Metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X): complementary approaches

Metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X): complementary approaches

The reduction of the various indicators of metabolic syndrome thanks to healthy lifestyles remains the preferred approach. Consult the sections Complementary approaches of our fact sheets on hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, heart problems and stroke for more information.


Blueberries (blueberries) and strawberries. According to an American study of 48 obese adults with metabolic syndrome, consume 50 g of freeze-dried blueberries (the equivalent of about 350 g of fresh blueberries) led to a reduction in blood pressure (by 6%) and bad or LDL cholesterol (by 28%), a much greater effect than that of placebo12. The study lasted 8 weeks. These results could be explained by the high content of antioxidants blueberries (or blueberries).

In another study, the same team of researchers tested the effect of consuming strawberries (50 g of freeze-dried strawberries per day, the equivalent of about 3 cups of fresh strawberries)13. This time, a reduction in bad cholesterol and total cholesterol levels was noted.

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