Mental preparation for childbirth

Mental preparation for childbirth

Stages of preparation for childbirth

This file was produced by Laure Deflandre, psychologist


1ages step : The mother-to-be chooses the maternity unit in which she wishes to give birth

There is no sectorization system in this area. The woman can give birth in the maternity hospital she wants, although there are a few criteria that she must meet, such as:

– geographic proximity depending on where you live

– the deadline for registration at the maternity ward (in general, registration is done on the 5st month of pregnancy)

– the choice between a public hospital or a private clinic

In Quebec, women have different choices regarding the place of childbirth:

– in the hospital, in the delivery room or in the delivery room

– in a birth center

– at home

If the mother-to-be chooses to give birth in the hospital, she can decide to be assisted by a doctor or a midwife.

2st step: The childbirth preparation sessions

Most maternities offer childbirth preparation courses which are a real prevention intended to help future mothers to better live their childbirth, especially when it comes to the first child. Quebec women can take prenatal classes in local community service centers (CLSCs), health and social services centers (CSSS), birthing centers or private centers. 

Methods of preparing for childbirth

Preparation for childbirth allows the mother-to-be to project herself into this day to come, that of childbirth, to question professionals, doctors or midwives, in order to share their questions and their fears with them. It will also be an opportunity to meet other pregnant women and discuss their pregnancy and the approaching childbirth.

Several methods can be offered to expectant mothers, here are the main ones.

All methods of preparing for childbirth are not reimbursed by Social Security, it is necessary to check with your health insurance fund in order to know the terms of coverage. In Quebec, the cost of prenatal classes vary depending on the region and the type of center chosen. If you opt for the courses given in a CSLC or a CSSS, the sessions can be free or have a minimal fee (about $ 20) to cover the expenses related to the brochures, pamphlets and other informative documents that will be given to you. To find out the exact cost, we recommend that you check with the center where you want to take prenatal classes.

The classic method of preparing for childbirth, also called the OPP: “obstetric psychoprophylaxis”

PPO is the most common method in France. It consists of psychologically preparing the pregnant woman so that she has appropriate and favorable reactions to the body during childbirth. From 3st quarter (6st or 7st month of pregnancy), the future mother can benefit from 8 childbirth preparation courses, in general, reimbursed at 100% by Social Security. Classes last from 1h30 to 2h and take place in small groups of women with a fairly close due date.

In Quebec, the most used method to prepare for childbirth is prenatal classes, in groups or in private. The ideal period to start these courses varies depending on the training offered and your expectations. In general, it is recommended to take them from the third semester (26e weeks of pregnancy).

They are divided into 2 parts:

  • A theoretical part. These sessions allow pregnant women to better understand the progress of pregnancy, to know how a childbirth is going and finally, to have useful advice when returning home with the baby. This is an opportunity for women to ask questions and share their anxieties caused by the fear of giving birth. Gradually, thanks to the explanations, the advice given and the links created with other expectant mothers, they will gain self-confidence and better understand the birth of their baby.
  • A practical part : Moms-to-be do muscle and breathing exercises and learn relaxation techniques. They follow a real preparation to be ready when the time comes. Finally, they visit the maternity ward and the delivery room in order to familiarize themselves with the location and the devices present in the delivery room. The future dad can also participate in this visit.

The haptonomie

It is a science of affectivity. It allows future parents to communicate with their baby before birth. This method is popular because it includes the father in the pregnancy.

The word “haptonomy” comes from the Greek ” hapsis / haptein » expressing “the touch, the bond” and ” nomos Which means “the norm, the rule”. This method makes it possible to create, during pregnancy, an exchange between the fetus in utero and its parents, establishing contact through touch and sound.

Indications: The haptonomy sessions start from the 4st or 5st months of pregnancy, when the mother begins to feel the baby moving in her womb, and continues for about 1 year after birth, ending as soon as the baby learns to walk.

A parent-baby link is made thanks to the voice and by the application of the parents’ hands on the mother’s belly. During the lessons, the father also learns the gestures that will relieve the mother during contractions, which can relieve her during childbirth.

Childbirth takes place in a maternity hospital open to the practice of haptonomy, in the presence of the practitioner (often a midwife or a haptotherapist).

Prenatal sophrology

Sophrology is a method of relaxation. She offers to help the mother-to-be to become more aware of her body and its tensions, and thus to better control her childbirth. 

Indications: Sessions generally start at 3st trimester of pregnancy. They can continue after childbirth to prevent the new mother from sinking into a baby blues or to help her overcome her anxieties and fatigue.

Classes are taught by a midwife and take place either in groups or in individual sessions.

Sophrology allows you to work on breathing, letting go, managing contractions and controlling your breath. The midwife makes you feel and visualize the moment of delivery and the baby’s experience during the expulsion. She prepares a positive experience of childbirth for the pregnant woman.


Acupuncture is one of the branches of traditional Chinese medicine. It is chosen by women who want to relieve the ailments felt during pregnancy and to prepare for childbirth.

Indications: According to the World Health Organization (WHO)1, the practice of acupuncture may be indicated to relieve nausea, soothe and relax the pregnant woman. It can also be used during childbirth to induce or reduce the duration of childbirth.

This practice is not recommended for women who cannot stand the needles or who have too much skin sensitivity.

Prenatal singing

Prenatal singing allows both parents to create contact with the baby in utero thanks to vibrations. The exercises practiced during the sessions promote well-being throughout pregnancy.

Indications: Prenatal singing is recommended from the 5thst month of pregnancy, when the baby begins to be receptive to the sounds of his parents’ voice.

The workshops take place in small groups and generally last 1 hours. They are always articulated in a time of awakening, a bodily awareness through massages, a work on the sounds by vocalizations, a time of songs (lullaby), and a sharing of experience concerning the baby to come on childbirth, the place of the father or the carrying of the baby.

Prenatal aquagym

Prenatal aquagym is a gentle sport suitable for pregnant women. It allows better body support and better blood circulation in the lower limbs.

Indications: Pregnant women generally enter classes around the 3rdst or 4st month of pregnancy. The courses can be practiced until the end of the pregnancy because they have no impact on the onset of childbirth.

The aquagym lessons are practiced by a midwife and are done in small groups in a swimming pool heated to 30 degrees. The exercises performed are varied and aim to strengthen muscles, relax joints, relieve heavy legs and reduce blood pressure.

A medical certificate issued by the attending physician or the gynecologist is mandatory to attend aquagym sessions for pregnant women because there are contraindications (skin diseases, infections, hypertension, low blood pressure, etc.)


Yoga allows you to acquire techniques of breathing, relaxation and posture, which facilitate childbirth.

Indications: The sessions can start at the start of pregnancy and generally last 1 hour. If they are performed by a midwife, 8 sessions are 100% reimbursed by Social Security. But they are not covered by the health insurance fund if they are insured by a yoga teacher. In Quebec, the Régie de l’Assurance Maladie does not reimburse prenatal yoga classes. For women who have insurance through their employment, we recommend that you contact the broker responsible for your case. The cost of a session varies from center to center, but is generally between $ 13 and $ 15 per hour.

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