Messicano Alteño (Messicano Alteno)

Tequila “Messicano Alteno” is that rare case when non-compliance with standards is only welcome. According to Mexican law, Silver and Gold tequila varieties must contain at least 51% blue agave alcohol. However, the content of such alcohol in Messicano Alteño Silver and Gold is 100%.

Due to its 40% ABV, somewhat pungent flavor and rich peppery aftertaste, Messicano Alteño is considered a “masculine” drink. In Mexico, it is even advertised as “tequila for real machos.” Mexican bartenders recommend that ladies who still want to take a chance and try it, start with Messicano Alteño Gold: it is softer. Especially good is Messicano Alteño with ice and apricot juice (for those who are not afraid of “extra” degrees – with apricot liqueur).

Types of tequila Messicano Alteno

Finos de Agave produces two varieties of Messicano Alteño tequila with a strength of 40%:

Messicano Alteño Silver is a young, colorless tequila made from 100% blue agave alcohol. It smells of agave and freshly cut grass, has an invigorating, sharp, slightly oily taste with a long peppery aftertaste;

Messicano Alteño Gold is a Silver tequila with cane sugar syrup. As a result, the drink acquires a golden color and a softer, sweetish caramel taste.

Messicano Alteño (Messicano Alteno)

Historical reference. Blue agave ripens slowly, over 8-10 years, to produce 1 liter of tequila, at least 7 kilograms of pulp is needed. At the same time, a kilogram of agave pulp costs more than one US dollar. In the 90s of the XX century, the production and smuggling of fake tequila literally flourished: it was almost more profitable than drug production.

In 1996, several Mexican businessmen pooled their capital and created Productos Finos De Agave. According to the head of the company, Senor Ricardo López, its goal is “to produce world-class products from agave that would promote national traditions and culture.” Since then and until today, all tequila produced by this company does not contain any other spirits except agave.

The company has made significant progress over the past 20 years. It produces several brands of tequila, the total production is 6 million liters per year.

Messicano Alteño first went on sale in 2009. The name of the drink is explained simply: the plantations owned by the company are located in the Los Altos mountain valley, where the best blue agave in Mexico grows on red volcanic soils. The Productos Finos De Agave distillery is located in the ancient town of Jesus Maria, built by the conquistadors, in the state of Jalisco. For a good purification, Messicano Alteño tequila is distilled twice in stainless steel pot stills.

For some time now, American actor George Clooney has frequented the distillery. He does not hide his commitment to tequila, which is made here. True, Mr. Clooney believes that Messicano Alteño is a drink too strong, designed for an amateur. Since 2013, the actor has been collaborating with Productos Finos De Agave and funding a project to create his own brand of tequila.

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