The scope of knowledge required by schools and professional environments is often very diverse and wide, which is why exercises that improve memory and concentration are very popular. Memory exercises are good for both children, seniors, and anyone who wants to improve their cognitive abilities and skillfully separate important from unimportant information.
How to train short-term and long-term memory?
At memory training the basic issue is the regeneration of the body, because only refreshed will be susceptible to absorbing a large amount of information. For this purpose, it is good to learn about relaxation techniques and choose the most effective among them. Healthy sleep is also extremely important, which should be uninterrupted and last at least 7 hours.
Exercises for concentration
One of the biggest obstacles in remembering there is constant distraction, typical of a situation where it is required to do several things simultaneously. Such action is only apparently effective. In fact, the time spent accurately following the steps one by one is shorter and the steps performed more accurately than if several tasks were performed simultaneously. By train your concentration, it is good to establish rules for everyday functioning (frequency of browsing the web, answering light calls, or planning small breaks at work). Such rules should also be followed in private life, i.e., for example, when reading a book, you should not watch TV at the same time or while having dinner, you should not talk on the communicator or the phone – any distraction weakens memory.
Relaxing exercises
The brain functions worse when it is in a state of high tension or constant stress. Therefore, to ensure the best possible cognitive functions, the ability to relax is so important. In achievement relaxation Breathing meditation techniques can help, but also remembering blissful, calm situations.
Factors and strategies that facilitate remembering
There are a few factors positively influencing cognitive abilities. These are:
- motivation;
- the degree of interest in a given subject;
- a menu rich in complex carbohydrates (they can be found in multigrain bread, cereals or groats), omega-3 acids (mainly fish), folic acid (found in green leafy vegetables), magnesium, B vitamins (found in plants legumes). It is worth supporting the diet with natural dietary supplements for the proper functioning of the brain, which are available on Medonet Market;
- fresh air and exercise to oxygenate the brain;
- the amount of time needed to consolidate the information after it has been read.
Knowing already and, if possible, using factors that facilitate remembering, it is also good to learn about strategies that positively influence the ability to assimilate information. Down strategic techniques can include:
- associations – this method is recommended primarily for memorizing proper names, and so it is enough to associate the new name with a word that is already known – for example, having to remember the name Dębniki (a district of Krakow), you can imagine a place full of oaks;
- stories – the list of tasks to be done during the day will be easiest to remember by tying them into a specific string of thought (it may even be logical – it is not important), assuming that the tasks are to do shopping, send a letter and pick up things from the laundry room, you can imagine you find a dog carrying a letter in its mouth when you go shopping, followed by a cat with a sack full of just picked up laundry; the key to this technique is to engage as many senses as possible, so the harder the shopping is, and the nets cut into your hands, the dog will drool and the cat will talk (taking the example above), the easier it will be to remember this story;
- placement – this technique works well in a situation where you need to recall more information from memory (for example, performing in public); in order to do it correctly, you must first choose a well-known room and put in its various places the concepts necessary to remember, and then, moving in one direction, “pick up” one thing after another – repeating this method several times will leave the ready outline in the memory.
The processes of remembering can be supported by using appropriate supplementation. The Do! Focus dietary supplement created by the Do.Best brand, thanks to the composition of natural ingredients, improves concentration and strengthens the memory processes. You can buy the Do! Focus supplement today at at a bargain price. However, DO! Focus DO! FOCUS – supporting the proper functioning of the brain is enough for 2 months of supplementation.
Causes of memory problems
While memory exercises they are helpful for both children and seniors, so there are situations in which they will not be enough. Problems with memory may be due to an overabundance of information required to assimilate, but it is sometimes a sign of a disease. For this reason, if you regularly exercise improvement techniques memory does not bring the expected effect, an appointment with a general practitioner is necessary, who will then refer the patient for appropriate examinations, if necessary. Rapid decay memory can be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease and, although memory exercises are recommended for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, it may also be necessary leczenie pharmacological.