Menopause and related problems

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The period of menopause is a transitional period that occurs in every woman’s life – from full puberty to old age. During menopause, the last menstrual period bleeding occurs, otherwise known as the menopause.

Menopause and related problems

The period of the last 6 years preceding the menopause has been conventionally defined as the so-called premenopausal period. During this period, periodic ovulation disturbances or even the absence of ovulation occur most frequently. For this reason, in this period, more and more women experience cycles with impaired fertility.

However, the greatest problem with this menopause, with ovulation disorders and decreased levels of progesterone secreted by the ovaries, is the frequent, irregular, prolonged cycles with abnormal scanty bleeding. The real torment, however, is long-lasting, profuse, often haemorrhagic menstrual bleeding.

Adequate supplementation can facilitate the processes related to menopause and positively affect the well-being of women undergoing menopause. At Medonet Market you can buy a red clover dietary supplement for women in the menopause.

In the transition period they also appear frequently due to a shortage of hormones functional bleeding varying in severity and not related to menstruation. The time that passes after the last menstruation is called postmenopausal period.

At first, you may not be aware that the changes in your body are related to the menopause. To find out if you are really entering menopause, do the Menopause – Urine FSH Plate Test or the Menopause – Urine FSH Stream Test.

In both of these periods, there is a gradual spontaneous decrease in the concentration of ovarian hormones – progesterone, and then oestrogens. This deep, although natural, appearing hypo-ovary can cause metabolic changes in the body, cardiovascular diseases, and in particular:

  1. atherosclerosis, which is associated with an increased incidence of heart attacks,
  2. hemorrhages to the brain.

In the period of menopause, atrophic changes in the vaginal epithelium and cervix are also important, which predispose to the formation of inflammation of the lower genital organ. These atrophic changes and increasing estrogen deficiency largely contribute to the slow formation of anatomical and functional changes in the entire urogenital organ along with the gradual lowering of the vaginal walls and the appearance of urinary incontinence symptoms. An additional unpleasant situation experienced by women during menopause is vaginal drynessoften significantly hindering sexual intercourse. In the postmenopausal period, i.e. in the period of the decline of the hormonal activity of the ovaries, there is also a complex of objective and subjective symptoms characteristic of this period. This is called menopause.

Take care of your body during menopause and reduce the discomfort that accompanies it. Buy Menopause – Panaseus dietary supplement or Menopause MenoHerbs – herbal mixture today, which are available on Medonet Market. See the full range of preparations for menopause available in our store.

The occurrence is characteristic of the menopause a number of ailments TZW. outcry. These symptoms are not only vegetative, but also psychological. Women in this period complain of a sudden, unjustified sensation of heat spreading throughout the body, accompanying the sensations of excessive sweating, as well as the most annoying feeling of “bloodshot” in combination with severe redness of the face. During this period, women also often report severe headaches and dizziness. In the mental sphere, they become unstable with a significant tendency to depression. Moreover, a significant increase in irritability is noticeable, as well as memory impairment. It is these ailments that are the most common cause that forces a woman to see a doctor.

If there are bothersome ailments with the menopause, you can decide to have a hormonal balance test for women. For this purpose, order the full package of hormonal tests for women from the uPatient’s offer.

The menopause and osteoporosis

In recent years, osteoporosis has become one of the most important disease problems of the menopause. It is a disease in which bone loss occurs and bone microarchitecture changes. Most often it is associated with severe pain in various sections of the spine, as well as bone fractures that heal with difficulty, including the femoral neck. These ailments can exclude a woman from both professional life for months and often make it difficult or even impossible to exist in everyday life. A woman with this kind of ailment may even require the constant care of another person. Often a complicated bone fracture can be fatal.

It should be mentioned that throughout life, two processes take place in bones in parallel – both their building and their destruction. It has been proven that after the age of 35 the process of bone destruction is faster than bone reconstruction. For this reason, the prevention of osteoporosis should be implemented as early as possible and should be carried out for years. It should be diagnosed from early childhood, taking into account physical activity, proper sun exposure and compliance with nutrition – a diet rich in vitamins and microelements, especially lime.

See also: Gynecologists: Hormones Good for Ladies Over XNUMX

Menopause – treatment

Treatment of menopausal symptoms is carried out within the increasingly used so-called hormone replacement therapy. The doses of the hormones used should be selected in such a way that they not only reduce the discomfort of the climacteric period, but also allow to achieve the goal of the introduced hormone replacement therapy, which is, in particular, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.

As can be seen from the above, the transitional period in a woman’s life is a period of many systemic changes, not only concerning the reproductive organ. For this reason, ailments related to it should be treated jointly by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and internist.

Treatment should be carried out by suitably experienced physicians. Incorrect use of drugs can lead to serious, negative consequences. The decision to start hormone replacement therapy should be preceded by a gynecological examination, including:

  1. ultrasound (vaginal) examination of the reproductive organ,
  2. pap smear,
  3. mammography,
  4. as well as endocrinological and thorough internal medicine examinations.

These tests are aimed at detecting all changes in a woman’s body that would make it impossible to use hormonal treatment. These changes relate to the presence of precancerous conditions and malignant neoplasms, diseases that significantly impair the function of the liver, and past inflammatory and thrombotic processes in deep veins. It is also necessary to identify women who are burdened with these family changes. In this case, treatment should be chosen very carefully and preceded by a coagulation test.

Herbs are helpful in ailments that arise during the menopause, so it is worth ordering and regularly using the Viridian Ecological Herbal Complex for Women.

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