Metabolism: how to improve? Video

Metabolism: how to improve? Video

A good metabolism is a guarantee of excellent health, harmony and youthfulness. However, with age, the metabolic rate usually decreases. You can improve the metabolism in the body by adhering to the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists.

To improve metabolism, nutritionists recommend a fractional diet. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. It is advisable to eat foods with a minimum calorie content and a lot of fiber. Be sure to have breakfast – the first meal helps to activate metabolism after sleep.

To speed up the metabolism, it is best to have breakfast with oatmeal, yogurt and fruits.

Drink at least two liters of water a day, as your metabolism slows down when you are short of fluid. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or green tea 20 minutes before each meal. Eat high-liquid vegetables and fruits more often.

Choose foods that boost your metabolism. Citrus fruits, protein products, fish, as well as drinks containing tonic substances – green tea and coffee – improve metabolism well. Increase metabolism and seasonings: red pepper, ginger, cinnamon. They stimulate the breakdown of fat, lower blood glucose and help burn excess calories. However, do not get too carried away with them – spicy foods can lead to digestive upsets.

Ginseng extract regulates metabolism well, but its use can cause side effects such as headache, insomnia, increased blood pressure

An active lifestyle and physical activity help to speed up metabolism due to the work of muscles. 500 g of muscle tissue consume about six calories daily just to maintain their vital functions. The same mass of adipose tissue consumes only two calories. There is only one conclusion from this – build muscle to improve metabolism. Running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc. help boost metabolism.

To ensure a good metabolism, you need to get enough rest for at least 8 hours a day. During sleep, brain cells are renewed, and it is he who controls all processes in the body. In order to sleep well and deeply, it is recommended to do relaxation and tranquility exercises in the evening.

Other ways to improve metabolism

Massage helps to strengthen metabolism. It enhances blood and lymph circulation, improves tissue nutrition and, accordingly, speeds up metabolism. Bath procedures also have a beneficial effect on metabolism. The bath also helps to remove toxins and toxins, which also has a positive effect on health. One of the most enjoyable ways to boost your metabolism is to have sex. In addition, sex helps exercise the cardiovascular system, improves sleep and helps burn calories digested at dinner.

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