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In life, you need to be able to take a hit.

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Soul resistance is the ability to keep your position, your line and not to retreat, despite fears and threats. A resilient person may be afraid, but has the strength not to give up. Mental fortitude is also the ability not to react to minor troubles and withstand the serious blows of life.

Each of us is mentally vulnerable in one way or another, but we can increase our mental fortitude. If you were hurt mentally, even if you once lost heart, but then quickly got up — you are vulnerable, but you have mental fortitude.

In particular, accustoming yourself to a positive perception of life and readiness for losses, the ability to manage your emotions and the habit of taking responsibility for your condition, moods and feelings.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, during the entire period of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal Zhukov, despite any terrible loads, tragedies and losses, was never upset. Collected and responsible people who know that they have no right to be depressed do not get depressed. Is it about you?

Mental stability is an important component of mental stability. See Developing mental stability

How to develop mental fortitude?

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