Melatonin – What Is It And How Does It Work? | Tips from Zielares
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Sleep problems affect more and more people. Research shows that up to half of the population can suffer from sleep disorders. This is very disturbing data that shows not only that we do not support the processes related to falling asleep, but also how stressful today’s reality is. We are preoccupied with worries about the future, money and work. In fact, we live under constant stress and it is getting harder and harder to face it. So you have to act, and as soon as possible, before the problems get too far.

A great support in the fight against stress is healthy and deep sleep of the right length. But how to fall asleep when stress is bothering you? Melatonin comes to the rescue. This natural hormone regulates the circadian rhythm and helps you regain a deep and restful sleep. See what exactly it is and how it works!

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is, as mentioned, the hormone responsible for sleep that is naturally produced by humans. It is secreted by the pineal gland (an endocrine gland located in the brain) after dark. Its highest concentrations are recorded between midnight and three in the morning. Its gradual release into the blood causes a person to become more and more sleepy, and finally fall asleep.

It is responsible for the length and quality of sleep, rest and regeneration of strength. It also affects the immune system, which is why its presence in the body improves protection against pathogenic microorganisms.

How does melatonin work?

Its secretion is induced by light, or more precisely by its lack, therefore the first “doses” reach the blood after dark. It is very easy to disrupt this process by incorrect habits, such as staying in bright rooms after dark or staring at screens.

Its additional task is to block gastric acid secretion and the synthesis of nitrogen oxides, which is directly related to the slowing down of all vital functions during sleep (digestion, urine production, etc.). At the same time, these properties can be used to treat gastrointestinal disorders such as, for example, acid reflux.

Melatonin regulates the body’s circadian rhythm, adjusting its functioning. It allows the body to distinguish between day and night and promotes the regeneration of the body.

The effect of melatonin on the human body

As mentioned, melatonin is responsible for deep and healthy sleep. A healthy organism, which functions properly, secretes it on its own in appropriate amounts, consistent with the needs. This means that a person is able to independently ensure a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, research shows that more and more people suffer from sleep disorders, which clearly shows that melatonin is not working properly.

Among the most common causes of this condition are incorrect lifestyle: playing games late at night, watching TV; but not only. It is also working late, shift work that forces activity also at night, and XNUMX-hour care for the sick.

One of the first symptoms of sleep problems is the feeling of constant fatigue, and at the same time going to bed earlier does not make you fall asleep immediately and you can regenerate.

In such situations, it happens that sleep comes late at night or only in the morning. Usually, in such situations, sleep is short or choppy. A person wakes up early, even after going to bed late. She still doesn’t feel refreshed when she wakes up, but she isn’t sleepy anymore, so she won’t fall asleep anyway, even if she has gone to bed.

The lack of real and deep rest causes a person to be in worse physical and mental condition. She has trouble remembering and concentrating, and is also more irritable and nervous.

People who are stressed out and live in constant tension have very similar symptoms. Their sleep is shallow, short, intermittent, and ineffective. They do not regenerate and do not rest.

In the elderly, the shortening of the sleep phase is due to decreased melatonin production. After the age of sixty, its secretion noticeably decreases, which causes the elderly to sleep shorter and wake up early in the morning. It does not always mean that they are rested. Nevertheless, they cannot sleep anymore.

In view of the situations described above, it is recommended to use melatonin as a supplement. For the elderly, it will equalize the level necessary to extend the sleep phase, and thus deeper rest.

Supplementing it by supplying it from the outside also brings positive results in the case of people whose daily balance has been disturbed, i.e. working at night or in shifts, and traveling to other time zones.

Among the stressed, increasing the melatonin level by supplementation brought about the effects in the form of easier falling asleep, maintaining sleep continuity and its prolongation, which translated into deeper rest and increased resistance to stressful situations. This, in turn, translated into better coping with stress.

However, when deciding to implement such supplementation, it is worth remembering that not only its deficiencies give negative symptoms, but also its excess.

Excess melatonin in the body – symptoms

Too intensive supplementation may cause undesirable effects and bothersome symptoms. These include nausea, nightmares, drowsiness, constant fatigue, and even depression and mental symptoms. In addition, liver disorders, inflammation of the optic nerve, headaches and a feeling of dry mouth may occur.

Melatonin overdose, however, is very rare and usually occurs when the person who uses the supplementation does not follow the dosing recommendations. If you want to take into account all safety considerations, you should pay attention not only to the daily limits for taking this substance, but also to possible contraindications.

Contraindications to taking melatonin and possible side effects

Basically, there are not many contraindications when using the dosages recommended by the doctor or the manufacturer. However, it is worth remembering that this is not a good solution for people who are hypersensitive to melatonin, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Medical advice should also be sought by people who:

  1. heal for depression;
  2. have arterial hypertension;
  3. heal for the heart;
  4. have epilepsy;
  5. have liver problems;
  6. with impaired immune system functions;
  7. diagnosed with hormonal disorders;
  8. suffer from abnormal kidney function.

Caution is due to the fact that melatonin may react with medications taken by patients suffering from these ailments.

In addition to overdosing and contraindications, it is also worth paying attention to possible side effects. Research has shown that they do not occur frequently, but may appear occasionally. Among them, nausea, drowsiness, headaches and dizziness are the most frequently mentioned.

Melatonin dosage

For the best effects of supplementation and to protect yourself from possible effects, follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer or your doctor. The suggested doses vary depending on the causes that caused the sleep disturbance. The period in which it should be taken is also varied. For example, travelers should take 2-3 mg daily after nightfall from the first day of travel until three days after the end of travel. However, in the case of shift work, the recommended dose is 1-5 mg per day, one hour before bedtime. Sometimes it takes up to two weeks for noticeable effects to appear.

A substantial dose of knowledge was provided by – Portal about herbs, vitamins, supplements and a healthy lifestyle.

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