During the holidays, most of us give up a healthy diet and indulge in fatty foods and desserts full of sugar. Such a caloric bomb effectively lowers the body’s metabolism. How to get it going again? It is worth knowing a few simple rules.
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1/ 9 Physical activity
Movement, especially in the open air, contributes to oxygenation of the brain and strengthening of the body. Physical activity accelerates the intestinal peristalsis and thus the digestion of food. So it’s worth getting up from the table and going for a walk.
2/ 9 More and less
It is worth knowing that for the metabolic rate it is not only what we eat, but also how and when we eat. Meals should be eaten more or less at the same time. It is also important that the portions are smaller, but eaten more often. Ideally, the intervals between meals should be about 3-4 hours.
3/ 9 Physical activity
In order to accelerate the metabolic rate, it is extremely important to take up regular physical activity. If we want to lose a few unnecessary kilograms, the exercises should last long enough. Exercising less than 45 minutes can be futile because the sugar in the muscles and liver is used up first. Therefore, for fat tissue to burn, physical activity must be longer and more intense. Photo Shuttertsock
4/ 9 Not for a hunger strike
A common mistake made to speed up the metabolic process is starvation. Such practices lead to opposite outcomes. As a result, metabolism is slowed down as part of the body’s natural reaction to the reduced amount of energy supplied with food. The rule is simple, the stricter the diet, the greater the decrease in the metabolic rate. In addition, after the end of fasting, intense weight gain may occur as part of the yo-yo effect. Photo Shuttertsock
5/ 9 Stop frequent diets
In the case of frequent use of various types of diets in order to accelerate the metabolic rate, the effect is similar to that of fasting, i.e. counterproductive. Burning unnecessary kilograms will be slower this time. Photo Shuttertsock
6/ 9 Water
It is extremely important to provide your body with the right amount of water each day. Dehydration slows down your metabolism and also slows down the burning of calories. It is a good habit to drink a glass of water before meals. You should also remember to drink water while exercising. Photo Shuttertsock
7/ 9 More protein
A diet rich in protein is an important element in order to accelerate the metabolic rate. Wholesome proteins taken with food even contribute to a dozen or so percent increase in metabolism. Let’s also not forget that protein plays a very important role in building muscle tissue, and at the same time does not make you fat. Photo Shuttertsock
8/ 9 Fats
It is worth taking care to limit saturated fats in your meals, the main source of which are fats of animal origin. However, unsaturated fats should be introduced into the diet. The best sources of them are, among others olive oil, flax seeds, nuts and fish rich in polyunsaturated fats. You should also remember to provide fiber, which is present in fruit, vegetables, and coarse-grained groats or bran. You should limit the consumption of sweets. Photo Shuttertsock
9/ 9 Spices
In efforts to accelerate the metabolic rate, spices or herbs can help us. In all their diversity, you can find those that improve digestion, while having a positive effect on metabolism. Therefore, it is worth ensuring that the meals are enriched with cinnamon, ginger, as well as oregano, basil or tarragon. Photo Shuttertsock