Melon pineapple

Pineapple melon is very popular due to its unpretentious care and excellent taste. Every gardener will be able to enjoy delicious fruits that taste like overseas fruits. All you need to do is buy seeds and plant them in your backyard.

Melon pineapple

Description of pineapple melon

Pineapple melon is a high-yielding mid-season variety. Heat-loving culture, very demanding on light. The period from germination to full maturity is 80-100 days.

The main characteristics of pineapple melon:

  • fruit color – yellow-golden;
  • the peel is dense, but not thick, with a slight mesh pattern;
  • the pulp is tender, juicy, slightly oily, light cream in color;
  • shape – rounded, slightly oblong;
  • fruit weight – 1-3 kg;
  • bright pineapple flavor.

Pineapple melon is perfectly transported, even over fairly long distances, and is well stored. The shelf life of the removed fruits is 1,5-2 months, without any chemical treatment. The variety is perfectly adapted to any weather conditions, in particular, it easily tolerates a temporary drop in temperature.

Pineapple melon is consumed both fresh and processed. Prepared from ripe fruit jams, jams, marmalade, candied fruits, marmalade, juices and compotes. Used for a variety of pastries. You can also freeze for future use to enjoy delicious fruits all year round.

A large amount of vitamins in the composition of pineapple melon makes it very beneficial for health. It is recommended to enter it into the menu for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. It is also useful to use this fruit for anemia, anemia, gout, tuberculosis.

Advice! Pay attention to the pineapple melon should be people who follow their figure. Due to the large amount of fiber in the fruit, it will perfectly complement the dietary diet.

Varieties of pineapple melon

Based on the variety Pineapple melon, several hybrids have been developed that have similar characteristics, in particular, a taste and aroma reminiscent of pineapple. But they all differ in terms of ripening, size, shape, color of the peel and pulp.

Melon pineapple F1

Melon Pineapple F1 is a mid-season hybrid of pineapple type. The growing season lasts 90-100 days. It is characterized by a friendly yield of the crop and stable, long-term fruiting. The fruits are very sweet and fragrant, round-oval in shape. The average weight is 1,3-2,3 kg. The flesh is creamy white. The peel is thin, yellow-green, with a pronounced mesh pattern.

Melon pineapple

Melon Pineapple Americano

Melon-pineapple Americano is an ultra-early hybrid that differs from other varieties in its miniature size and original color, as can be seen from the photo. The average fruit weight is 400 g.

Melon pineapple

Americano melon has not only a delicious pineapple taste, but also an attractive appearance. Light orange skin with dark brown stripes looks very unusual and decorative. The pulp is white, dense and at the same time very juicy.

Melon American Pineapple

American pineapple is a mid-season hybrid. Suitable for outdoor cultivation. It has a high yield, is not afraid of late spring frosts. The shape of the fruit is round, weight – about 2,5 kg, skin color – light green or beige. The pulp is creamy, juicy, sweet, reminiscent of pineapple in taste.

Melon pineapple

Melon pineapple Gold

Mid-season hybrid, which is easily recognizable by its greenish skin color, with a slightly rough surface. The color of the fruit pulp varies from bright yellow to orange, sometimes even reddish, with a characteristic green rim at the base of the skin. The palatability of the variety is excellent, with a pronounced pineapple aroma. The Gold melon is very sweet, sometimes too sweet. For those who do not like sweets, the taste of the fruit may seem very cloying.

Melon pineapple

Growing pineapple melon

In the southern regions, pineapple melon can be grown by direct sowing of seeds into the ground. In areas with a cooler climate, it is better to use the seedling method of cultivating the variety.

Preparation of seedlings

It is recommended to start sowing with the preparation of seeds, which should be soaked in warm water for several days. It needs to be changed daily. As soon as the seeds begin to peck, they can be sown in the ground. The best time for sowing is the first half of April.

Advice! Planting material is recommended to be purchased at specialized outlets. Self-harvested seeds should not be used earlier than 3 years after collection.

Sowing is carried out in specially prepared containers, laying out 1 seed. An important condition is the creation of a greenhouse effect, for which the crops are covered with plastic wrap. Harvest it immediately after the appearance of the first shoots. Place cups with sprouts that have appeared in a well-lit place, for example, on a windowsill on the sunny side. You can prevent pulling seedlings by regularly rearranging and turning the pots.

After 30 days, seedlings can be planted in open ground. It must first be hardened by taking it out into the open air daily. You should start with a few minutes, constantly increasing the time.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Pineapple melon is unpretentious to growing conditions. It grows on any soil, but the best yield can be obtained by growing a crop on neutral soils. When choosing an area for planting, preference should be given to sunny, well-lit areas, protected from cold winds.

Rules of landing

Planting pineapple melon should be started, focusing on the ambient temperature. The approximate date of sowing seeds is the end of spring, the last decade of May. One of the main parameters is the degree of soil heating. The temperature of the soil must be at least + 15 ° C, otherwise the seedlings can simply not wait.

Attention! The most intensive growth of pineapple melon is observed at an air temperature of + 25-30 °C.

Do not plant seeds too deep. The optimum embedment depth is 15-20 mm. You can speed up the germination of seeds by covering the wells with crops with a film. Immediately after the emergence of shoots, it is removed.

Planting pineapple melons is recommended at a distance of 80-100 cm from each other, as the variety has a tendency to intensive growth.

Watering and top dressing

Pineapple melon needs regular watering. The recommended water consumption rate is 500 ml for each bush. As the plant grows, this volume gradually increases to 3 liters.

The frequency of watering is reduced during flowering. During this period, the melon is watered no more than once every 1-3 days. Even less often, bushes are watered during fruit ripening. Stop watering pineapple melons 5-7 days before the start of fruit picking.

Melon pineapple

It is convenient to combine watering with top dressing. Pineapple melons are fertilized in several stages:

  1. 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground. Under each bush pour 2 liters of nutrient solution (20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water).
  2. During the budding process. Fertilize with ammonia solution or mullein (1:10).
  3. 2-3 weeks after the second feeding, the bushes are poured with a complex of mineral fertilizers. The solution is prepared in this way – 10 g of superphosphate, 50 g of ammonium sulfate, 30-20 g of potassium salt are dissolved in 25 liters of water.


Pinching lashes is the main agrotechnical technique that affects the yield of pineapple melons. Their fruits are tied on lashes of the third order. After the first 4-5 true leaves appear on the shoot, pinch the top of it over the third leaf. Over time, second-order shoots will begin to grow from the axils of the remaining leaves.

After 4-5 leaves appear on them again, the lower shoot should be removed, and the tops of the top two should be pinched. Third-order shoots will grow on them, on which flower stalks will appear (pictured), and then the fruits of pineapple melons will be tied.

Melon pineapple

When the size of the ovaries reaches 4-5 cm, the weakest branches should be removed, leaving only 5-6 on which the largest ovaries are located.

Warning! To get a good harvest in the form of large and juicy fruits, it is recommended to leave no more than 1 ovary on one shoot, otherwise they will grow small.


Harvesting should begin after making sure that the pineapple melons are fully ripe. First of all, attention should be paid to the color of the fruit and the mesh on the surface of the peel. Ripe pineapple melons are easily separated from the lashes, have a characteristic color, a network of cracks is evenly distributed over the entire skin. But, such fruits should not be left for storage, since they will not lie longer than 1-1,5 months.

For long-term storage, it is recommended to select melons with a moderate network of cracks covering no more than half of the fruit. Such fruits are harvested selectively, as they show signs of technical ripeness. Collection is made in the morning, before the onset of heat or in the evening. Plucked pineapple melons are left in the garden for 4-5 days, turning from side to side every 5-6 hours. Then they are cleaned in a dry, cool room.

Attention! Melons intended for long-term storage are recommended to be picked together with a tail at least 3 cm long.

Melon pineapple

Diseases and pests

Pineapple melon is resistant to powdery mildew, late blight and other fungal diseases. But sometimes it is subject to the occurrence of diseases characteristic of other melons.

Diseases and pests

Symptoms of the disease

melon aphid

It is located on the back of the leaves, sucking the juice from the plant


Drills holes in fruits, laying eggs inside


Pink spots on the surface of the leaves

spider mite

A thin cobweb on the underside of the leaves, which subsequently spreads throughout the bush


It feeds on fruits, leaving deep holes in their surface.

melon fly

Lays eggs inside fruits, causing them to rot rapidly


First of all, it affects young sprouts, the leaves and stems of which lose their natural color.

Mučnistaâ rosa

Leaves and stems are covered with white bloom

Downy Mildew

All parts of the plant are covered with a yellow coating.

Preventive actions:

  1. During planting, onion peel or eggshells must be placed in each hole.
  2. Carry out periodic spraying of bushes with a solution of laundry soap or ash, whey, onion and garlic broth.
  3. Plant plants that exude a strong aroma, such as marigolds, around the area with pineapple melons.

Pineapple melon reviews

Tatyana, 45 years old, Saratov
Based on the numerous positive reviews of gardeners, I decided to plant a pineapple melon in my dacha. The result obtained exceeded all my expectations. The fruits grew very sweet, with a fresh tropical fruit aroma. They especially liked the children. Grown through seedlings, which allowed earlier to enjoy ripe fruits.
Olga, 51 years old, Krasnodar
I liked the variety both in appearance and taste. Melons are quite large, well stored. Watering was often not possible, as she was at the dacha only on weekends. But this did not affect the yield in any way. I also liked that we managed to grow delicious pineapple melons without chemical treatments. The cultivar proved to be disease resistant.
Mikhail, 67 years old, Kaluga
This year I decided to experiment and planted an Americano pineapple melon. I liked the decorativeness of the variety and its miniature. But it turned out that these are not the main advantages of the hybrid. These small melons, which fit in the hand, also turned out to be very tasty. The grandchildren were delighted with my striped melons. I advise you to try to grow this variety to all lovers of the exotic.


Pineapple melon will appeal to both adults and children due to its original taste and aroma. The variety is unpretentious, it can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in garden beds. Suitable for cultivation in any latitude, fruit setting occurs even in stressful climatic conditions.

The subtleties of growing melons / How to grow a melon from seed to harvest

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