Men’s health: disease prevention, analyzes, examinations

Men’s health: disease prevention, analyzes, examinations

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And what you need to do.

Soon the main holiday of men is February 23rd. Let’s talk about the health of our defenders of the Fatherland. Always strong and persistent, men do not like to go to doctors. And if at low temperatures they can still “suffer” demonstratively, then more serious problems are often ignored. The task of a woman is to delicately take care of the health of her half.

It’s time for love, it’s time for dates …

Youth will forgive everything: nocturnal lifestyle, bad habits, lack of a regime, and intense training. However, all this imperceptibly and prematurely wears out a man’s heart. But will a young man go to see a cardiologist at the age of 25? The result can be early ischemia, disturbances in the rhythm of the heart muscle, and sometimes even early heart attacks and strokes.

At this age, it is important to explain to your man that a cardiogram needs to be done at least once a year: this way you will not miss the moment if the heart starts to malfunction.

But we must not forget about prevention. For the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient intake of minerals in the body: magnesium, potassium and calcium. These minerals are found in a highly absorbable form in bicarbonate magnesium-calcium water. “Rudolfov Pramen”… In prophylactic doses:

· Improves peripheral blood flow;

· Strengthens the vascular wall;

· Helps to normalize pressure;

· Due to its low sodium content, it is safe for hypertensive patients.

By the age of 40, men are in full bloom: they have decided on their life goals and priorities, are engaged in a career, family. A loving girl or wife knows everything about the chronic diseases of their men – it can be hypertension, chronic stress, disorders of the genitourinary system, or overweight. Yes, and from a midlife crisis striking blows to the nervous system, sometimes it is not possible to escape. Fortunately, by this age, the risks of adolescence are replaced by a desire to take care of their health. A healthy lifestyle and good nutrition are becoming the main conditions for a long and active life for a man.

Controlling cholesterol and blood pressure

The diet should be dominated by vegetables, coarse cereals, fruits. In some cases, it is worth limiting or completely eliminating fatty meats, smoked meats and salt: these products retain fluid in the body, creating a load on the heart and kidneys. Drinking healthy water every day is beneficial. So, it is better to replace ordinary drinking water “Break” – rare highly alkaline water with a mild diuretic effect, relieving edema of any origin.

We monitor the health of the genitourinary system

Pyelonephritis, urethritis and prostatitis are diseases of the genitourinary system that directly affect the intimate life of men. What symptoms should be alerted to go to an appointment with a urologist?

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen,

Too frequent urination,

· Blood in the urine.

Sometimes the infectious and inflammatory process begins with a rise in temperature without other symptoms. The attending physician can prescribe antibiotic therapy, and after treatment – a course of uroanaseptic, which will contribute to a complete recovery and further prevention of diseases. The ideal solution would be the course of mineral water “Rudolfov Pramen“. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, promotes the elimination of microliths (small stones and sand), accelerates the healing of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.

After 50, life is just beginning….

… and for it to be comfortable, full-fledged and still very long, you need to pay special attention to men’s health. Osteoporosis, arthritis and gout can be added to the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system. You can protect yourself by following a healthy diet, not forgetting about moderate physical activity and taking care of peace of mind. Of course, routine medical examinations should also become a habit.

Sports work well for joint mobility, and to prevent gout, you need to follow a diet low in salt. In addition, at this age, the male body needs an increased intake of calcium and iron.

To replenish the deficiency of trace elements and prevent iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis and gout, you can drink a 30-day course of mineral water twice a year Rudolfov Pramen. А “Breakthrough” suitable as a daily drink – to normalize oxidative processes in the body.

So, for an active and long life, men need to eat right, exercise moderately and not be afraid to go to the doctor in order to prevent the onset and development of diseases in time. And the complex of medicinal mineral waters “Prolom + Rudolfov Pramen” will support the health of men at any age.

Attention! The information provided in this article is not direct medical advice and is provided for informational purposes only. Mineral water can be used independently for prophylactic and medical purposes, but its use for medicinal purposes must be agreed with the doctor. To clarify the diagnosis, indications, recipes, methods of application and dosage of mineral water for medicinal purposes, you should contact your doctor and specialist doctor.

The addresses of the brand stores of “Mineral Waters of the Czech Republic” in St. Petersburg:

· St. 7th Sovetskaya, 16 (metro station “Chernyshevskaya”, “Ploshchad Vosstaniya”), tel. 8 (812) 309-58-02;

· St. Budapestskaya, 17 (metro station “Mezhdunarodnaya”), tel. 8 (812) 309-58-02.

Order can be made ON THE SITE and by phone 8-800-777-70-02.

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