“Attack” is the first phase of four in the Dukan diet. It is the shortest in time and at the same time the most effective in terms of getting rid of excess weight. In the remaining phases, the process of losing weight will be less intense.
Duration of the “attack” phase
The “attack” phase is characterized by maximum weight loss. This is possible due to the fact that a person consumes mainly foods containing protein. Weight not only does not increase, but also begins to decrease. Cells do not receive carbohydrates, but they need energy. Her body takes from fat reserves, as a result, extra pounds go away.
Depending on what the ultimate goal is (how many kilograms a person wants to lose), the duration of the “attack” phase will depend:
In two days you can get rid of 5 kg.
In three days, you can lose 5-8 kg.
In four or five days, you can get rid of 8-10 kg.
In a week or more, you can lose 10 kg.
Nevertheless, no matter what result a person strives for, losing weight in the “attack” phase for longer than 7 days is strictly prohibited. If you neglect this recommendation, then the body will stop losing weight, and then begin to gain it again.
Principle of the “attack” phase
The “attack” phase is short in time, but it requires compliance with fairly strict rules. If overweight exceeds 20 kg, then the stage can stretch for 3-5 days. When the excess weight is 30 kg, then the “attack” can continue for the maximum allowed time – 7 days. The average weight loss will be 5-8 kg.
You can eat only foods rich in protein. Carbohydrate dishes on the menu are reduced as much as possible, sugar is completely abandoned. The body is under stress, the metabolism accelerates. At the same time, the calorie content of the menu is reduced, since it will not be possible to eat a lot of protein foods. After all, this food is quite nutritious.
It is very important to drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters of fluid must be consumed per day. Otherwise, you can bring your body to dehydration.
Portions during the “attack” are not limited in size. Eating is allowed throughout the day. Therefore, a person will not experience hunger. This is what the Dukan diet attracts most people who want to lose weight.
If you need to speed up the process of losing weight, you need to play sports. You can start with short walks in the fresh air. At the same time, you should not walk slowly, you need to walk quite intensively.
Allowed products for “attack”
In order to prepare dishes during the “attack” phase, you can use the following products:
Any parts of beef, except rib meat and entrecote.
Horse and veal.
Poultry meat without skin. You can choose only low-fat varieties of poultry.
Rabbit meat.
Ham. Its fat content should be limited to 2-4%.
Smoked fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 10%.
Fresh fish, any canned fish in its own juice.
Crab sticks.
Eggs. The method of their preparation does not matter, the main thing is not to add oil during the heat treatment.
All low fat dairy products.
Broths fish, mushroom, meat. Vegetables, fats and cereals are not added to broths.
You can use dishes prepared on the basis of the listed products in any quantities and at any time. In addition to water, you can drink coffee, herbal tea, chicory, sparkling water, if it is marked “light”.
Bran, sugar substitutes, garlic, lemon, and seasonings such as dill, parsley, and cumin can be added during cooking.
Also, Pierre Ducane allows you to season dishes with vinegar and mustard, add onions to them to add flavor, but in small quantities. If you just change your menu a little, then you will not be able to lose weight. The “attack” phase must be strictly observed. You can stop losing weight even if a person seasons dishes with ketchup or mayonnaise. Although at first glance, these additives seem absolutely “harmless”.
It is allowed to eat low-fat milk-based desserts. Moreover, their volumes are not limited. However, yogurts that contain even small pieces of fruit should be discarded.
Prohibited products for “attack”
In the “attack” phase, products such as:
Lamb, pork.
All flour products.
All sweets.
Any ketchups and sauces.
Do not add oil during cooking. The ban applies to both butter and vegetable oil. Red fish is the only source of fat in the “attack” phase.
In the first phase of the Dukan diet, alcohol will be banned (in the future, you can use it). The fact is that alcoholic beverages often contain quite a lot of sugar. Therefore, if you strictly follow the menu, but drink alcohol, the effect will not be achieved. Even if you take alcohol, in which there is no sugar at all, this will negatively affect the metabolism. As a result, the weight will remain at the same level.
Menu for the week for the “attack” phase
To facilitate the process of getting used to protein foods, you can use a ready-made menu for a week.
| Breakfast | Dinner | Afternoon snack | Dinner |
Monday | Ham, eggs (2 pcs.), coffee | Soup based on any white fish | Cottage cheese with cinnamon, kefir | Turkey meatballs, soy milk cheese |
Tuesday | Tortillas (according to Dukan), red fish | Grilled Chicken with Lemon and Parsley Sauce | Yogurt, cottage cheese casserole | Grilled calamari and green tea |
Wednesday | Cheesecakes, yogurt | Baked dorado stuffed with herbs | Cheesecakes with sour cream (0% fat) | White fish in its own juice, rosehip infusion |
Thursday | Omelet cooked without oil, chicken meat | Boiled veal baked with cottage cheese | Bran flatbread prepared according to Dukan with tofu, milk | Braised rabbit, curd-cheese ball with herbs |
Friday | Tofu, pancakes, coffee with milk | Chicken broth, egg, herbs | Yogurt, cottage cheese | Horse Meatballs, Dukan’s Flatbread |
Saturday | Egg, bran bread with ham, tea | Shirataki noodle soup | Yogurt, cottage cheese | Pastrami their turkey fillet |
Sunday | Bran porridge (oatmeal), coffee with milk | Fish soup, greens | Dessert with cottage cheese according to Dukan | Shrimps with cheese sauce, tortilla |