Melon is a well-known gourd culture and its closest relative known to us is a pumpkin. The melon can be shaped like a ball or an oval and is usually yellow in color, sometimes white or brown, often with pronounced green stripes.
It takes two to six months to mature, depending on the variety and place of growth.
Melon is mentioned in the Bible for the first time, so we have every reason to believe that it has been known to humanity for a very long time.
Now it is not known for sure which of the peoples began to actively use it, but most likely its homeland is Northern India and Asia. In the Middle Ages, the melon also came to Europe, where it has been actively grown and cultivated since then.
In itself, this is a very useful product, containing a huge amount of substances necessary for the human body. In addition, the melon has an excellent taste, so it becomes an excellent substitute for desserts. However, few people know that melon seeds are as useful as she is.
Selection and storage
It is very important not to use germinated seeds, as they contain toxic substances and adversely affect the body. In any case, whatever method of treatment and prevention of diseases with the help of melon seeds you choose, it is necessary to abandon the combination of these drugs with alcohol.
It is important that the seeds are very well dried, otherwise they will not be stored for a long time. In addition, choose only seeds from very ripe melons, so they will not bring harm, but only benefit.
Melon Seed Oil
Much benefit also brings oil obtained from melon seeds. It must be added to already prepared dishes, since during heat treatment most of the useful substances are lost.
The rest of the oil is used as well as seeds: it helps to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, normalize sugar levels and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
Melon butter is very simple to use: it must be taken with meals in 1 Art. l., 4 once a day. It helps to get rid of kidney stones, generally helps with diseases of the urinary system and reproductive function.
The composition of melon seeds
Melon seeds contain a high concentration of nutrients, in particular, they contain vitamin A, vitamin PP and folic acid, which is necessary for the body to increase intellectual abilities and brings great benefits to pregnant women, as it contributes to the normal development of the fetus in the early stages. Unfortunately, very healthy seeds contain many calories: 555 kilocalories per 100 grams of raw materials. That is why they should be included in the diet with caution, especially for people who are on a diet or sensitively watching their figure.
Water | 5,23 g |
Proteins | 30,23 g |
Fats | 49,05 g |
Carbohydrates | 4,71 g |
Alimentary fiber | 6 g |
Ash | 4,78 g |
Vitamins | |
Alpha carotene | 1 μg |
Beta-carotene | 9 μg |
Vitamin E | 2,18 mg |
Beta tocopherol | 0,03 mg |
Gamma tocopherol | 35,1 mg |
Delta tocopherol | 0,44 mg |
Vitamin K | 7,3 μg |
Vitamin C | 1,9 mg |
Vitamin B1 | 0,27 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0,15 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0,75 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0,14 mg |
Vitamin B9 | 58 μg |
Natural folates | 58 μg |
Vitamin PP | 4,99 mg |
Vitamin B4 | 63 mg |
Macronutrients | |
potassium | 809 mg |
Calcium | 46 mg |
Magnesium | 592 mg |
Sodium | 7 mg |
Phosphorus | 1233 mg |
Trace Elements | |
Hardware | 8,82 mg |
Manganese | 4,54 mg |
Copper | 1,34 mg |
Selenium | 9,4 μg |
Zinc | 7,81 mg |
Useful Properties
For all the time of existence, the melon seeds were considered a powerful aphrodisiac, which was able to positively affect male potency. To do this, they use on 1 tsp. three times a day: in the morning after waking up, just before bedtime and an hour after lunch.
The substances contained in melon seeds help to maintain a normal level of fats in the blood, including they activate metabolism, thereby making the body healthier. Very good melon seeds affect the central nervous system, in addition, they are able to maintain a good state of vision.
Melon seeds are used for people who have recently suffered a serious illness, as they are able to maintain health and improve immunity. They also help to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, and, in addition, prevents the accumulation of harmful fat in the liver.
Useful properties of seeds:
- mild diuretic action;
- natural remedy against inflammation;
- mild choleretic effect;
- purification of the digestive tract;
- improve the condition of the liver and kidneys;
- normalize sugar levels;
- help to treat cough and respiratory diseases.
As a folk remedy, melon seeds have been used as a powerful cleanser. In particular, they stimulate gastrointestinal tract cleansing, improve liver health and stimulate kidney function. They are actively used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract: in particular, with bronchitis, since the substances contained in the seeds allow you to liquefy phlegm and stimulate its excretion from the body.
Use in cosmetology
Melon seeds are often used in cosmetology. For example, if you make an ordinary decoction subsided seeds, you will notice a rejuvenating effect. To make such a decoction, you need to take 1 Art. l melon seeds, crushed in a coffee grinder, add 250 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, cook for a few minutes, wait until it cools at room temperature, strain and use as a face tonic.
To whiten the face, it is necessary to use powdered melon seeds mixed with powdered milk and diluted with water. This mixture should be applied to the face, hold 15 for minutes, and then rinse with warm water. This will help get rid of freckles and age spots, improve the tone of the face.
Melon seeds are useful for dry skin, for this you need to take melon seed oil, add natural grape juice and a bit of melon gruel to it. Just 10 minutes just to keep such a mask, and then apply the usual nourishing cream, so that the skin becomes much more moisturized.
Crushed melon seeds can be used as a tonic for the face, for this you need to pour boiling water over the raw material, cover and leave to cool.
After that, you need to pour it into ice tins and freeze, and then wipe your face after washing every morning after washing. It tones the skin, stimulates blood flow to it, improves the complexion and helps to whiten it.
Recipes medicines from seeds
If you are tormented by a cough, sputum does not go out at all, you need to prepare melon milk. To do this, you need to take dried melon seeds, grind them thoroughly with a mortar or coffee grinder, add 8 parts of water to one part and thoroughly grind. The resulting mixture must be filtered very carefully and add a little sugar to it to make it taste good. You need to drink 50 ml several times a day for 20-30 minutes before eating. As a result, irritation in the throat decreases, cough softens and sputum is excreted.
If you suffer from urinary retention associated with prostate problems, a decoction of melon seeds in milk will help you. To do this, take 250 ml of milk, add a tablespoon of melon seed to them, bring the mixture to a boil and let it brew for 30 minutes at room temperature. It needs to be drunk a little every day to notice a pronounced effect and alleviate suffering.
If you need to reduce the level of sugar, melon seeds, pounded into powder, are well suited for this. Take one tablespoon of such raw materials, pour boiling water with 250 ml and leave in a warm place until completely cooled. The resulting mixture should be taken three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.
If you suffer from cholecystitis, you need to take a teaspoon of chopped melon seeds, pour 250 ml of freshly boiled milk into them, boil for a few minutes and drink 3 once a day. To achieve the most pronounced effect, the treatment course should be at least a week.
Due to the fact that melon seeds can improve the intestinal microflora, they have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, and also help to significantly strengthen the immune system.
Who are useful melon seeds
These seeds contain folic acid, which is necessary for normal growth and development of the fetus. That is why it is often recommended to eat pregnant. In addition, folic acid is necessary for children, because it is thanks to her that the body grows and develops normally, and the child’s learning ability and memory are improved, attention is concentrated, and efficiency increases.
Melon seeds are used for the following diseases and problems:
- in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- diabetes;
- with diarrhea or constipation;
- for male prostate problems;
- inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
- in some diseases of the liver;
- with respiratory diseases.
If you suffer from painful menstruation, you need to take 200 grams of seeds, add some mistletoe leaves and a liter of water, boil the mixture well, strain and drink 100 ml 3 ml times a day.
If you are tormented by kidney stones, you need to take on 100 grams of melon seeds half a liter of water, and boil the mixture in a water bath until half of the water boils away. The broth must be well filtered and drink 150 ml twice a day.
Melon seeds as a remedy are valuable precisely because, in addition to targeted use, they also have a comprehensively positive effect on the human body. It is enough just to dry and chop the melon seeds and you can add them to food, make a decoction or infusion based on them, and even medicinal cocktails.
Hazardous properties
It is not recommended to use melon seeds in combination with alcohol, since the combination with it of some of the substances contained in it can lead to poisoning. Unlike many other types of seeds, the data cannot be mixed with honey or milk, as this can lead to a serious upset gastrointestinal tract. Do not use for people with a stomach ulcer in a state of exacerbation, as well as if problems with a disease of the stomach lead to a high concentration of gastric juice. You should not abuse these seeds if you doubt your health, because for treatment you must eat them on an empty stomach. In any case, excessive enthusiasm for this useful and tasty product can lead to problems with the spleen, for the same reason, in no case should you consume unripe seeds.