Menopause (menopause): symptoms and treatment. Video
Irritability, surges in blood pressure, osteoporosis, exacerbation of various diseases – this is an incomplete list of problems that a woman faces during menopause. Most women fear the term “menopause” and are ready to endure menopause, just not to start taking hormonal drugs.
What is menopause and why is it important in a woman’s life?
Menopause is the transition of a woman from reproductive age to the elderly. The onset of menopause is inevitable and conditioned by the rhythm and way of life until the moment when the ovaries turn off their reproductive function.
The onset of menopause is, among other things, due to a genetic predisposition. Women should be aware that their menopause may occur several years earlier than their mother.
Normally, menopause occurs in women at the age of fifty.
But it happens that the function of the ovaries turns off earlier, namely at forty. In medicine, this is called early menopause. If the function of the ovaries is turned off before the age of forty years, then there is an early failure of the ovaries.
In any case, this is bad for a woman, since in this case she loses the ability to bear children, the processes that are associated with natural aging are shifted in time. In the future, a woman has a higher percentage of risk of heart disease, blood vessels, impaired cognitive functions. Diseases of the nervous system, chronic fatigue syndrome are very common.
If you look at the stages of life, then first comes the period of menopause, when the ovaries cease to secrete the corresponding sex hormones and at the same time the functions of the adrenal glands are activated, where metabolic processes will take place, which at one time were performed by the ovaries. Therefore, during menopause, women should avoid stress, overload, overeating.
Instead, you should lead your life to small physical activity, light exercise, do short gymnastics every morning
Do not forget about proper nutrition. All this is necessary in order for the adrenal glands to cope with metabolic processes before the onset of adrenopause.
If a woman did not manage to avoid negative physical and moral aspects during menopause, then during adrenopause she may experience weakness, apathy, unwillingness to be interested in something, memory loss, irritability. Accordingly, various cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis further develop. Therefore, not only menopause, but also how a woman endures this period, is directly related to the state of her physical health when old age comes, that is, it can come to a woman much earlier. Therefore, during menopause, the struggle for a calm and healthy lifestyle should be a fundamental factor for a woman.
Menopause, accompanied by a gradual extinction of the functions of the ovaries, is not immediately manifested by external signs.
The main external symptom of the climacteric transition is menstrual rhythm disturbances. Each woman has her own. Some people start to delay menstruation, and some may experience bleeding.
During the climacteric period, the extinction of ovarian functions is accompanied by significant disturbances in well-being.
The most common of these are hot flashes.
There are other complaints related to sleep disorders, behavior and mood disorders, anxiety, depressive disorders.
Women often experience severe changes in their skin. These are profuse sweating, a bright vascular blush, which can suddenly be replaced by pallor, a change in subcutaneous fat, facial muscles and bone-facial skeleton.
There is a decrease in skin turgor, an increase in early acne.
The standard treatment for the manifestations of menopause in medicine is therapy with natural sex hormones. But there are a number of contraindications here. These include increased blood clotting, blood clots.
Patients for whom treatment with hormonal agents is contraindicated are prescribed either homeopathic remedies and remedies, or phytoestrogens and mild tranquilizers.
Until the scientific effect of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of menopause has not been confirmed, no one can say how safe such treatment is.
In addition to taking medications, menopause treatment is carried out using non-drug treatment, that is, dietary supplements and vitamins.
During menopause, a woman should control the increase in part of the body weight. This is a very powerful factor in avoiding severe hot flashes. Women with increased body weight are more prone to hot flashes. During menopause, you should adhere to the diet.
It is very useful for women during menopause to do fasting days.
Sleep is a very important aspect of menopause. The woman does not feel the tide that has come during sleep. With a decrease in the quality and quantity of sleep, a woman increases the risk of climacteric disorders and the risk of developing depression.
During menopause, folk recipes will also help. The most common herbs from which infusions are prepared are hawthorn, sage, lemon balm, thyme. Herbal teas can help reduce negative feelings during hot flashes.
The help of a psychologist will be very appropriate during menopause, since during this period it is extremely important for a woman to maintain mental balance.