Melon liqueur and liqueur: 7 recipes at home

If you want to treat yourself to something delicious, prepare a liqueur or melon liqueur. To do this, you need quite a bit: a ripe fragrant sweet melon, high-quality alcohol and a bit of patience.

They also make from melon: tinctures, syrup

Classic melon liqueur recipe


  1. Ripe melon – 1 pc.

  2. Vodka – how much melon will require

  3. Sugar – per 1 liter from 180 to 500 g of sugar (to taste)

Method of preparation

  1. Take a ripe but not overripe melon, peel, cut into small pieces and place in a bottle.

  2. Pour vodka over the melon so that it completely covers the pieces, and let it brew.

  3. After 2 weeks, strain and squeeze the contents of the jar through cheesecloth in 4-5 layers. Then filter the infusion and sweeten to taste (for 1 liter of infusion – from 180 to 500 g of sugar), bottle and cork.

Melon liqueur on cognac brandy

Melon with cognac is as classic as gin with currants, vodka with pepper or rum with coconut milk.


  1. Melon – 1 kg of melon pulp

  2. Ordinary brandy or cognac – 2 l

  3. Sugars – 250 g

  4. Water – 1 L

Method of preparation

  1. Prepare sugar syrup, cool.

  2. Cut the melon pulp into slices, put in a large jar, pour sugar syrup and cognac.

  3. Leave covered for 14-15 days at room temperature.

  4. Strain the finished liquor, filter and pour into prepared bottles.

  5. Store tightly closed in a cool place.

Double melon liqueur

For this drink, it is best to use vodka, the same brandy or cognac, or a 50-degree solution of grain or grape alcohol.


  1. Melon – 2-3 kg

  2. Strong alcohol (vodka, gin, etc.) – 1 l

  3. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Place the prepared melon in a jar and pour in alcohol (alcohol should cover the melon pulp by at least 3 cm).

  2. Close the container tightly and hold it on the windowsill for five days.

  3. Then, transfer the jar to a warm, dark place and keep it there for up to ten days, shaking daily.

  4. Strain the liquid through a thick cheesecloth, pour it into a clean container, close the lid and refrigerate.

  5. Return the remaining melon pulp to the original bowl, mix with sugar, close tightly and put in a warm place for 5-7 days (until the sugar is completely dissolved).

  6. Filter the resulting syrup through a thick gauze and lightly squeeze the remaining pulp into it.

  7. Mix syrup with alcohol tincture from the refrigerator, add more sugar if desired (strain again if you wish) and bottle.

  8. The liqueur will acquire full-fledged organoleptic qualities after a three-month stay in the cellar or refrigerator. Before serving, the drink is strongly recommended to be decanted in a decanter.

Classic melon liqueur

As with all liqueurs, this will require a bit more human intervention.


  1. Melon – 2-2,5 kg

  2. 70-degree water-alcohol solution – 300 ml

  3. Non-carbonated drinking water – 500 ml

  4. Sugar – 200-250 g

Method of preparation

  1. Put the prepared melon in a jar and completely fill the pulp with alcohol.

  2. Keep a tightly closed vessel for a week in a cool dark place.

  3. Then decant the liquid, close it tightly and refrigerate.

  4. Pour 100-150 g of sugar into a jar of pulp, close it well and place it in a dark, warm place for 5 days.

  5. Drain the resulting syrup into a pre-prepared pan.

  6. Pour water into a jar of melon, rinse the container well with it and filter into a saucepan with syrup. There, squeeze the remaining cake through gauze.

  7. Add the remaining sugar to the resulting substance and heat it over low heat until the crystals are completely dissolved.

  8. Cool the finished syrup to room temperature, remove the alcohol tincture from the refrigerator and mix both liquids thoroughly (the resulting result can be slightly filtered if desired).

  9. Bottle the drink and leave it in the cellar or refrigerator for 2-3 months. Before serving, decant.

Melon liqueur from the Poles

A typical Polish, strong, sweet, somewhat ostentatious drink.


  1. Melon – 1 or 2 pcs. (total weight – up to 4 kg)

  2. Pure grain alcohol (95 degrees) – 1 l

  3. Light rum – 120 ml

  4. Water – 500 ml

  5. Lemon juice – 20 ml

  6. Sugar (preferably cane) – 800 g

Method of preparation

  1. Prepare the melon and transfer it to a suitable jar.

  2. Make simple sugar syrup from water and sugar.

  3. Pour the melon with hot syrup, add lemon juice, close the jar tightly and leave it for a day in a dark, warm room.

  4. Then decant the liquid, squeeze the cake into it through thick cheesecloth, mix with alcohol and rum, and then bottle it.

  5. Leave the drink for a couple of months in the cellar or refrigerator. Before serving, decant.

Liquor a la Midori

If you are lucky with a melon (it should be especially sweet and fragrant), you will get quite an analogue of the famous Japanese drink. At the same time, if you want it to acquire the eye-catching green color characteristic of the original, you can, following the example of manufacturers from the Land of the Rising Sun, add 5-6 drops of dark green and yellow food coloring to it.

The cocktail liqueur you received, as well as authentic Midori, can be used to make drinks such as Melon Breeze, Salem Witch, Japanese Slipper and the like.


  1. Melon – 2-2,5 kg

  2. Pure grain alcohol – 500 ml

  3. Water – 500 ml

  4. Cane sugar – 400 g

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the melon, cut it in half and cut off the peel, taking about half a centimeter of pulp (the rest of the pulp can be used to make the above drinks or just eat).

  2. Cut the peel into one and a half centimeter cubes, place in a two-liter jar and pour alcohol.

  3. Keep a tightly closed container for 30-40 days in a cool, dark place, diligently shaking the contents every 3 days.

  4. After the specified period, cook a simple sugar syrup.

  5. While the syrup cools to room temperature, filter the alcohol infusion.

  6. Mix both liquids well, pour into a clean jar, close it tightly and return it to a cool room for a week.

  7. Strain the drink through a thick gauze dipped in alcohol, bottle and seal tightly.

  8. Allow the liquor to mature by keeping it for 3-4 months in the cellar or refrigerator.

Quick melon liqueur (4 hours)


  1. Melon – 1 pc. (about 1-1,2 kg)

  2. Sugars – 200 g

  3. Red table wine – 1,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Peel the melon from the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes.

  2. Put in a jar or enameled container, cover with sugar and pour wine.

  3. Keep covered in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

  4. Strain, drink immediately with ice and champagne.

Relevance: 25.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes, Liqueur Recipes

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