The third phase of the Dukan diet is called “fixing” or “consolidation”. A person who has entered this stage has already achieved weight loss to the desired mark. The main goal of the third phase is to fix the results, that is, it is necessary to make sure that the achieved weight remains stable on an ongoing basis.
The menu becomes more varied compared to the previous two phases. Products can be used with more calories, but the general nutritional rules provided for by the Dukan weight loss program are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the lost weight will come back.
Duration of phase 3 “fixing”
To determine the duration of the “fixing” phase, it is necessary to make simple calculations. To do this, you need to multiply the number of lost kilograms by 10. For example: a person has lost 8 kg, so 8 * 10 = 80. This means that the third phase should last 80 days. Moreover, the first 40 days will need to adhere to one menu, and the next 40 days – a different diet.
The principle of the “fixing” phase
The “fixation” phase is divided into two stages equal in number of days.
To get the desired effect, you must adhere to the following rules:
You can eat 1 serving of fruit per day. Bananas, cherries and grapes are banned.
For the day you need to eat exactly 2 slices of bread made from whole grain flour.
Cheese is allowed, but not more than 40 g per day. You need to choose hard cheeses.
In the first half of the “fixing” phase, cereals and pasta are introduced, which can be eaten no more than 1 time per week. When the second half of the “fixing” phase comes, pasta and cereals can be consumed 2 times a week. Serving size – 250 g. Beans, couscous, brown rice, lentils also belong to cereals. Or you can replace them with a serving of potatoes.
In the first half of the “fixing” phase, it is also allowed to eat pork or lamb once a week. In the second half of this phase, such meat dishes can be afforded 1 times a week.
Also, once a week in the first half of the phase, it is allowed to arrange a “holiday”. It involves the use of the main course of meat and cereals, it is also allowed to eat dessert and drink wine (1 glass).
Protein day in the third phase is carried out only once a week.
Every day you need to include bran in the menu – at least 2 tablespoons.
Daily walks are a prerequisite for the third stage. They should be regular and last at least 25 minutes.
It is important to maintain an adequate drinking regimen.
Allowed and prohibited products for phase 3
The “fixation” phase allows you to include in the menu all the same foods that a person ate during the “cruise” phase. However, the third stage of the weight loss program involves an extended menu. Now bread, potatoes and other products that were previously banned may appear on the table.
In the first half of the third phase, 1 serving of starchy foods is rarefied 1 time in 7 days and one festive meal:
Products containing starch. Eat 1 time in 7 days. The portion size should be small and not exceed 220 g. You can cook a dish of lentils, pasta, rice, couscous, bulgur, legumes, peas, potatoes. It is allowed to cook Italian porridge polenta from cornmeal.
Bread. It is permissible to eat 50 g of rye-wheat bread made from whole grain flour per day (no more than 2 pieces).
Cheese. The maximum fat content of cheese should not exceed 20%. The allowable daily amount of cheese per day is 40 g.
Fruit. You can eat any fruit, but in a limited amount – no more than 200 g / day. Bananas, cherries, cherries, dried fruits, grapes remain under the ban. Do not eat more than 1 fruit per day. If they are small, for example, if it was decided to eat an apricot, then 2 fruits per day are allowed.
Cereals. White rice – 125 g / day.
Buckwheat without adding oil – 200 g / day.
Meat products. 1-2 times in 7 days you can eat pork (low-fat part), ham, bacon, lamb.
Festive meal. Dessert can be added to the menu once every 1 days. You can not do this during the protein day. It is allowed to eat a salad with mayonnaise dressing, a cake (a small piece), or some other product that is on the prohibited list.
In the second half of the third phase, two festive meals and two meals containing starch are allowed per week.
Products containing starch. Meals from the menu that is described for the first half of the third phase, but now they can be afforded 2 times a week.
Festive meal. Forbidden foods can be consumed 2 times in 7 days, but it is important that these days do not follow each other. You need to take a break between them.
Other. You can season shirataki noodles with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. You need to drink at least 1500 ml of water per day. Be sure to eat 2 tablespoons of bran throughout the day.
So, the third phase called “fixing” involves eating only protein foods just once a week. The remaining six days you can eat vegetables and fruits.
Menu for 7 days 3 phases
Breakfast – cottage cheese casserole, berry-based sauce, coffee without sugar
Lunch – fish soup, a slice of bread with bran
Lunch – pear
Dinner – vegetable casserole, boiled fish, green tea
Breakfast – oatmeal in milk with 0% fat, coffee
Lunch – pasta, a piece of cheese
Lunch – chicken cutlets, vegetable salad
Dinner – cheesecakes, kefir with bran
Breakfast – ham omelet, bran tortilla, coffee with milk
Lunch – borscht with vegetables, baked chicken breast, charlotte (1 piece), tea
Lunch – berries – 200 g
Dinner – cottage cheese soufflé, low-fat yogurt
Breakfast – cheesecakes, baked apple, green tea
Lunch – soup with beans, pork goulash, vegetable stew, coffee
Lunch — Mimosa salad, baked salmon fillet
Dinner – kefir with the addition of bran
Breakfast – cottage cheese with yogurt, green tea
Lunch – pancakes from bran flour, coffee
Lunch – 2 egg omelet
Dinner – fish baked in the oven, any warm drink
Breakfast – boiled rice, steamed chicken cutlet, cocoa
Lunch – borscht, squash fritters, tea
Lunch – seafood salad, kefir with bran
Dinner – soufflé with lemon zest, herbal tea
Breakfast – cheesecakes with berry sauce, coffee
Lunch – chicken broth, boiled egg, a slice of bread, any warm drink
Lunch – mushroom soup
Dinner – bran yogurt
Why is phase 3 “fixing” so important?
The “consolidation” phase is very important in order to fix the results. It keeps you from gaining weight again. The body makes fat reserves in order to use them in case of insufficient energy intake. When the calorie content of the diet is cut, a series of chemical reactions are triggered. As a result, the feeling of hunger increases, the rate of cellular reactions slows down, the weight stops, the body goes into a state of rest.
People who followed the Dukan diet claim that after completing the weight loss program, they were able to consume 10% more food, but the body absorbed only the right amount of calories. However, this is not the case for every person. Some people who lost weight according to the Dukan method claim that after the completion of the second phase, appetite increases significantly, they want to eat sweet foods, and the body begins to accumulate adipose tissue.
The third phase is necessary precisely in order to control such undesirable consequences. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will quickly return back. The duration of the third phase is explained by the fact that the correct eating habits need to be fixed.
It should be understood that the kilograms lost during the weight loss program are the result of the fact that the body was starving. He could not provide himself with fat reserves. Therefore, the cells are waiting for when they will again receive calories in order to send them “to fat” again. It may even happen that any eaten fruit will be deposited precisely in fat reserves. Therefore, the weight will begin to increase, and the fluid, as before, will accumulate in the cells.
Pierre Dukan suggests getting rid of such unnecessary kilograms with one protein day a week. Weight due to this will stop or decline. That is why the third phase of the Dukan diet is so important.