Melon Torpedo is the most famous and popular Asian variety. In her homeland, in Uzbekistan, this crop is grown in every yard, and when the fruit ripening season comes, the air is filled with an amazing melon aroma. In Our Country, the Torpedo variety began to be grown in the XNUMXth century. Since then, the melon has firmly taken root in our latitudes, and is now successfully cultivated in gardens and farms.
About the variety
The birthplace of the Torpedo is considered to be Central Asia. In these countries, it is called in its own way, for example, in Uzbekistan it is called “Mirzanchul”. By the way, Torpedo is also a popular name. Obviously, the melon was so nicknamed for its elongated shape, vaguely reminiscent of the projectile of the same name. We call this culture “Rainbow Melon”, and it tastes a little different from the real Uzbek Torpedo. And this is not surprising, since the climate in our latitudes is not so hot, and, accordingly, the fruits are not so sweet.
Melon Torpedo is a late-ripening variety. In our latitudes, it takes at least 90 days for its full maturation. In Asian countries, where the climate is dry and hot, its fruits ripen faster – by mid-August. This variety is very thermophilic, and if it is grown in suitable conditions, then the fruits can reach a weight of 10–15 kg. However, we rarely manage to grow a pumpkin over 5 kg.
Externally, these melons are very attractive. Mature fruits have an intense yellow color with thin white veins that form a mesh pattern. The peel is dense, of medium thickness, resistant to damage, thanks to which the variety is well transported. The flesh is white, sweet, slightly oily, very juicy and aromatic.
Variety Torpedo is distinguished by powerful, intensively growing shoots. Young lashes of plants grow over 2 meters, so supports are often built for bushes, along which they weave. The yield of the variety is 2,5–3 kg per square meter.
Useful Properties
In principle, any melon is considered a low-calorie and very healthy food product. Torpedo is a sweet variety that has the highest calorie content among other types – 35 kcal / 100 g. This is a low calorie indicator, so fruits can be consumed without restrictions even for overweight people.
The pulp of the fruit is 90% water – that’s why they quench their thirst so well. It also contains a lot (7,5 g) of carbohydrates, but they are all simple and quickly digestible. The amount of proteins and fats is minimal – 0,6 and 0,3 g, respectively. Ripe melon contains organic acids, a lot of dietary fiber, pectins, enzymes that improve bowel function, as well as the entire set of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, P, PP.
The mineral composition is represented by potassium (118 mg), chlorine (50 mg), sodium (32 mg). In a smaller amount contains calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium. Of the trace elements in the fruit pulp are present: iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, fluorine.
The rich and varied chemical composition explains why the melon of this variety is so beneficial to health. It has the following effect on the human body:
- normalizes bowel function, improves digestion;
- removes excess fluid, toxins, toxins, with prolonged use eliminates salt deposits in the joints;
- increases immunity;
- stabilizes the activity of the nervous system, improves mood, relieves depression;
- strengthens the heart and vascular walls, removes excess cholesterol;
- increases hemoglobin and contributes to the speedy recovery after illnesses, operations.
Nutritionists recommend using this variety for fasting days. Since the pulp of the fruit is very sweet and watery, the product can be considered ideal for dietary nutrition.
Important to know: Torpedo melon is recommended to be consumed separately from other products. You should not drink milk, sour-milk drinks, water or alcohol after it, and the interval between meals should be at least 2 hours.
How to choose
For residents of the regions where this variety is grown, the choice of high-quality and ripe fruits is not difficult. But in many cities, especially large ones, imported melons are sold in the markets, and they appear there before the season begins. How, in this case, to choose a high-quality and healthy product, and why does the melon bought on the market disappoint us so often?
There are several recommendations, thanks to which you can choose a good fruit yourself:
- Since the Torpedo variety is late-ripening, it should not be bought before the end of August, but best of all in September. Fruits sold in the markets in the middle of summer contain many harmful substances that are used to speed up ripening.
- Another important point: melons, like all gourds, quickly accumulate harmful chemicals that stimulate growth and ripening. If there are green veins on the yellow peel, this means that the fruits are grown with the use of nitrates.
- The ripe fruit has a uniform yellow color. Greenish spots indicate incomplete ripeness of the fruit. Brown spots and dents are a sign that the product is starting to deteriorate.
- The peel of a fully ripe Torpedo should feel slightly springy to the touch. You should not buy fruits with scratches, small dents, cracks.
- You can check the melon for ripeness by tapping on the peel – if the sound is dull, this means that the fruit is ripe.
- The seeds inside the ripe fruit have a yellowish tint and are easily separated from the pulp.
- The flesh of a ripe Torpedo is white and soft. If there is a yellow stripe under the skin, then the culture was fed with saltpeter. A green stripe is a sign that the fruit has been plucked too early.
- White in appearance, but bitter flesh indicates that the melon has begun to deteriorate.
- The tail of the fetus should be strong, but dry.
- A bright orange peel in the absence of a characteristic melon aroma is a sign of excessive soil treatment with urea. A real melon of the Torpedo variety exudes an incomparable aroma, reminiscent of a mixture of vanilla, pear and honey.
Do not buy fruit from dubious sellers, as well as in places not intended for the sale of products: along roads, outside the market.
Choose fruits that are yellow and fragrant. Remember that an overripe melon does not keep for a long time, so ask the seller how many days ago it was plucked. Of course, it is more useful and more reliable to grow melons at home on your site, but if this is not possible, then try to protect yourself from an unsuccessful purchase.
Video “Choice of melon Torpedo”
This video will teach you how to choose the most ripe fruits.
Peculiarities of growing
As already mentioned, a hot climate is best suited for Torpedo melon. In the conditions of the middle lane, and even more so in the northern regions, this variety is recommended to be grown in stationary greenhouses or greenhouses.
Since the melon has a shallow root system, it is enough for it to dig the ground to a depth of 20 cm. When digging, peat and humus must be added. If cultivation takes place in a greenhouse, then it is necessary to specially prepare a fertile soil mixture from 1 part of black soil and peat and 3 parts of humus.
Seeds are germinated before planting, planted shallowly – 1,5–2 cm. On a small bed near the house, holes can be placed at a distance of 50–80 cm, but this scheme is the main reason why the fruits grow small. In the field, plants are planted at a distance of 1–1,5 m – this distance is considered ideal, since the lashes grow strongly.
At home, it is more correct to grow this melon through seedlings. Because it is a late variety, planting seeds in pots in early spring will help produce an earlier crop. It must be remembered that young sprouts do not tolerate transplantation well and adapt for a long time, so it is better to plant seedlings in disposable containers, from which plants can easily be taken along with the ground.
Growing melons of this variety will be successful if you follow some rules of agricultural technology:
- while the plants are young and have not yet unraveled, the soil between the rows should be regularly loosened;
- plants are watered in a different mode (while the greenery is actively growing, watering should be regular and intensive, during flowering and the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to water less often, and when the fruits begin to ripen, watering is carried out only if the soil is dry);
- about 1 time / 1 month, the bushes are fed with a solution of mullein, and on poor soil, for example, in the field, you can put a little compost in the aisles.
The most important agricultural technique for growing melons is pinching the shoots and removing weak and superfluous ovaries. As soon as 5 true leaves appear on the plant, the shoot is pinched off over the fourth leaf. When new shoots appear from the axils of the remaining leaves, they do the same with them, leaving only the two strongest lateral lashes. Further, the overgrown shoots are pinned to the soil surface so that additional roots form, and the plant itself becomes strong and powerful. On each bush, 5–6 of the largest ovaries are left, and the rest, small and weak, are removed.
Often trellises are installed for melons of this variety. Such a support provides plants with constant access to the sun and heat.
Video “Torpedo melon tasting”
Watch a short review about Torpedo melon, which ends with a tasting.