Menstruation – what do we know about it?

Menstruation is an inseparable element of femininity. The arrival of the first menstruation is a very important event in the life of every young woman and will continue until menopause, or menopause. However, there are many myths around the topic of menstruation.

Menstruation it is also called period, menstruation or period. It should appear regularly every month, but it depends on many factors. The cycle may repeat every 25-35 days, controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hypothalamus produces hormones which, by acting on the pituitary gland, cause it to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) acts on the Graaf follicle, causing it to grow and mature. This process takes approximately two weeks. At the same time, the ovaries secrete estrogen which thickens the lining of the womb. It is a preparation for possible implantation of a fertilized egg.

A mature Graaf follicle ruptures, usually one egg is released from it and, thanks to the cilia present in the fallopian tube, it passes from the ovary to the uterus. The luteinizing hormone is designed to transform the Graaf follicle into the so-called corpus luteum – a secretory active gland. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone. This hormone is designed to increase the thickness of the uterine mucosa to facilitate implantation of the embryo. When fertilization has not taken place, the uterine mucosa exfoliates and the blood vessels burst. This leads to the excretion of exfoliated uterine epithelium with blood. This is the process menstruation.

Very often the moment one menstruation is genetically determined. However, it depends on many factorssuch as, for example, body weight, the use of slimming diets or intense exercise. Then the moment of getting the first one menstruation may shift.

Usually menarche (i.e. the first period) appears in girls between 11 and 15 years of age. However, if it does not appear before the age of 16, consult a gynecologist as it is missing menstruation may have a pathological background. In turn, the appearance of the first menstruation before the age of 9, it can also mean problems – usually related to precocious puberty. This condition also requires consultation with a gynecologist.

The correct cycle should be within 25-35 days, of which 3-7 days is monthly bleeding. Deviations from these norms may indicate disease states and hormonal problems.

Woman during menstruation it loses about 50-200 ml of blood. Remember, however, that the exfoliated uterine epithelium and mucus are excreted along with the blood. Plentiful menstruation may indicate disease states – ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, neoplasms of the genital tract and should not be underestimated. Take care of your body with the dietary supplement Yarrow Premium ™ – support during menstruation, which will help soothe unpleasant ailments that occur during menstruation.

Hygiene items used during menstruation should be adapted to your needs. An interesting alternative to disposable tampons and pads are pads and reusable pads. They are ideal for skin prone to irritation and allergies. They come in a variety of sizes and colors. At you can order, for example, Loffme inserts and sanitary napkins. However, if you prefer more traditional hygiene products, buy the Long Vuokkoset Biodegradable Sanitary Napkins with Flaps, which are more eco-friendly than regular sanitary napkins, but disposable nonetheless.

The hygienic and convenient menstrual cups, which you can also find on Medonet Market, are also great, such as the Perfect Cup – a set of menstrual cups in two sizes or the FunCup – a set of menstrual cups in two sizes.


The menopause is the point where the last one has occurred menstruation half a year has passed. It falls between the ages of 45 and 55. The secretory functions of the ovaries decrease, menstruation they become irregular and eventually disappear completely.

For the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, use MenoHerbs Menopause – a herbal mixture that contains herbs that improve the overall condition of the body – both physical and mental.

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