Mercasa’s new food guide

Mercasa’s new food guide

A new edition of the Food in Spain, Production, Industry, Distribution and Consumption Report, corresponding to 2017, carried out by Mercasa is now available.

This report, which Mercasa has been preparing annually since 1998, contributes to a better understanding of the Spanish food situation, for which the information is organized as a quick reference manual, with a double aspect of analysis: by sectors and by Communities Autonomous; as well as a general introduction with basic data on the food chain.

Food in Spain 2017 brings together all the available and most up-to-date statistical and documentary information on food production, industry, distribution and consumption in Spain, using in each case the most recognized and reliable statistical sources, public or private.

Mercasa is a public company of the State Administration, whose shareholders are the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment, through the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA).

The Food Guide of 2017

Inside the guide we can see different sector reports grouped into four large blocks.

  • Presentations, where personalities from the sector and institutions give input to this new edition providing opinion.
  • Basic data, of the different macro and microeconomic spheres, as well as foreign trade and the food industry.
  • Sectors, where the products are the main exponent, cereals, legumes, fish, meats, dairy products, fruits, etc … up to the latest and innovative prepared products,
  • Autonomous Communities, with a shelling of their productive activity one by one.

An interesting guide, which, as in previous editions of the Food in Spain Report, puts us in the spotlight on how the productive activity analyzed from different levels and places has evolved over the past year.

We leave you here a link to the download of the guide in its pdf version so that you can analyze it carefully from your computer without having an active connection to the internet or share it through email

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