Memantine – helps treat Alzheimer’s?

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Memantine is a drug that is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. It affects the functions of neurons. The studies confirmed the positive effect on patients in severe and moderate disease stage. Familiarize yourself with the action, indications and contraindications of Memantine.

Memantine – action

Memantine is an NMDA receptor antagonist. It affects the function of neurons by increasing the concentration of glutamate. It acts antagonistically to the 5-HT3 receptor. It slightly inhibits nicotinic receptors.

Memantine is used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease to improve and stabilize the patient’s general parameters, daily activities and cognitive functions. However, it is not a disease-inhibiting drug. There were no properties that inhibit neurodegenerative processes.

The daily dose of memantine is absorbed from 3-8 hours. Food consumed at this time has no effect on the absorption and assimilation of the drug.

The substance undergoes a minor metabolism. About 80% functions in the body unchanged.

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Memantine – indications

Memantine is used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in severe and moderate stages of the disease. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive effect of the substance only in these stages. In low-stage disease, the effect of taking the drug was similar to placebo.

Memantine – contraindications

In addition to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, it should not be used in patients who:

  1. have epilepsy or have a predisposition to it,
  2. are taking a different type of NMDA antagonist as this may increase the likelihood of side effects
  3. increased pH factors,
  4. suffer from lactose intolerance,
  5. they badly absorb glucose-galactose,
  6. fructose intolerant.

Particular caution should be exercised by persons:

  1. after a heart attack,
  2. with heart failure,
  3. with improperly controlled arterial hypertension.

Currently, there are no studies confirming the positive effect of the drug on the organisms of children and adolescents. Therefore, the use of memantine in these patients is not recommended.

Memantine – interactions with other substances

Memantine reacts with other NMDA antagonists. This may enhance the effects of levodopa, anticholinergic drugs and dopamine agonists.

Memantine reacts with substances that reduce muscle tension. Most likely, it will be necessary to modify the doses of drugs taken, because there is a possibility of pharmacotoxic psychosis.

Memantine is eliminated via the renal cation transport system. Likewise, the body gets rid of cimetidine, procainamide, ranitidine, quinine, quinidine, and nicotine. Therefore, the use of the listed substances in parallel should be avoided.

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Memantine and pregnancy

Pregnant and lactating women should not take memantine. Currently, there are no studies that confirm the negative effect of the drug on humans, but in animal studies it was found that the substance may inhibit intrauterine growth of the fetus. Therefore, the use of the drug is not recommended in pregnant women unless clearly necessary.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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