Melon kolkhoz woman: cultivation
Melon “Kolkhoznitsa” is a variety that can survive and bear fruit in central Russia, which is very valuable, given the thermophilicity and whimsicality of the pumpkin family. Let’s talk about the features of the variety and how to grow a plant in our area.
“Kolkhoznitsa” is a type of melon that is resistant to low temperatures. This advantage allows you to grow the plant in cooler regions and collect a rich harvest.
Melon “Kolkhoznitsa” is famous for its unpretentiousness and amazing taste
Crop plantations successfully bear fruit both in greenhouses and in the open field.
The fruit has an oval shape, reminiscent of a balloon, and reaches a small weight of 1,5-2 kg. Ripening period – from 78 to 100 days, ripe berry is distinguished by a bright yellow or slightly orange color with slightly cracked skin. The pulp is white, sweet and very juicy, with a dense consistency. Inside the kernel is the so-called bag of large, flat seeds.
The only disadvantage of the variety is unsuitability for long-distance transportation and long-term storage, the need for which is not critical due to its high frost resistance and the ability to grow fruits in many regions of the country.
Cultivation of “Kolkhoznitsa” melon, care and increase in yield
Consider the stages, the observance of which will allow you to collect a good harvest of a fragrant delicacy:
- Culture propagation begins with the transformation of seeds into seedlings. To do this, place the material in small cups or tubs and water them sparingly.
- After about a month, shoots appear, and in May, shoots can be transplanted into the ground.
- If the culture is not located in a greenhouse, but in an open area, it is necessary to cover it with foil.
- After the appearance of three leaves, pinching is necessarily carried out by pinching.
Keep in mind that pumpkin plants love freedom, so the distance between the stems should not be less than 1 m.
The culture is light-requiring, take care of the lighting of the plantation for 10-12 hours a day
For the growing season to pass quickly, do not forget to maintain low soil moisture every day, in no case flooding the roots. When watering, make sure that no water gets on the leaves.
Be sure to feed the melon after a week in the ground on its own. The most suitable fertilizer is a mineral complex containing potassium and superphosphate.
When the need for pollination comes, greenhouse plants are artificially pollinated.
Obtaining a result requires some effort and time, but the requirements of the culture are minimal, and even an amateur summer resident can grow it. Follow all the recommendations – and you will enjoy the first harvest two months after planting.