
Brave Little Memuli is the literary debut of Finnish artist Mervi Lindman. Her funny and cozy drawings, which so well convey the warm family atmosphere and at the same time the defenselessness of a small child, are known to Russian readers from the book “How I Came into the World” and stories about the girl Siri (Open World, 2008, 2007).

Brave Little Memuli is the literary debut of Finnish artist Mervi Lindman. Her funny and cozy drawings, which so well convey the warm family atmosphere and at the same time the defenselessness of a small child, are known to Russian readers from the book “How I Came into the World” and stories about the girl Siri (Open World, 2008, 2007). «Baby Memuli» the artist wrote herself. The fears faced by a little girl are spoken of in a gentle way, with that little bit of humor that does not turn into a mockery and will not offend the baby. Memuli really wants to be brave, but so far she has not succeeded. Especially at night, because she’s scared in a dark room and can’t reach the light switch. But the mother comes in time to reassure her daughter and reveals a secret to her: the brave is the one who is not afraid to say that he is afraid.

Open World, 32 p.

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