A small-sized mushroom called melanoleuca black-and-white belongs to the Ryadovkovye family. Also known as common melanoleuk or related melanoleuk.

What do melanoleucs look like in black and white

Melanoleuca black and white: description and photo

This copy is presented in the form of a hat and legs with the following characteristics:

  1. The hat is convex, the size of which reaches up to 10 cm in diameter. Becomes prostrate with age with a darker tubercle in the center. The surface of the cap is dry, smooth, matte with slightly lowered edges. Colored in dark gray or brown shades, in dry summers the skin burns out and acquires a pale brown tone.
  2. The plates are narrow, frequent, adherent to the stem, widened in the middle. Initially painted white, a little later they become light brown.
  3. The leg is round and thin, reaches about 7 cm in length, and the width is about 1 cm in diameter. Slightly widened at the base, dense, longitudinally ribbed and fibrous. Its surface is dry, painted in brown shades with longitudinal black fibers.

    Melanoleuca black and white: description and photo

  4. Spores are rough, ovate-ellipsoid. The spore powder is pale yellowish.
  5. The flesh is loose and soft, at a young age it has a light gray color, and in mature age it is brown. Exudes a subtle spicy aroma.

Where melanoleucs grow black and white

Most often, this species grows in mixed and deciduous forests. Also sometimes it can be found in gardens, parks and on roadsides. The optimal time for fruiting is from May to October. It grows both singly and in small groups.

Is it possible to eat melanoleucs black and white

There is varied and conflicting information about the edibility of melanoleuca black-and-white. So, some experts classify this species as edible mushrooms, while others consider this specimen to be conditionally edible. However, their opinion agrees that black-and-white melanoleuc is not poisonous and can be used as food only after preliminary heat treatment.

Important! The legs of black-and-white melanoleuca are particularly rigid, which is why it is recommended to eat only hats.

False doubles

Melanoleuca black and white: description and photo

Melanoleuk black and white has external similarities with some relatives of the Ryadovkovye family.

  1. melanoleuc streatum – refers to conditionally edible mushrooms. The fruiting body is colored gray-brown or reddish. At a young age, the flesh is whitish or gray, in mature it acquires a brown tint.

    Melanoleuca black and white: description and photo

  2. Melanoleuca verrucous peduncle – edible mushroom. The hat is fleshy, painted in yellow-brown tones. A distinctive feature is a cylindrical leg, the surface of which is covered with warts.

    Melanoleuca black and white: description and photo

  3. Melanoleuca short-legged – the shape of the cap is similar to the species in question, however, the twin has a much shorter leg, which is only 3-6 cm. It is edible.

    Melanoleuca black and white: description and photo

Collection rules

When collecting melanoleuca black and white, it is advisable to be guided by the following rules:

  1. The best containers for mushrooms are wicker baskets, which will allow the gifts of the forest to “breathe”. Plastic bags for such purposes are definitely not suitable.
  2. Do not collect old, rotten and damaged specimens.
  3. It is recommended to cut the mushroom with a knife, but it is allowed to carefully remove it from the soil without damaging the mycelium.


This specimen is suitable for all types of processing: it is stewed, salted, dried, fried and marinated. However, before proceeding directly to cooking, melanoleuc black and white should be processed. To do this, each copy must be washed, the legs removed, then boiled for at least 15 minutes, after which you can proceed to further cooking the dish.

Important! Soaking melanoleuc black and white is not required because it does not have a bitter taste and does not contain toxins.


Melanoleuk black and white is a fairly rare species. It is found not only in mixed and deciduous forests, but also in parks, gardens and along roads. Prefers to grow alone, but sometimes unites in small groups. This species is classified as an edible mushroom of the lowest category. It has a sweet floury taste and pleasant aroma.

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