Merengue roll: a step-by-step recipe with a photo
How to make a delicate, simple and popular dessert.
This incredibly tasty roll with a crumbly crust and light custard will be both a perfect end to a festive dinner and a pleasant continuation of everyday tea drinking. In any case, the hostess will hear a lot of compliments in her address.
Do you think making a meringue roll is difficult? Not at all.
Making a meringue roll is easy if you know a few secrets
What is meringue
The beautiful word “meringue” is called an airy cream of proteins whipped with sugar. Like everything beautiful, the meringue came out by accident. Gasparini, a Swiss confectioner of Italian origin, experimented with the remaining sugar and proteins after preparing the dishes for the banquet. Pondering what to do with them, he accidentally whipped the mass so that it turned into a tight foam, which Gasparini put into the oven. So it turned out to be a delicious and beloved delicacy by many.
So, a step-by-step recipe for making a meringue roll at home.
Cooking cream
In order to prepare the cream, we need the following ingredients:
3 yolks from large eggs
60 g icing sugar or sugar
150 grams of milk
10 g of corn starch
5 g of vanilla sugar
25 g butter
170 g of unleavened cottage cheese (can be replaced with cream or curd cheese).
By adding each new ingredient or combining two masses into one, mix everything well.
How to make a meringue roll
Pour the yolks into a glass bowl, add sugar (powdered sugar) and grind. Important! The sugar must dissolve completely.
Add ¾ milk norms to the yolks.
Pour the starch into the remaining milk. Important! Stir until the starch dissolves.
Combine milk with starch and yolks.
We put the resulting mass on the stove.
When the mass begins to boil, we reduce the fire. Important! Cook over low heat for about a minute, stirring constantly.
Remove the cream from heat and add vanilla sugar to it.
Put butter in hot cream.
Cool the cream to room temperature and put it in a bowl, which we put in the refrigerator.
Cooking meringue
To prepare the meringue, take:
protein from 3 large eggs,
120 g sugar or powdered sugar
5 g vanilla sugar
a pinch of citric acid (can be replaced with lemon juice – 1 tsp),
15 g of corn starch.
When starting to cook the meringue, turn on the oven in advance so that it heats up to 160 degrees.
Pour the proteins into a clean dish.
Add powdered sugar (sugar), vanilla sugar and citric acid.
Beat the whites until firm peaks.
Add starch and mix gently from bottom to top with a wooden spatula.
We spread the prepared mass on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
We put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Cover the table with baking paper and shift the finished meringue upside down and leave to cool.
We take out the bowl with the cooled cream from the refrigerator and beat until fluffy, gradually adding cottage cheese or cheese.
We spread the resulting mass on the cooled meringue and level it.
Now we carefully begin to fold the meringue, leveling the sides with cream. Wrap the finished roll in parchment paper and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
Secrets of making meringue roll:
with powdered sugar, the meringue will turn out more tender;
do not use aluminum bowls – they can give the meringue an unpleasant taste and color;
beat the whites at medium speed, when foam begins to appear, increase to maximum;
for baking meringue, take silicone-coated parchment paper;
if the temperature in the oven is above 160-170 degrees, the meringue will cook too quickly and will smell like an omelet;
keep the meringue in the oven for no more than 20 minutes. During this time, the cake will have a crispy crust, but inside it will remain soft. If you overexpose the meringue, it will not curl up into a roll, but break;
if the parchment paper is easily separated from the meringue, then it is ready.
Meringue roll fillings
To make the dessert to your liking, before rolling the roll, place chopped nuts (walnuts, pistachios), almonds or coconut flakes, berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pitted cherries), fruits (mangoes, bananas, kiwi). Add sour cream, cream or yogurt to the cream.