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Metabolic Syndrome is a series of interrelated elements that can increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. Your waistline is just a memory? Have your cholesterol levels gone up significantly lately? Check if the problem of metabolic syndrome also applies to you.
The metabolic syndrome has been hailed by doctors as an epidemic of the XNUMXst century. It is estimated that in Poland this problem affects every fifth person. Why is it so serious? Because it systematically and insidiously destroys the body.
Metabolic syndrome – what does it mean?
Currently, in developed countries, heart and blood vessel disease takes the biggest toll in terms of deaths. It turned out that one of the most serious risk factors for these diseases is the metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is a series of abnormalities of various parameters that together – like pieces of a puzzle – make up this disease. In order to be able to diagnose Metabolic Syndrome, the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation must be met:
- abdominal obesity (waist circumference equal to or greater than 80 cm in women or 94 cm in men)
together with at least two of the following:
- blood triglyceride levels equal to or greater than 150 mg / dL (or treatment of raised triglyceride levels)
- concentration of the so-called good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood – in women
- blood pressure equal to or greater than 130/85 mm Hg (or treatment of high blood pressure),
- fasting blood glucose levels equal to or greater than 100 mg / dl (or treating type 2 diabetes mellitus).
Metabolic syndrome and obesity
Being overweight is always bad for your health. The most dangerous, however, is abdominal obesity (or central obesity). It occurs when adipose tissue accumulates around the waist. It should be remembered that fat accumulates not only under the skin (which is visible as folds), but also – more importantly – in the organs located in the abdominal cavity and in the arteries. For years, scientists have been trying to explain what is the reason for the rapid increase in the number of people meeting the diagnostic criteria of metabolic syndrome, which has been recorded in recent years. One of the hypotheses goes back to the era of primitive man living in a cave. He lived according to the pattern: full – hungry. In the period of satiety, he could eat enough – accumulated fat, which he used in the period of hunger. It kept him slim. The modern human body is kept in a state of permanent satiety. We constantly accumulate adipose tissue because this is how our body is programmed. However, we rarely have the opportunity to burn all this stock.
Metabolic syndrome is a serious problem – mainly in developed countries, where a large proportion of people lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is usually more common in women than in men. Its incidence increases with age.
Metabolic syndrome – complications
Can metabolic syndrome be life-threatening? Yes! If not treated properly, it increases the risk of serious complications (heart attack, stroke) and even death!
Read also: Obesity
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