better to introduce complex sugars of plant origin and fiber. And, of course, exercise regularly.

We also recommend the wasp waist – a Panaseus dietary supplement whose positive effect on metabolism is based on natural active ingredients such as green tea, chicory, Indian nettle, alfalfa.

How much should you exercise daily to speed up your metabolism?

45 minutes minimum. Less effort while losing weight is almost irrelevant. Then only sugar from the liver and muscles is burned, not fat. It takes longer to reach fat deposits. Besides, the effort must be intense. The metabolic rate increases not only during exercise, but also continues after exercise.

What should you eat to speed up your metabolism?

In fact, more important than what we eat is how we eat. You should eat regularly, at about the same times. Meals should be smaller, but eaten more often, preferably every 3-4 hours. However, you can speed up the metabolism by adding spices that improve digestion: ginger, cinnamon, basil, oregano, tarragon, eating foods rich in fiber: coarse grains, bran, wholemeal bread, vegetables, fruit. Also, do not forget about fluids – a minimum of 8 glasses a day.

Do dietary supplements or herbs accelerate metabolism?

There is no evidence that these foods speed up your metabolism. In the case of herbs, they are known to have a laxative effect, but this does not mean that your metabolism is accelerated. They do not remove the deposited fat. Losing weight is caused by dehydration in the body.

However, you can try N ° 1 Shaper Body – a supplement for weight reduction, which has its composition, among others, piperine, capsaicin and choline. Not only will it help speed up your metabolism, but it will also give you energy to perform your daily activities.

Do fasting fasts accelerate the metabolism?

Not. On the contrary. The metabolism then slows down. It is a natural reaction to the reduction of energy supplied with food. The body automatically switches to the economy mode. The stricter the diet, the greater the decrease in basal metabolism will be. There will also be a yo-yo effect. When the diet is finished, you will gain weight rapidly. The body will begin storing energy for any future deficiency period.

Is frequent dieting effective?

Not. Losing kilos is once again much slower. Large fluctuations in weight, i.e. the yo-yo effect, are much more unfavorable from a health point of view than an increased, but stable body weight.

Check what your metabolism is like!

Text: Marta Lenkiewicz.

Consultation: Magdalena Białkowska, MD, PhD, dietician at the Institute of Food and Nutrition.

Source: Let’s live longer.

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