High intelligence is a gift and a curse at the same time. Smart people adapt better to circumstances, it is easier for them to control themselves, empathy is inherent in them, they are inquisitive. It is more fun with smart people, because the higher the intelligence, the finer the humor. But, as it turned out, they are united by characteristic shortcomings.
As a child, did you have to react with irritation if your parents asked you to clean the room, sent you to bed too early, or scolded you for swearing? There is an explanation for your behavior. According to research, this may be a sign of high intelligence.
Smart people love to swear
We often hear that people who are not averse to swearing have a limited vocabulary. Think how much poorer the vocabulary of those who speak decently. They deliberately use fewer words in speech. Research dispels the myth of limited vocabulary. It turned out that those who can list the maximum number of swear words in a minute do better on an IQ test. A rich supply of swear words speaks of a developed skill in rhetoric, which those who hide a poor vocabulary behind decency do not have.
Among them, “owls” are more common.
Like to stay up late? Another sign of a developed intellect. One study found that most night owls have high IQs. These include, for example, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Keith Richards and Elvis Presley. They all loved to create at night. If you prefer to stay up late, you’re in great company.
Chaos on the table may indicate a high IQ
If there is a mess around you, there is good news for you. A University of Minnesota study claims that many geniuses had desktop clutter. Are you wasting your time cleaning and tidying up? Maybe your thoughts are on more important things.
According to research, chaos sets you up for creativity. Researcher and scientist Kathleen Vos believes that clutter inspires the search for freedom from dogma, and this can spur fresh ideas. Perfect cleanliness forces you to stick to the rules and encourages you to be more careful.
Well, do you fit all the criteria? Congratulations, foul-mouthed and mess-prone owls, today is your day.