Among the usual and traditional preparations from raspberries, strawberries and currants, melon jam is gaining more and more popularity. This simple dessert will be the highlight of any tea party and saturate the body with useful elements.
Benefits of melon jam
The content in the melon of a large number of important trace elements – fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamins – determines the beneficial effect that the fruit has on the body. Heat treatment, which the fruit undergoes during the cooking process, reduces the number of useful elements. That is why many housewives, in order to preserve as many vitamins as possible in the melon, reduce its processing to a minimum.

Regular use of the fruit is characterized by:
- Improvement in the condition of the skin. Age spots, rashes and uneven skin texture disappear.
- Strengthening hair follicles. As a result, hair falls out less often and becomes much stronger.
- pressure normalization.
- Improving metabolic processes in the body.
- Elimination of chronic fatigue, irritability, depression.
- Normalization of the cardiovascular system.
- Immunity boost.
How to choose a melon for jam
Gourds, including melons, absorb a lot of harmful substances from the soil and the environment during their growth. Therefore, when choosing a fetus, you should follow some recommendations:
- Do not pluck a culture that has matured near roads or large industries. Dust and harmful substances that come from gassed places saturate the melon.
- Do not buy spoiled fruit. Any deformation of the peel, rotten areas, dents indicate that the fruit is stale.
- A high-quality and ripe melon should have a bright and pleasant aroma. If instead an unpleasant odor is felt or it is completely absent, the fruit is immature.
- The ripeness of the fruit can be easily determined by the tail. In mature melon, it is dry.
- A high-quality and natural product has seeds, as a rule, full. If they are dry inside and have a brownish color, the fruit is most likely with nitrates.

Basic rules for making melon jam
In order for melon jam to turn out really tasty and healthy, you need to know about some important rules for its preparation:
- Ripeness. The melon should not be green or overripe. Too ripe fruit has a very soft pulp and boils during cooking.
- The container for the preparation of the workpiece must be aluminum.
- During cooking, the mass must be constantly stirred – the fruit should not burn.
Video “Candied melon jam”
This video shows you how to make a delicious and flavorful dessert at home.
The best recipes for melon jam
Numerous step-by-step recipes for preparing melons for the winter are aimed at preserving the maximum useful substances of the fruit and its unforgettable taste.
Classic recipe
For jam, it is necessary to select fruits of hard varieties. This will ensure that the melon pieces remain intact even after boiling.
- melon – 1 kg;
- sugar – 0,6 kg.
The fruit must be washed, peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes. The workpiece should be covered with sugar and insisted for an hour.
In order for the taste and consistency of the jam to be original, a few bananas and lemon zest are added to the mass.
Author’s advice
The container with the components is put on low heat, boiled after boiling for no more than 5 minutes and the stove is turned off. The mass is poured into jars and rolled up.
“Five Minute”
Melon and sugar are taken in a ratio of 1: 2. The fruit is cut into cubes, combined with granulated sugar and lightly sprinkled with lemon juice. Next, the jam needs to be cooked. After that, the delicacy is cooled and served for tea drinking.
Thick melon jam
To prepare you will need:
- ripe fruit – 2 kg;
- lemon – 2 pcs .;
- ginger – 50 g;
- sugar – 1 kg;
- cinnamon to taste.
It is important to choose a ripe fruit with sweet pulp. The melon is crushed into cubes, mixed with ginger root, lemon juice, cinnamon and left to infuse for an hour. Pour 1 kg of granulated sugar into a liter of water and prepare a sweet syrup. After that, the fruit mass is poured with syrup and simmered on fire for 20 minutes. The readiness of the jam is determined by its consistency: as soon as it thickens, the fire is turned off. Cinnamon is added to the mass.

Watermelon jam
This dessert is the exact opposite of the previous one, as it has a liquid consistency.
- melon – 1 kg;
- sugar – 1 kg;
- cognac – 1 st. l .;
- water – 1 glass.
The fruits must be chopped into identical pieces, lightly sprinkled with cognac and sprinkled with sugar. This mass should be infused for at least 2 hours. Next, you need to prepare the usual sugar syrup, which is subsequently poured into the crushed fruit. Now the melon is recommended to infuse for 24 hours. After this time, the jam is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, distributed in jars and rolled up.
With brandy
The dessert prepared according to this recipe has an unusual taste, reminiscent of honey.
You need:
- fruit pulp – 1 kg;
- granulated sugar – 1 kg;
- water – 1 glass;
- cognac – 2 st. l .;
- citric acid – 0,5 tsp.
Sliced melon is poured with a small amount of cognac, covered with sugar and left for 4 hours. At this time, you need to prepare a syrup with citric acid. The fruit mass is poured with syrup and left for another 24 hours. The jam is boiled for half an hour, after which it is poured into jars.
With ginger
You need:
- melon pulp – 1,9 kg;
- sugar – 1,3 kg;
- Orange – 1;
- ginger root – 50 g;
- Cinnamon – 4 g;
- vanillin – 2 g.
Melon, orange and ginger need to be crushed and combined in one pan. Fruits fall asleep with a part of sugar and insist 3 hours. Next, pour the rest of the granulated sugar, water and cook over low heat. The result should be a thick consistency.
You need to prepare:
- melon pulp – 3 kg;
- granulated sugar – 1 kg;
- lemon – 2 pcs .;
- cinnamon.
Melon is cut, citrus juice, sugar are added and infused for 3 hours. During this time, the syrup is cooked. The mass is poured with ready-made syrup and languishes over low heat until the desired consistency.
With lemon
- fruit – 1 kg;
- granulated sugar – 0,7 kg;
- lemon – 2 pcs.
Melon and lemon are chopped, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes and left for 5 hours. After that, the mass is boiled again. When the fruit jam has cooled, it must be distributed among jars.
with orange
- fruit – 1,5 kg;
- oranges – 3 pcs.;
- granulated sugar – 2 kg;
- water – 0,7 l.
The fruit is crushed, candied, insisted for 4 hours. Next, the mass is poured with freshly brewed syrup and left for 24 hours. Oranges are crushed, sent to the total mass and boiled until thick.
with grapefruit
You need to prepare:
- melon – 1 kg;
- grapefruit – 1 pc.;
- sugar – 750
The melon is crushed and infused for 10 hours, boiled for about 15 minutes. After that, the mass is again left for 5 hours. Grapefruit is cut, sent to a common container.
The jam is boiled for about half an hour, after which it is poured into jars.

With a banana
To make jam you will need:
- banana – 900 g;
- melon pulp – 1,5 kg;
- lime – 8 pc.;
- cognac – 40 ml;
- granulated sugar – 1,5 kg.
Cut the fruit, sugar and leave for 24 hours. Squeeze the lime juice into the pan to the melon, boil for half an hour. Add bananas, cook until pureed. Distribute in containers, roll up.
with pear
- pears – 1 kg;
- melon pulp – 0,9 kg;
- sugar – 0,9 kg;
- water – 0,5 l;
- pink pepper – 20 pcs.;
- grapefruit essence – 100 ml.
Prepare the syrup, send the chopped pear into it, cook for 10 minutes. Cool the mass and repeat the procedure 2 more times. Add pepper and melon. Pour in the essence and pour into jars.
With apples
For seaming you will need:
- apples – 500 g;
- melon pulp – 1,4 kg;
- sugar – 550 kg;
- lemon peel – 1 pc.
Process the fruit in a blender, add granulated sugar, simmer over low heat. Add apples, zest. Remove from heat after 10-12 minutes. Divide into sterilized jars.
With watermelon rinds
- melon and watermelon peels – 0,5 kg each;
- sugar – 0,4 kg;
- water – 0,6 l.
Grind the crusts into cubes, sugar, insist 12 hours. Boil for 15 minutes, arrange in jars.

For jam you need to prepare:
- fruit – 1 kg;
- honey – 0,5 kg;
- lemon – 1 pcs .;
- vanillin.
Fruit cut arbitrarily, pour honey and leave for 7 hours. Add lemon juice, simmer for 10 minutes and insist again for a couple of hours. Add vanilla, simmer for 20 minutes until thick.
Without sterilization
Jam according to this recipe is prepared for several days.
You need:
- fruit pulp – 1 pc.;
- sugar – 800 g;
- water – 400 ml;
- citric acid – by eye.
Prepare syrup, boil the pulp in it. Within 3 days, it is necessary to boil the pulp in this syrup, allowing the mass to brew for 13-14 hours. At the last quenching, add citric acid.
In a bread maker
- fruit – 1 kg;
- sugar – 1,5 kg;
- receipt – packet;
- vanillin.
Sugar the pulp, insist 2 hours. Send the mass to the bread machine, add Quittin. Cook 1 hour. Cool, pour into containers.
In the multivariate
- fruit pulp – 1 kg;
- Orange – 1;
- sesame – to taste.
Combine the pulp and orange, sugar, cook in a slow cooker for 1 hour, stirring. Roll into banks.
Melon peel jam
- peels of 1 fruit;
- sugar – 0,8 kg;
- water – 1 l.
Cut the crusts, cook in syrup for 25 minutes, stirring the mass. After extinguishing, insist, boil again for 10 minutes. Pour into jars.
Melon honey, or jam without pulp
Of the ingredients, you only need one melon pulp.
The pulp must be killed with a blender, squeeze out the juice and cook over low heat until the mass thickens.

Made dessert meals
Thick jam is better stored than liquid. The temperature regime varies within + 12 … + 18 ° C. Keep the jam in a dark, dry place. Tin cans are recommended to be treated with petroleum jelly so that they do not oxidize. It is best to place the jars in the refrigerator or cellar.
Melon jam can be made according to the proposed recipes or you can come up with your own, author’s. Dessert will perfectly decorate the festive menu, both children and adults will like it.