Menopositive: Feel Good and Look Better!

Menopositive: Feel Good and Look Better!

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Body positivity has many activists today, all of them advocate love for their own bodies. Menopositivity is just beginning to emerge.

Many Hollywood stars, having stepped over their fifties, vying with each other to talk about the harmony that they were able to find with age, about respect for their bodies, about how they learned to accept themselves as they are. Many of them, despite the possibilities, refuse plastic surgery, replacing it with an active and healthy lifestyle, trying to look as good as possible in accordance with their age.

Of course, no one calls on women to immediately give up the longed-for dream of correcting their face where they really want to. But it is definitely not worth getting hung up on the race for eternal youth, in which you will definitely lose, and even exhaust your nerves and health. It is better to calmly accept the changes that are taking place in the body, and try to help it as much as possible, then you will feel and look much better, because external beauty, as you know, comes from within and directly depends on our well-being. What to look out for especially with the onset of menopause?

1. Control of hormonal levels

First of all, do not forget that appearance, well-being and health depend on hormonal levels, this is how we, women, are arranged. Menopause, although a natural process, often comes with very unpleasant symptoms that seriously poison your life. Fatigue, bad mood, insomnia, hot flashes appear in many, and women, perceiving this as inevitability, literally wither and age ahead of time. But there is a completely safe way to influence your hormonal background for the better. And this is not hormone replacement therapy, which many refuse because of its possible dangerous side effects, but plant substances useful for the body from medicinal plants – phytoestrogens… They compensate for the lack of estrogen in the body, restore hormonal balance, have an anti-age effect, help to go through menopause without unpleasant symptoms, maintain health and attractiveness.

Love for your body does not mean complete licentiousness in eating habits. After all, excess weight does not affect our health in the best way: it weakens the immune system, causes various diseases. Strict diets and increased physical activity will not benefit either. In menopause, all this can turn into a very disastrous result – even more weight gain and a deterioration in well-being. The fact is that weight gain during menopause is a completely normal and natural phenomenon: the body compensates for the lack of estrogen with adipose tissue, in addition, age-related slowdown in metabolism affects. Therefore, an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, rejection of harmful foods with trans fats, and a reduction in sweets and starchy foods in the menu will be of great benefit. An additional lifesaver, when all the kilograms are added, even with a healthy lifestyle, a biocomplex can become Lady’s Formula Menopause Fortified Formulawith phytoestrogens and maitake mushroom extract. Phytoestrogens will help balance hormones, while maitake extract will improve metabolism and prevent the accumulation of adipose tissue. By the way, in the East, for these properties, maitake mushrooms are called slender mushrooms.

With the onset of menopause, do not reduce sexual activity, because according to the feedback mechanism, sex promotes the production of estrogen hormones and thereby prolongs youth. In addition, it has a great effect on well-being, relieves stress, and, of course, improves relationships in a couple. Decreased interest in sex can be caused by fatigue, hot flashes, or discomfort during intimacy due to dry mucous membranes. All the same phytoestrogens and well-proven aphrodisiacs will come to the rescue, for example maca root, which has been used for centuries in the Peruvian Andes to promote women’s health, normalize hormonal levels and enhance sex drive. This plant helps to moisturize the mucous membrane in the intimate area, enhances sensuality and orgasm, prolongs the pleasure of sex.

4. Help the body from nature

It is now possible to find preparations with phytoestrogens in any pharmacy, and here it is important not to be mistaken with the choice. Not all phytoestrogens act in the same way, it is better when the drug contains several types of them, then they work more efficiently and affect different areas. Since women with the onset of menopause require more nutrients, it is very convenient to take phytoestrogens in combination with vitamins and minerals.

An example of such a drug with a well-chosen balanced composition is the non-hormonal American biocomplex Lady’s Formula Menopause Fortified Formula… It contains three types of powerful phytoestrogens (Vitex sacred, angelica and red clover), a whole range of vitamins and minerals necessary for health, as well as the special components mentioned above – maca root extracthelping women to increase energy and maintain pleasure in intimate relationships, and extract mushroom maitake, which restores harmony and strengthens the immune system.

Thanks to this composition, the biocomplex not only facilitates the period of hormonal changes, but also provides additional assistance to the body with a pronounced anti-age effect, allows you to feel better and look younger and slimmer. The quality and safety of the biocomplex is guaranteed by its compliance with the international standard for pharmaceutical production GMP.

Of course, the choice of a means that will support the body remains with the woman, it is important to know that phytoestrogens have a cumulative effect and biocomplexes with these components should be taken for at least two to three months. Don’t let menopause take its course, take care of your body, and then you will feel and look much better and have much more pleasure out of life.



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