Memory impairment

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Memory impairment (impairment) may be of functional (psychogenic) or organic origin. Memory is used to preserve, store and retrieve information. It is not a homogeneous phenomenon because there are certain types of it – we distinguish short-term and long-term memory.

Memory impairment …

Memory impairment is characterized by the loss of the ability to remember information and memory resources. Memory is created as a result of conscious sensations and what we have retained from the stream of consciousness. Memory impairment may be of psychogenic (functional) or organic origin. Memory is a cognitive function that also includes other mental functions, such as language, the ability to communicate and think, visual functions, and perceptual processes. So we can store and retrieve information. Moreover, thanks to memory, a person maintains orientation in time and about himself.

Ośrodki anatomiczne w mózgu odpowiedzialne za proces uczenia się, zapamiętywania i uwagi, znajdują się dokładniej w hipokampie, czyli płatach czołowych oraz w płatach skroniowych. I tak na przykład u pacjentów z chorobą Alzheimera zaobserwowano dużą ilość nieprawidłowych białek, wskutek zaburzeń metabolizmu.

It is estimated that in Poland the number of people suffering from memory impairment is even 500. (including 300 people suffer from Alzheimer’s). These are quite disturbing figures, especially when we take into account the aging of some societies. It can be suspected that the number of people with dementia in 2050 will be as high as 115 million, which is associated with the risk of memory impairment increasing with age. In addition to age, memory impairment is also influenced by other factors, including environmental or genetic predisposition, over which we have no influence. According to some studies, highly educated and intellectually active people suffer less from memory impairment.

Support your memory with a dietary supplement based on natural plant ingredients. Try Memory Without Limits – Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can buy on Medonet Market. It is also part of the Daily Supplement Kit – Panaseus, which additionally includes preparations with collagen and supporting immunity. If you want to find the best memory and concentration supplement for you, check out the Medonet Market offer.

Types of memory

The division is based on the storage time of the information. Accordingly, we distinguish short-term and long-term memory. Short-term memory is working memory, otherwise known as working memory. It is characterized by storing memory for a specific time and for a specific purpose (performing an action), e.g. remembering a parking space where we parked the car. On the other hand, we encounter long-term memory when certain information is repeated and preserved. Long-term memory is divided into:

  1. świadomą (dotyczycącą własnej osoby, faktów, zdarzeń oraz nazw przedmiotów, nazwisk czy nazw geograficznych);
  2. unconscious (concerning simple conditioned reflexes, habits and procedures).

Causes of memory impairment

Niezaprzeczalnym faktem jest, że każdemu z nas zdarza się zapomnieć gdzie położyliśmy jakiś przedmiot, np. kluczyki od samochodu. Jeśli zaczniemy sobie po kolei przypominać krok po kroku, co robiliśmy w tym czasie, to uda nam się przypomnieć gdzie znajduje się zaginiona rzecz. Wówczas nie ma powodu do niepokoju, a takie zdarzenia występują sporadycznie. Natomiast u osób z poważnym upośledzeniem pamięci nie ma możliwości odtworzenia wcześniejszych zdarzeń, w związku z czym odnalezienie jakieś rzeczy jest znacznie utrudnione.

There are many factors that affect memory problems, a bad mood or a day is enough for memory impairment to occur. A particular type of ailment for which memory impairment is a characteristic symptom is depression. It has a very negative impact on human memory and cognitive abilities, patients often have problems with changing the order of words and giving the right answer to the questions asked. Concentration disorders mean that a large amount of information is not recorded, so it is impossible to recall it after some time. Depression makes it difficult for many people to read books because they cannot remember the contents. Relationships between people are also deteriorating, as there is often a problem of not having a topic to talk about (forgetting important events in your life). In addition, memory impairment is associated with deterioration of productivity at work, the simplest substantive errors appear, which did not take place before, when the sick person was a cheerful person.

Preventively against memory problems use dietary supplements with CBD, incl. Hemp4Focus for memory and concentration or Hemp Power Shot available in three flavors:

  1. green apple,
  2. strawberry,
  3. pineapple.

Dementia (dementia) it is the most severe degree of memory impairment. It is characterized by the occurrence of progressive symptoms, disorders of the higher brain functions. The disorders concern a large number of cognitive functions, including thinking, orientation, memory, counting and speaking, which significantly disturb not only professional work, but also everyday functioning.

1. Functional memory impairment – occurs under the influence of overwork, as well as in neuroses. Retrograde amnesia refers to events prior to the onset of a given disorder (e.g. after a stroke or concussion, after carbon monoxide poisoning, after seizures or in postpartum psychosis).

2. Organic memory impairment – it concerns mainly current events with relatively well-preserved memory of distant events. This type of memory impairment is especially common in people with impaired consciousness, especially in the elderly with hypertension and atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, after cerebral stroke, in chronic alcoholism, after frequent epileptic seizures. In these patients, apart from impaired memory, one can often find a reduction in the ability to perceive and reason, weakened will, emotional dullness, uncritical stubbornness and lengthy expression of thoughts.

Other possible causes of cognitive impairment include:

  1. liver failure
  2. kidney failure
  3. lack of an adequate amount of vitamins 9, especially B1 and B12),
  4. thyroid disease,
  5. nervous system infections (caused e.g. by HIV),
  6. abscesses and subdural hematomas of the brain,
  7. brain tumors.

Potentially reversible memory disturbances are those caused by side effects of the medication you are taking. Then, after discontinuing a specific preparation, an improvement is achieved. Usually, memory impairment occurs due to the use of anticonvulsants, psychotropic drugs, drugs used in the treatment of hypertension and those used for general anesthesia. Also, toxins in the form of heavy metals or pesticides cause impairment.

If you want to improve your memory ability and at the same time have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, use Sklerofix – a herbal-fruit tea that you can buy at Medonet Market.

Upośledzenie pamięci — jak postępować?

People who notice memory impairment, noticeable both for themselves and the environment, should first of all analyze their lifestyle. These include adequate amounts of rest and adequate diet and exercise. If you abuse alcohol, take medications (sleeping pills, sedatives) – this may be the cause of memory problems. The dangerous situation is when the patient is unaware of his impairment, then it is necessary to see a doctor as this may be the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease.

During a medical consultation, a medical interview is usually conducted with the patient and their family members / caregiver. If there have been cases of memory impairment in the family – inform the doctor about it, it may be of great importance in further diagnostics. It is important to analyze the duration of symptoms, their dynamics and possible accompanying symptoms. The questions the doctor asks are specific: are you forgetting to pay your bills? do you have trouble using everyday objects? are there problems in interpersonal contacts? It is virtually impossible to make a reliable diagnosis on the basis of a single examination.

In addition to the review of medications taken by the patient, there is also a review study of cognitive functions. For its implementation, a short mental state assessment scale is used, thanks to which it is possible to assess such functions as: remembering, reproducing information, linguistic and visual functions, as well as understanding commands given in words and in writing. One of the tests is also clock drawing testwhich involves the patient drawing the given hours on the clock face. The test consists of three attempts: in the first one, the numbers denoting the hours are entered on the drawn clock face, in the next two the patient has to draw clock hands in the positions indicating the given hour. Thanks to the test, it is possible to evaluate the planning and thinking and visual-spatial functions.

Diagnostics also requires a neurological examination that contributes to the disclosure of neurological symptoms of diseases with memory impairment. If the patient is in low mood or depression, his mental state should be assessed.

After the above-mentioned examinations have been carried out, neuropsychological examinations are recommended, which help in establishing the correct diagnosis. However, thanks to psychological tests, they help to recognize the symptoms typical of Alzheimer’s. Laboratory tests, such as:

  1. morphologii,
  2. assessment of vitamin B12 concentration,
  3. biochemical tests of kidney and liver function,
  4. thyroid tests.

Computed tomography it is recommended when neurological symptoms are found. It can diagnose, for example, a brain tumor, stroke or hydrocephalus.

Ginseng root supports memory and concentration. At Meodnet Market, at a promotional price, you will find Intenson Siberian ginseng – ginseng root as an addition to dishes. Guarana also has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system, as well as memory and concentration. It is worth trying out Organic Ground Guarana, 1-2 teaspoons of which a day will help you stay mentally and mentally fit for longer.

How to prevent memory impairment?

An appropriate and balanced diet plays an important role in preventing memory problems. It should contain a large amount of B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, memory improves reading books and solving puzzles, i.e. activities that make you think. Physical activity in which a large amount of oxygen is delivered to the brain also works well. Some people look for ways in natural methods. Ginkgo biloba has been assigned a certain role, but numerous studies conducted on patients with mild cognitive impairment have not confirmed its effectiveness in inhibiting the worsening of memory impairment or reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Numerous scientific works have also pinned hope on proline, or peptides found in colostrum.

If you want to take care of your memory, use Rhodiola rosea in the form of organic tea. You can buy the herb at Medonet Market. For memory and concentration, we also recommend Memory and Concentration – Pharmovit extract in drops.

Medicine is still looking for new agents that could improve brain function and prevent memory impairment and neurodegenerative diseases.

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