Menstrual disorders – it does not have to be a symptom of menopause

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Menstrual disorders are one of the common symptoms of entering the menopause period. But instead of going over it and blaming “nature”, it’s better to see if there’s a much more serious illness behind it.

Night sweats, hot flushes and sweating, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness. There are also menstrual disorders – both in terms of their regularity and abundance. Do you know these symptoms, Lord? Yes, these are the hallmarks of menopause. Of course, they do not necessarily apply to all women, but let’s face it – most women between 45 and 60 years of age. she has, has, or will have to do with them.

The turning point is generally the fourth decade of life. It is then that we can observe the first changes taking place in our body. One of such signals resulting from the weakening of the ovarian hormonal function are menstrual disorders. It is at this time that our so far regulated cycle may unexpectedly be significantly lengthened or shortened. So there are women in the premenopausal phase (because this is how the time is professionally defined), menstruation occurs every 3 weeks, while in others it is the other way around – the interval between consecutive menstruation reaches 40 or even 60 days. But that doesn’t have to become the rule. It happens that after some time the cycle returns to its normal length, only to lengthen or shorten again after some time.

The menstruation itself may also be different from the current one. The periods become heavier or, on the contrary, sparse, and the bleeding does not stop in a few days as it used to be, but lasts for 10, 12 or even 14 days. The tendency is (though this is also hardly a rule) that menstruation is either long and scanty or short and extremely heavy.

Hormones have a great influence on menstruation and its course, so in the event of any irregularities, it is worth performing an e-package of hormonal tests for women.

Between the norm and the deviation

Any such deviation from the “current standard” is a natural sign of entering the menopause period. The reasons for this state of affairs are the gradual reduction of hormone production by the ovaries. As a consequence, this results in less frequent ovulation cycles, which of course reduces a woman’s fertility.

Menopause is one thing – many symptoms that appear can be explained by entering this phase of life. On the other hand, the awareness of the approaching menopause or its going through should not lull our vigilance. Although irregular cycles, very heavy or scanty periods or their absence for a long time are part of the set of symptoms that herald menopause, they can also indicate a number of serious diseases that we must not underestimate in any way.

Hence, let’s not forget to visit the gynecologist regularly (at least once a year) and undergo the necessary examinations. Neither age (“what do I need a gynecologist at this age for?”) Or the lack of significant ailments (“after all, nothing hurts there!”) Releases us from this obligation. If we notice any symptom that raises our concern, do not ignore it and go to the gynecologist for a check-up as soon as possible.

  1. In the case of menstrual disorders, yarrow herb, which you can drink as a tea, has a positive effect on the body. We also recommend Niepokalanek + for the regulation of the menstrual cycle in the form of capsules.

Report any irregularities in menstruation to the gynecologist. If you do not have the option of a stationary visit to the clinic, you can choose the option of online consultation. Register and you will receive an e-Appointment with an e-Prescription without leaving your home.

Menstrual turmoil

For a woman in her XNUMXs, the absence of menstruation for a month or two may be a signal of approaching menopause. But not only. Let’s not forget that the most common reason for the cessation of menstruation is … pregnancy. It is true that some ladies are able to exclude this possibility out of hand, but in some cases, despite their great surprise, it may happen. However, if this issue is clarified (no pregnancy) and confirmed by a test or gynecological examination, there are other potential reasons for the suspension of menstruation.

First, it may be caused by stress, whether chronic or severe, that affects the activity of the hypothalamus, the main regulator of the endocrine system. Secondly – a sharp decrease in body weight, e.g. as a result of a very restrictive diet. Third – hormonal disorders. The mutual relations between the hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries influence the cyclical changes in the endometrium. Diseases of the thyroid gland (its hyper- or under-activity) can also have a significant impact here. Ovulation dysfunction is also caused by diseases of the reproductive organs, e.g. ovarian cysts, benign or malignant tumors, inflammation as well as chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, depression and also acute diseases such as severe flu. It is similar with some medications, incl. antidepressants, hormonal drugs, steroids or chemotherapeutic drugs. Last but not least, a halt in menstruation can also be caused by intense exercise and travel.

Supplements that eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as irritability, mood swings or hot flashes may prove to be a support during menopause. They include, among others linseed or Chinese lemon. You can also use Yarrow Premium ™ – support during menstruation, which, apart from yarrow, includes chaste and sage.

But that’s not all. Another abnormality may be bleeding that occurs between menstruation. Although in the perimenopausal phase, as a result of hormonal changes, it is a common ailment, it should not be ignored, because it can also be a symptom of serious diseases – uterine fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts, erosions, as well as malignant tumors of the ovaries and cervix the uterus or the uterus itself. In order to increase the chances of successful completion of the therapy, the problem should be reported to the gynecologist as soon as possible. Hormonal treatment, and sometimes even surgery, may be necessary.

When the problem is in quantity

The amount of blood a woman loses during menstruation is just as important information. In the case of scanty bleeding, resembling spotting rather than menstruation, we may be dealing with hormonal disorders – ovarian failure or low estrogen levels. In the latter case, it may result from entering the menopause, but it may also be the result of a sharp change in body weight, obesity or, on the contrary, anorexia. The same symptoms may also be caused by changes in the uterus caused by inflammation (scars are formed on the endometrium that prevent it from exfoliating), operations or curettage procedures in the uterine cavity. Systemic diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, can also play a role.

In order to determine the real cause of scanty menstruation, you should report the problem to a gynecologist who, after an interview, will perform or refer you to appropriate tests. Only when he knows the cause, he will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment.

On the other hand, intense menstrual bleeding is itself a serious threat to the proper functioning of a woman’s body. There is then a significant loss of blood, which in turn can lead to anemia. And it doesn’t have to be related to the onset of menopause at all. One of the most common causes of heavy periods in women over 45 years of age are uterine fibroids. These benign neoplastic growths, although they usually affect women of childbearing age, can also be felt in the premenopausal phase. After the menopause, this problem, according to doctors, is eliminated as a result of atrophic changes in the reproductive organ (associated with a significant drop in estrogen levels). New fibroids do not form anymore, and those that have existed do not continue to grow, and may even shrink. Polyps of the cervix or of the uterus itself, which may also be responsible for intense bleeding, are generally formed in women between 30 and 50 years of age.

Finally, it is impossible not to mention the most dangerous cause of heavy bleeding, i.e. cancer of the body or cervix. In most cases, it affects women aged 40-59. What is very important, precancerous changes initially do not give any characteristic symptoms and do not cause pain that could be disturbing. Hence, we are constantly alerting the importance of prophylaxis, i.e. regular Pap smear tests. Thanks to them, it will be possible to detect cancer at an early stage and effectively treat it.

Heavy bleeding – as well as spotting between periods, after intercourse or showering, and after menopause – can unfortunately be a signal of an advanced disease and require immediate contact with a gynecologist.

Herbal teas or infusions, such as EKO black mallow flower, which you can buy at Medonet Market, are also helpful for menstrual disorders.

Menstrual disorders in women entering the menopause period

Symptom: no menstruation

Reasons: pregnancy • stress • hormonal disorders, such as thyroid disease • diseases of the reproductive organs, such as ovarian cysts • benign or malignant tumors • inflammation • chronic diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, depression • rapid weight changes, overweight, underweight • taking certain medications Symptom: bleeding between periods

Reasons: uterine fibroids • cervical or uterine polyps • cervical cancer • endometrial cancer • ovarian tumors

Symptom: heavy menstruation

Reasons: uterine fibroids • cervical or uterine polyps • cervical cancer • endometrial cancer • ovarian tumors

Symptom: scanty menstruation

Reasons: ovarian failure • overweight, obesity • inflammation of the uterus • previous uterine surgery • hyperthyroidism

Source: Let’s live longer

Read also: Endocrine dysfunction of the ovaries

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