Memini: information project about dementia

Some phenomena seem so frightening to us that we do our best to ignore them. This is true for dementia. To remedy this situation, the Memini information project was created.

Some phenomena seem to us so frightening and at the same time inevitable that we try our best not to notice them. This is true for dementia. Only in Russia, from 1,3 to 1 million people suffer from it. However, we still know (and talk) too little about this disease, preferring to consider its main symptoms as obligatory companions of old age. Which is far from true.

A person suffering from dementia gradually loses the ability to think logically, his coordination of movements is seriously impaired, he stops remembering new information, does not recognize his own children or takes them for long-dead relatives … Dementia is called “an invisible disease: its symptoms do not appear immediately, they increase gradually , and often the patient (or his relatives) visits the doctor too late. Today there is no way to completely cure dementia. But in the early stages it is quite possible to stop the development of its symptoms, and in some forms of dementia, and almost completely restore memory and thinking, improve the quality of life of both the patient himself and his family members.

Information about dementia, help and support is needed by everyone who has encountered this disease, and not least the relatives of the patient. For this purpose, an interactive project was created. On the site, you can clarify the symptoms of the disease, find out the addresses of clinics and doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of dementia, share your experience or ask for advice from those who also care for the sick. In large cities, meetings are regularly held for relatives of dementia patients, where you can talk with specialists – neurologists, psychologists, lawyers. Announcements of upcoming meetings are published on the website.

And more recently, within the framework of the project, a book for children “My Grandmother Yaga” was published: a collection of fairy tales written by journalists and bloggers. They teach care and respect for elders. They teach easily and unobtrusively, showing how you can keep love and warmth for loved ones, despite the manifestations of the disease. Well-known artists Alexey Kortnev, Tatyana Lazareva, Yuri Stoyanov, Sergey Chonishvili and others took part in the recording of the audio version of “My Grandmother”. The book is already on sale in stores, and its electronic versions are available for download on the website

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