Mental count within 10

During preparation for school and in primary school, it is very important for a child to learn how to add and subtract numbers correctly, which is impossible without oral counting skills. So, let’s see how you can quickly and easily learn to count to 10.


Count within 10

First of all, you need to learn the composition of all numbers. This can be done in a playful way, with the help of a ball, clapping, etc. Speaking out loud will also help speed up memorization.

It can be difficult for a child to absorb all the information at once, so the learning process can be divided into two or more lessons, for example, counting from 1 to 5 and from 6 to 10.

Numbers from 1 to 5

» data-order=»Mental count within 10«>Mental count within 10Mental count within 10
«>Mental count within 10Mental count within 10«>Mental count within 10Mental count within 10«>Mental count within 10Mental count within 10

Now you can give examples using the learned numbers. Do not forget to pronounce them in order to remember the information faster.

  • 1 + 2 = 3 (one and two are three);
  • 2 + 2 = 4 (two and two are four).

Examples can be not only for addition, but also for subtraction:

  • 5 – 2 = 3 (five is two and three)
  • 4 – 3 = 1 (four is three and one).

Note: write down all possible examples in a column and give them to the child to solve until he can cope with them quickly and accurately. You can also arrange a speed competition between several children, which will make the learning process more exciting.

Numbers from 6 to 10

Similarly, we learn the remaining numbers – up to 10.

4 + 3

3 + 4

2 + 5

1 + 6″ data-order=»6 + 1

5 + 2

4 + 3

3 + 4

2 + 5

1 + 6″>6 + 1

5 + 2

4 + 3

3 + 4

2 + 5

1 + 6

5 + 3

4 + 4

3 + 5

2 + 6

1 + 7″ data-order=»7 + 1

6 + 2

5 + 3

4 + 4

3 + 5

2 + 6

1 + 7″>7 + 1

6 + 2

5 + 3

4 + 4

3 + 5

2 + 6

1 + 7

6 + 3

5 + 4

4 + 5

3 + 6

2 + 7

1 + 8″ data-order=»8 + 1

7 + 2

6 + 3

5 + 4

4 + 5

3 + 6

2 + 7

1 + 8″>8 + 1

7 + 2

6 + 3

5 + 4

4 + 5

3 + 6

2 + 7

1 + 8

7 + 3

6 + 4

5 + 5

4 + 6

3 + 7

2 + 8

1 + 9″ data-order=»9 + 1

8 + 2

7 + 3

6 + 4

5 + 5

4 + 6

3 + 7

2 + 8

1 + 9″>9 + 1

8 + 2

7 + 3

6 + 4

5 + 5

4 + 6

3 + 7

2 + 8

1 + 9

NumberWhat it consists ofClarification
678910 Written by the authoradminWritten in10000

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