The male. What age can we call a person like that? Women, answer this question! Answered? Let’s take this as a little test.
Someone will say that this is the name of the one who deserves it. Such an answer can be heard from a woman who feels important, experienced, strong and smart. She is somewhat patronizing about the world, knows how to make decisions and be responsible. Therefore, she can recognize as a man only the one who proves that he is stronger than her.
Someone in response will name the age from 30 to 70. Rather, it will be a woman who expects patronage, care, attention from a man. Therefore, she sees the masculine principle in older people.
And someone will be surprised at the posing of the question and explain that a man at any age is a man — at three, and at forty, and at seventy. This is what a real woman will be! She expects from a man strength, activity, self-confidence and his actions, masculine care for a woman and is ready to give femininity, tenderness, acceptance and love in return.
Why is it important how we women answer this question? Because it is a woman who makes a man out of a man.
Indeed, representatives of the male gender themselves note that they do a lot in life for the sake of the beautiful half of humanity. Remember the song from the wonderful movie «Hello, I’m your aunt!». There are such words: “For me, poverty is not a problem, do not be love in the world!”
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What woman has the strongest influence on the formation of a man? Of course, the first woman in his life is MOM. Much depends on the mother in the boy’s life: his attitude towards himself, acceptance or rejection of his character traits and skills, relationships with peers, success in studies and future profession and … attitude towards a woman!
Psychologists have an opinion that it is not necessary to raise a man from a boy, because he is such by nature. You just need not to crush it in him, let him be himself.
Once in a toy store I had to hear the dialogue of a married couple. They chose a toy for their three-year-old son. Dad suggested: “Let’s buy a sword. Look how well made it is. He does not have such a toy yet. Papa’s own eyes burned as he looked at that sword. Mom frowned: “Don’t, it’s an aggressive toy. Let’s buy a board game — let it develop. Dad did not give up: “Well, why not! He already has educational games. And the boy also needs a sword. I remember how I needed it as a child!”
It is sometimes difficult for mothers to understand the boy’s need for aggression, harshness, and tough games. They try to soften, smooth out all the emotional reactions of the son, to prohibit the seemingly cruel and dangerous boyish games. But it is precisely these moments that harden the boy, allow him to believe in himself. Dads are well aware of this. Since they are better aware of what their son will have to face in life.
Mom is quite clear how to behave when her son rejoices (rejoice with him), when his son cries (regret). But when he defends his rights with a share of aggression at home, mothers are often lost, not knowing what to do. And the only solution is the mother’s suppression of her son’s emotions, causing him to feel ashamed for such behavior.
Now imagine that this boy is faced with the aggression of another of his peers or even an older person. How do you think he will react, having become accustomed to feeling guilty at home for tough upholding his rights?
Mothers may ask, «So, let the son yell at his mother?» No, offending and offending parents, of course, should not be allowed. But mothers often take for an insult just a manifestation of indignation, a sharp tone, an emotional statement. In these cases, it makes sense to pay more attention to the gist of what the boy is saying, rather than the tone. As soon as he realizes that you heard his indignation (and in children it usually turns out to be justified), he will calm down, and at the same time he will learn to defend his interests among strangers. Children’s indignation is not a reason to be dissatisfied with the child’s behavior, but a reason to think about whether I am doing everything right in relation to him.
There is one masculine quality that almost all mothers can easily develop — the ability to take care of a woman, to hear and feel her needs. To do this, you must often talk about your feelings, desires and needs and actively encourage, praise the boy for trying to help his mother in fulfilling her needs.
It turns out that the main task of a mother in raising her son is to give him love, to accept his love and care for his mother, but not to encroach on the suppression of masculine qualities in him, that is, manifestations of strength, independence, independence.
And what is the role of the father in the formation of a man from a son? Also important. Dad is often an example for a boy in behavior and attitude to life. It is by the way the father communicates with the boy that the child judges what to expect outside the house. A father for a child is a prototype of the world around him. Getting used to making friends or fighting with dad, the child begins to make friends or fight with the world. Therefore, dad’s main task is to accept in his son a man as strong as himself, only still growing and with less experience. Then the son will be able to broadcast confidence, calmness and masculinity to the world. It is the father, communicating with the boy, analyzing what is happening, forgiving him for mistakes and encouraging his independence, who can teach his son prudence, nobility, courage and respect for a woman.
Moms and dads, let’s make the world a better place by raising our sons to be real men!