Why do some women go through menopause at 55 and others at 40? What determines the duration of the childbearing period? How to delay the onset of menopause and what to do to make the process go as smoothly as possible? Chinese medicine has the answers to these questions.
Chinese medicine is based on the idea that we have some kind of energy “qi” – life forces. There can be a lot of it, and then they say about a person “blood with milk”: he has even skin, thick hair, a blush, he is energetic and balanced.
And it happens that there is little vital energy: first of all, this is reflected in appearance (the quality of skin, hair, nails is deteriorating), and in socialization (a person gets tired quickly, meets friends less often, works with difficulty), and in mood – against the background lack of strength, most often it is depressed or anxious.
Over time, the lack of strength begins to affect health. And the body has a quite reasonable task: where to find the strength to maintain adequate performance of all organs and systems.
Saving energy
You can draw an analogy with money: if a person does not have a constant supply of new resources, what does he do? Begins to save: stretch the existing stock for the maximum amount of time.
The body does the same: with a lack of strength, its task is to save. And for this, you can disable those functions in the body system that are not so important. For example, childbearing. If you still do not have the strength to endure and give birth, then you can not produce eggs. Is it logical? And we will direct the released energy to the restoration of other organs: kidneys, liver, heart – who needs more there?
Oriental doctors say that we have only three sources of energy: sleep, food and breath.
Disabling the reproductive function – this is the menopause (complete cessation of menstruation). Or amenorrhea – their temporary shutdown with the hope of returning. Very often, the diagnosis – amenorrhea or menopause – depends on the age of the patient and the optimism of the doctors. Because, of course, no one can say with absolute certainty whether the “missing” cycle will return or not.
If the doctor is an optimist, he will talk about amenorrhea. And if a woman is already over 40 and the doctor is pessimistic, then this is menopause. But, oddly enough, even after 40 periods can return – provided that the body has the strength to regulate the full functioning of all organs and systems. Where to get these forces?
Stressful situation
During the Second World War, numerous cases were recorded when women in the prime of life lost their periods. Why? They were under such stress and in such conditions of deprivation that the body was depleted in a matter of months, and menopause could occur at 30 years old.
Now is not wartime, but stress sufficient to disable the reproductive function, we can arrange for ourselves. Attitude towards achievement and lack of time, complex relationships and processing – all this literally “devours” our resource, the body works to wear out. And if you add to this some chronic, undertreated diseases, then the level of strength goes deep into the minus, and menopause is approaching two every year.
Get out of minus
Where, according to Chinese medicine, do we get energy? Oriental doctors say that we have only three sources of energy: sleep, food and breath. However, before setting up “receiving”, you need to distribute “credits” – get out of the minus. And for this it is very important to cure chronic diseases.
Just as a smoldering fire constantly and imperceptibly “eats up” a supply of firewood, chronic diseases require a constant influx of strength to the lesion. Therefore, first of all, it is especially important to “fix holes” – to cure slowly and seemingly imperceptibly smoldering chronic inflammations.
For example, a chronic cold, an “eternal” cough, a constantly aggravating thrush in women or prostatitis in men, relieve excess muscle tension.
People with some kind of posture disorder – for example, with a stoop – maintain such an incorrect body position with the help of muscle tension. And maintaining tension requires energy. It is worth relaxing them – for example, with the help of qigong for the spine Sing Shen Juang – and the person is surprised to find that his strength has increased.
In fact, they have not increased – the balance is still the same resource – but it does not go to maintain muscle clamps, but is distributed to more useful functions.
Getting energy
After the “holes are closed”, we proceed to the restoration of the energy balance and the accumulation of forces. What is needed for that? Obvious things: a healthy sleep of at least eight hours a night, a healthy diet that is easily digestible and contains useful trace elements.
Volumes of research have been written about these health factors, and every competent doctor will certainly insist that in order to restore energy potential, normal functioning of reproductive functions – and, as a result, postponing menopause – you need to get enough sleep and eat right.
Women who take care of themselves and engage in women’s practices can delay the onset of menopause until old age
As for breathing, how can you “breathe” for the future, get more strength from the air? For this purpose, in Chinese medicine, special breathing exercises have been developed, which are called “neigong”. What is especially pleasant for us, women, the path to these exercises is very simple: we can simply start mastering them, say, within the framework of female Taoist practices.
For men, in order to start practicing neigong, they need to take a course of healing qigong, meditation, and only then take on the accumulation of energy. What do these exercises look like? A person learns to breathe literally with the whole body: eliminating muscle clamps, opening the chest and pelvic area.
From the outside, such breathing looks quite ordinary, but in practice it needs to be learned so that it becomes truly filling. There are also additional exercises that allow not only to accumulate vitality, but also to establish their circulation so that a person feels strong and healthy at any age.
The results
Women who take care of themselves and engage in female Taoist practices can delay the onset of menopause until old age. Normally, in Chinese medicine, it is believed that the menopause period should begin at 49 years old: by this moment, all obligations associated with childbearing are over, and you can begin the next stage – a time of peace, wisdom and spiritual growth.
But if menopause is not yet your goal, then classes allow you to postpone it even after 49 years. In addition, women who have accumulated strength feel free and confident, go through the menopause much easier and calmer – without psychological complications and health problems.
It is very important to enter the period of menopause is “strength”: energetic, full and healthy. Then the process of transformation of the body, which requires large resources, will go as smoothly and calmly as possible.