Winnie the Pooh is the epitome of mental health and not the most advanced being.
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«Joy and health to you!» — When people wish their friends joy, they wish them — mental health!
Mental health is an internal state when the soul is open to people and the world, cheerful and joyful, does not suffer from pain and does not suffer from enmity. This is a good mood, cheerfulness and energy, interest in life and an inner feeling of “Good”. A mentally healthy person is adequate, positive and benevolent. He lives in a high emotional tone, he likes a reasonable level of life tension, the life world for him is beautiful and beloved.
Mental health is not happiness itself, but its indispensable prerequisite. Short experiences of happiness are also possible against the background of mental ill health; lasting happiness is possible only for a mentally healthy person.
It should be taken into account that mental health is quite enough for many people, and the experience of happiness is pleasant for them, but nothing more. Like a man, for example, he wants to eat something meaty, and cakes are delicious for him, but rather superfluous.
The opposite of mental health is unstable, low or downright bad mood, ease of falling into negativity and difficulty getting out of negativity. Resentments, fears, irritation, fatigue, inability to endure life’s stress … Low emotional tone, hostility, anger, lack of interest in life, problematic psychosomatics and problematic psychological defenses are signs of weakening mental health. Neurosis and depression are already a clear mental illness, although, perhaps, still within the framework of a healthy psyche.
Young children are usually very mentally healthy. But the man-child, as a rule, is neurotic. A tendency to resentment, accusations, the inability to control one’s feelings and desires are not indicators of mental health.
The importance of mental health should not be underestimated, but should not be overestimated either. The brilliance of the mind, leadership talents, courage and other virtues can either adorn a mentally healthy person or be absent from him. A mentally healthy person is not necessarily a genius and a saint. This may be a soulless person with low intelligence and disgusting manners.
Yes, it could be. But more often good breeding and mental health are interconnected. A mentally healthy person acquires good breeding more easily, good breeding contributes to good mental health↑.
What is the path to mental health?
Mental health can and should be developed. Mental health is promoted by the habit of a healthy lifestyle, the ability to relax, a positive attitude, responsibility without guilt, adulthood and, oddly enough, extroversion. But introversion, especially self-digging, anxious going to doctors and psychotherapists categorically do not add mental health. There is a disturbing sign — the more a person knows about the existence of mental illness and childhood traumas — the more he usually finds them in himself.
Like Jerome-Jerome: “I also realized that my liver was not in order …”
But simple exercises and showers in the morning, early lights out and getting up, good workouts and regular physical activity, a tempered body, the habit of thinking well about people and not reducing life to the navel of the earth to your beloved and to your deep and serious injuries of an unhappy childhood, openness to the world and people, taking care of the people around — they just contribute very much to health.
And who loves more difficult tasks than just earning yourself mental health, a personal life mission