Melon Golden: reviews and description

In 1979, the Golden melon was zoned in the Nizhnevolzhsky and North Caucasian regions and entered into the State Register. The variety was bred by the Krasnodar Research Institute of Vegetable and Potato Farming. In addition to Our Country, he gained popularity in Moldova and Ukraine.

Description of golden melon

Melon Golden: reviews and description

The mid-season annual cross-pollinated gourds bear fruit with melons of juicy yellow color (lemon) with a slight orange tint that appears towards the end of ripening. The shape of the melons Golden is round, slightly elongated at the ends. The dense pulp of white color with a yellowish core differs in sweetness, tenderness and juiciness. On average, each fruit weighs 1,5-2 kg.

Important! Melon Golden is not inclined to give a lot of lashes.

The middle (main) lash grows small in length, the lateral ones are shorter. The leaves are green with a solid edge. The surface of the fruit does not have a mesh during mass collection, it can be seen only on the very first melons.

From the emergence of seedlings to the technical maturity of a melon, an average of 75-85 days pass. Sowing time in open ground, depending on the region, is the end of April or the first decade of May. Golden melon is harvested in August and the first decade of September. Only manual collection applies. The disease-resistant Golden melon variety needs a hot climate and low humidity. With the recommended planting density (1×1,4 m or 1×1,5 m), the yield reaches 2,5 kg per 1 m2, and on an industrial scale from 1 hectare it is possible to obtain up to 100 q.

Pros and cons of the variety

Melon Golden: reviews and description

According to gardeners, Golden melon compares favorably with its advantages:

  1. Stable yield. Drought or lack of sunny days adversely affect the ripening time, the amount of sugar in the pulp, but not the yield. Soil fertility is much more important for the successful cultivation of Golden melon.
  2. Excellent transportability. The high density of the pulp and the rigidity of the skin make it possible to transport the crop over long distances. This explains the wide geography of sales of the variety in our country.
  3. Excellent keeping quality. At a temperature of about + 4 0C, humidity within 70-80%, without access to sunlight, the shelf life is 3-4 months.
  4. Resistance to diseases. The defeat of melons by fungal and viral diseases occurs only at consistently high humidity and low temperatures, as well as in greenhouses in violation of recommendations on agricultural technology.
  5. Melon Golden is suitable for outdoor cultivation, as well as in greenhouses, where vines and fruits are tied to trellises.


  1. Melon variety Golden is not suitable for processing. For the preparation of candied fruits and juice production, varieties with denser pulp and a high concentration of sugars are traditionally used.
  2. In terms of yield, the Golden melon cannot compete with other popular varieties, but this flaw is compensated by the stability of the indicators. When there is a crop failure in neighboring areas, Zolotistaya plantings are always distinguished by a large number of ovaries.

Growing melon Golden

Planting material – seeds. They are harvested from fully ripened melons, in which the flesh has become soft. The best germination is demonstrated by the seeds of the third year, as is noted in many other melon crops. Therefore, if the “collection of this year” is indicated on the package of Golden melon seeds, then it is better to sow them in a year or two.

Preparation of seedlings

Melon Golden: reviews and description

Sowing Golden is often done in open ground. Seedlings are used for greenhouses. Initially, small plastic or peat pots are prepared, which are filled with soil. Suitable substrate for cucumbers. You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, 10 liter of sand and a glass of wood ash are mixed with 1 liters of universal soil.

The seeds are deepened by 2-2,5 cm. All pots are thoroughly watered and put in a warm, well-lit place. The optimum temperature for the emergence of shoots of melon Golden + 20 0C. You can put several seeds in one pot, but from the sprouts that appear, only one is left – the strongest. As the soil dries up, watering is carried out, but it is important not to overmoisten the seedlings, as she really does not like this. Plants are considered adults at the age of 25-30 days.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The site for planting the Golden melon is chosen well-lit, without shading. There should be no cucumbers, pumpkins or watermelons nearby, as cross-pollination will worsen the taste of the crop. If the amount of seasonal rainfall in a given area is too low, gardeners provide artificial watering. Since autumn, the soil is dug up and humus is introduced into it. In the spring they dig up again, harrow and apply mineral fertilizers.

Consumption of mineral supplements per 1 m2 sown area is as follows:

  • 35-45 g superphosphate;
  • 15-25 g of potassium salt;
  • 15-25 g of nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
Attention! After the emergence of seedlings or planting seedlings, fertilizing is applied during irrigation, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic ones.

Rules of landing

In the regions for which the Zolotistaya melon variety is zoned, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the first ten days of April, and 25-day-old plants are transplanted into open ground. If transplanted into a greenhouse, then the sowing dates can be shifted by 1-2 months.

The recommended planting pattern for open ground is 1 m between rows, 1,5 m between individual bushes in a row. In a greenhouse planting, 1 m is left between plants, but trellises are always used. The fruits after the formation of the ovary are enclosed in mesh bags and tied to supports.

Since the root system of seedlings is very delicate, gardeners prefer to use peat pots rather than plastic containers for germinating seeds. The main thing is that when transplanting, the earthen ball with roots remains intact. It is impossible to deepen it, it is better that it protrudes slightly above the soil level.

If it was not possible to harden the seedlings due to weather conditions (it is performed from the 15th day after germination), then in the first few days the planting must be shaded. To do this, a grid is pulled over the beds. If it is impossible to provide shade, then cloudy days are chosen for transplantation. With a sharp cold snap to + 10 0With film shelters are used, which are pulled over arcs of thick wire.

Watering and top dressing

Melon Golden: reviews and description

Melon is a drought-resistant crop. She does not need daily watering and rains. It is enough to provide access to moisture once a week. Moreover, after the formation of ovaries, experienced gardeners recommend completely stopping artificial irrigation. This is the best guarantee that the fruits will get as much sugar as possible. Artificial irrigation is carried out so that water flows only under the roots of plants, but not on foliage or ovaries.

The formation of side shoots on the bush is a signal to start feeding. Repeated watering with fertilizers is carried out during the forcing of flower buds. The main thing is to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers very carefully, as they significantly delay the ripening time. Solutions of chicken manure or mullein are applied before flowering, and after that only mineral supplements are allowed.

2 weeks after planting seedlings in the soil, it is recommended to add a solution of ammonium nitrate. It is prepared at the rate of 20 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. 2 liters of solution is poured under each plant. The next top dressing is best done with a solution of mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. A nutrient solution prepared at the rate of dilution in 10 liters of water has proven itself well:

  • 50 g superphosphate;
  • 30 g ammonium sulfate;
  • 25 g of potassium salt.
Important! Plantings with ovaries already formed and clearly visible to the naked eye are not fed, so as not to provoke a rapid increase in green mass.


When growing Golden melon in open ground, the method of pinching the main shoot is used. In this case, it is shortened after the appearance of 4 sheets. Lateral lashes are driven out from the axils of the leaves. Up to 6 ovaries are left on them in total. It is enough to leave 2 shoots, and each has 3 ovaries.

The same is done with the greenhouse cultivation of the Golden melon. In this case, the main shoot is cut over 3-4 leaves, the 2 strongest ones are selected from the side shoots and then they are carefully tied to trellises up to 2 m in height. All other shoots of the Golden melon variety are pruned.


Melon Golden: reviews and description

The signal for harvesting the Golden melon is the wilting of the foliage, the juicy yellow color of the melons. The fruits are easily separated from the stalks. Usually this time comes in the second half of August. It is worth noting that the Golden melon is distinguished by its friendly ripening. Harvesting ahead of time is not worth it, unless the weather allows time for the crop to reach its maximum ripeness. However, you can also collect slightly greenish melons, which ripen well in boxes in the sun and indoors.

For long-term storage of Golden melon, boxes are prepared, the bottom of which is lined with sawdust or straw. It is best to send them to the cellar, where the temperature is about + 4 0C. Golden melon does not suffer during transportation and can be stored until the middle of winter.

Diseases and pests

The variety of melon Golden is resistant to diseases and pests. In greenhouses, sometimes due to a violation of the irrigation regime, there are individual cases of damage by fungi, as well as spider mites, melon aphids and scoops. In the first case, it is important to carefully inspect the plantings and remove the affected leaves, spray with fungicides. Fitoverma and Iskra-Bio solutions help against pests.

If traces of powdery mildew are found, all plants are treated with sulfur powder. Consumption: 4 g per 1 m2. Re-treatment of the Golden melon will be required after 3 weeks. 20 days before the harvest date, all pest and disease control activities are stopped.

Reviews about the variety of melon Golden

Kirill Marytnov, 34 Stavropol Territory
In my greenhouse, I am just starting to try to grow melons. I can already note varieties better than others suitable for greenhouses. One of them is the golden melon. Not too large melons of 2,5 kg maximum, do not tear the whips and ripen perfectly on the trellises. Collect conveniently. For 2 years that I plant, I have not seen any fungus or mites yet. I recommend the variety.
Pavel Selikatov, 40 years old. Krasnodar
In our area, the choice of melon varieties is large. Out of competition Kolkhoznitsa with its incomparable aroma, but other varieties of melon are met with interest. I grow melons for sale, it is important for me to interest the buyer. I can praise the Golden variety, it is larger than Kolkhoznitsa, not so sweet, but very stable in everything. From year to year, the harvest is at the expected level – 15-17 kg per bush. This is important, for which I appreciate the Golden variety.


Melon Golden – a variety that has proven itself in the southern regions of our country, where it is grown in the open field and in greenhouses. Excellent keeping quality of fruits, consistently high yields, resistance to diseases and pests, unpretentious care – all this distinguishes Zolotistaya from competitors. Feedback from gardeners is positive, as are buyers from various parts of Our Country, Ukraine and Moldova.

melon seedlings

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