
Menthosept is a drug used in bacterial and fungal stomatitis, gingivitis and pharyngitis, and as a disinfectant for the oral cavity. The active substance of the drug is cetylpyridine, which has a disinfecting, antibacterial and antifungal effect. The preparation is in the form of lozenges and is available without a prescription.

Menthosept (Polfa Łódź SA)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. for suction 0,0015 g (20 tablets) OTC (over-the-counter) cetylpyridinium chloride (cetylpyridinium chloride)


Cetylpyridine in Menthosept is a quaternary ammonium compound with a disinfecting effect.

Menthosept – indications and dosage

Menthosept is a preparation recommended for taking:

  1. in bacterial and fungal stomatitis,
  2. in gingivitis and pharyngitis,
  3. to sanitize the oral cavity.


Menthosept is a lozenge and should be used after or at least 30 minutes before a meal.

  1. Adults and children after the age of 12. Healing – suck 1 tablet. every 1-2 h (up to 8 tablets / day), prophylactically – 2-3 tablets / day
  2. Children 6-12. rż. Healing – suck 1 tablet. every 2-3 hours (up to 6 tablets / day), prophylactically – 1-2 tablets / day

Menthosept – contraindications to use

Contraindications to the use of Menthosept are:

  1. allergy to any ingredient of the preparation,
  2. giving to children up to 6 years of age.

Menthosept – warnings

  1. In the event of: high temperature, headache, nausea or vomiting, a doctor should be consulted (if the symptoms do not disappear after 3 days of using the drug).
  2. The preparation contains sorbitol, so patients with intolerance to certain sugars (fructose) should consult a physician before using the drug.
  3. In the event of an allergic reaction, consult a doctor.
  4. There is no information on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive and use machines.
  5. Consult a doctor before taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, use during this period is not recommended.

Menthosept with other drugs

  1. Do not use Menthosept immediately before or after taking preparations in the form of solutions containing acetylsalicylic acid (the effect may be reduced).
  2. In a strongly acidic environment, the effectiveness of the drug is inhibited, its best effect is in a strongly alkaline environment.

Menthosept – side effects

While taking Menthosept, you may experience:

  1. allergic reactions
  2. transient changes in taste
  3. irritation of the mucosa,
  4. nausea,
  5. vomiting.

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