melon tree

Useful properties and uses of the melon tree

Description of the melon tree

melon tree

melon tree belongs to the famous papaya family. This tree-like plant comes from the tropics, where it has been successfully bred for many years. There are extensive plantations in East Africa, Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan, Brazil and Australia. The tree can reach 8 meters in height, but on average specimens grow within 4-6 meters. It has a dense crown, which is formed by a bunch of petiolate large leaves, and spongy wood. The leaves, consisting of seven segments, are palmately dissected.

Very large fruits are incredibly similar to a melon. Their weight in a ripe state can be about 5-7 kg. The yellow pulp is eaten both fresh and in the form of delicious compotes. For medicinal purposes, unripe fruits are harvested. Only in their peel is a unique milky juice. This transparent drink is extracted through small incisions. The resulting papain enzyme in its crude form is called papaiotin by the locals. Large leaves are also harvested when quite young.

The presented herbaceous plant has bare trunks and beautiful openwork crowns in the form of umbrellas, which consist of large palmate leaves. Each melon tree, as a rule, is densely hung with juicy yellow-green fruits. Currently, it is easily grown on numerous ecologically clean islands of the Malay Archipelago. In this territory, no less favorable conditions for the growth of a tree were found than in its homeland. To retard their growth, you can resort to standard horticultural techniques.

The melon tree bears fruit for about 10 years. Different trees have different shape, size and taste of fruits.

Useful properties of the melon tree

The undoubted advantage of this herbaceous plant is the most important enzyme papain. Also found in the composition are chymopapains A, chymopapains B, callase, lysozyme, lipase, and glutamine transferase. In addition, the large fruits of the melon tree also contain essential amino acids. Interesting leaves boast not only a large amount of papain, but also enzymes such as saponins, glycosides and alkaloids.

The unique component of papain has a powerful effect, similar to the effect of gastric juice enzymes. It significantly improves digestion, which allows it to be successfully used to treat various stomach and intestinal diseases and ulcers. It should be noted that papain easily breaks down proteins and softens raw meat. By adding a couple of drops of this enzyme to the broth during cooking, you can enjoy the most tender meat.

As a wonderful remedy, incomparable papaya promotes the rapid dissolution of numerous dead cells, while promoting the proper growth of various living tissues. It has been proven by folk medicine that the fruits of the incomparable melon tree are able to quickly restore physical strength in people exhausted by illness. They also have a beneficial effect in case of severe overwork.

The leaves of the plant also contain a lot of useful substances. Exceptional biologically active components were found in the bark and shell of the green fruit, as well as in the core of the tree stems. Due to the special composition, the fruits of the tree are widely used in the pharmacological industry for the manufacture of various miraculous drugs. Healing drinks are indicated for preventive purposes to prevent problems with the digestive system.

The use of the melon tree

melon tree

Juicy papaya pulp is considered an exceptional dietary product. It promotes better and faster digestion, which makes it possible to recommend the use of tree fruits to obese people with increased weight. They are also indicated for a patient with insufficient production of gastric juice. After a heavy feast, a few slices will help digest a large amount of heavy food. You can also use a special drug that includes papain.

In the stomach, unique papain breaks down proteins and fats very well, making it indispensable for patients suffering from increased protein deficiency, which is caused by the inability of the body to partially absorb the necessary components from food. It should be noted that some pharmacological agents based on this plant are intended to relieve all kinds of inflammatory processes and treat stomach ulcers. Widespread use has found special tablets for the treatment of typical herpes.

Often, a special mixture of enzymes is prescribed for serious violations of gastrointestinal secretion. Such ready-made preparations, in contrast to the use of papaya fruit pulp, are indicated for the dangerous difficulty in digesting proteins. Unsurpassed milky juice, which has no analogues in nature, is used as a powerful remedy against various tapeworms. Bitterness is also found in the leaves of the tree, which helps to remove parasites from the body.

Melon tree contraindications

Side effects when using the melon tree in therapeutic dosages are unknown.

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