🙂 Welcome new and regular readers! To correspond to the high rank of Human, one must have such qualities as mercy and compassion.
There are two understandings of the word “person”:
- Man is a biological species, a representative of the order of mammals.
- Man is a being with will, reason, higher feelings and verbal speech. It is our feelings that make us human.
What is mercy
Mercy is directly related to the concept of compassion. It is the willingness of a person to provide help out of compassion for any creature and at the same time not ask for anything in return.
What is compassion? The answer lies in the very word “co-suffering” – joint suffering, acceptance of someone else’s grief and the subsequent desire to help. It is a willingness to feel and accept the pain of another person, physical or mental. This is humanity, pity, sympathy.
As you can see, there is almost no difference between these two concepts. One word is synonymous with another.
Empress and Princess Romanovs
Sisters of Mercy
In the photo there are sisters of mercy Romanov. Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna are sitting, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna is standing.
In 1617, in France, the priest Vincent Paul organized the first community of mercy. Paul first proposed the phrase “sister of mercy.” He pointed out that the community should be composed of widows and maidens. They do not have to be nuns and do not have to take any permanent vows.
By the middle of the XIX century. in Western Europe there were already about 16 thousand sisters of mercy.
Mother Teresa is a prime example. She devoted her whole life to the poor and sick, and sought to build schools and clinics. In 2016, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was canonized in the Roman Catholic Church.
People without compassion
In the world, more and more people live as egoists, doing only those things that are beneficial to them. They forget about helpless old people and defenseless animals. Lack of compassion breeds indifference and cruelty.
A photo that is scary to look at, but it is done by a person! For what?
The number of bullying of smaller brothers, extermination of homeless animals is growing. The fur business is put on stream – raising cute fur animals for slaughter. Animals are innocent that God gave them fur coats to protect them from the cold.
There is a rampant deception, fraud, profit, corruption, violence and cruelty. Women perform abortions, leave babies born in maternity hospitals or in garbage containers. Not finding the compassion of others and a way out of a problematic life situation, people come to suicide.
How to develop compassion
- reading spiritual literature. The more spiritually rich a person is, the more easily he shows compassion to others;
- charity. By participating in charity events, each of us develops the ability to empathize;
- volunteering. People at the call of the heart helping the weak, the infirm, the elderly, orphans, defenseless animals;
- interest and attentiveness to people. Being considerate, showing a sincere interest in the people around him;
- military actions. The ability to see in the soldiers of the enemy not only enemies, but also people;
- way of thinking. By practicing a conscious refusal to judge anyone, people learn to be merciful.
Dear reader, of course, the whole world cannot be changed. Alas, inhumanity and selfishness will exist. But everyone can change themselves. Remain Human in any situation. Be humane, empathetic, and don’t ask for anything in return.
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