Melon syrup: 3 recipes at home

Unforgettable honey taste of summer melon. It will spice up any dessert or cocktail.

This syrup is simply indispensable for preparing bright summer drinks, and is also widely used in various alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, pastries and desserts.

They also make from melon: liqueurs and liqueurs, tinctures

Tips before starting

  1. Melon is extremely different from each other in the degree of sweetness, depending on the variety. For syrup, of course, it is better to take the sweetest ones.

  2. Overripe specimens that are not damaged by rot and have not changed their taste will do.

  3. The color, color and shape of the melon does not matter.

  4. Ready syrup is stored in the refrigerator or any other cool place. Also, containers with syrup should be protected from direct sunlight. Under these conditions, the syrup can be stored for up to a year.

  5. Melon syrup is also frozen. Fragrant cubes of sweet ice will be very useful in the preparation of various drinks and cocktails.

Sugar Free Melon Syrup Recipe

Method of preparation

  1. Any amount of melon pulp is squeezed through gauze or passed through a juicer press.

  2. The selected juice is put on fire and brought to a boil.

  3. When hot, the liquid is poured through the finest sieve or a double layer of gauze.

  4. Strained juice is returned to the fire again and begin to boil. In the future, the entire procedure for cooking the syrup consists in periodically stirring the mass and removing the foam from it. This will take at least an hour.

  5. As a result, the syrup should thicken and drain from a spoon in a thin stream.

  6. Hot syrup is poured into small bottles and sealed with lids. Before packing, the container must be sterilized, and the lids boiled.

Recipe for melon syrup with sugar and lemon juice

Method of preparation

  1. Two kilograms of melon pulp are cut into small cubes.

  2. Freshly squeezed lemon juice and a kilogram of sugar are added to the melon.

  3. The cut is mixed and left to settle for a day. If the room is very hot, then at night a bowl of food is placed in the refrigerator.

  4. Over time, the melon will give a large amount of juice. It is poured into a cooking pot and begin to boil until thickened. This will happen pretty quickly. After 10-15 minutes, the melon syrup will be completely ready.

Recipe for melon syrup based on sugar syrup

Method of preparation

  1. 600 grams of sugar are dissolved in a liter of water. Put the saucepan with syrup on the fire and boil for 10 minutes.

  2. 1,5 kilograms of finely chopped ripe melon are placed in a boiling sweet billet.

  3. The mass is brought to a boil and the fire is turned off.

  4. The syrup is covered with a lid and allowed to brew until completely cooled.

  5. After about 5-6 hours, the completely cooled workpiece is returned to the stove. The mass is boiled for 15 minutes over medium heat and turned off again.

  6. Until the next stage of cooking, the pan is not closed with a lid. As soon as the syrup has cooled, it is boiled for the last time for a quarter of an hour.

  7. Pieces of melon are taken out and served as an independent dessert, and the remaining syrup is filtered through a fine sieve.

  8. Before bottling, the finished syrup is brought to a boil again. This syrup is stored for up to a year in a cool and dark place.

Relevance: 29.08.2019

Tags: Syrup Recipes

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