Meghan Markle will give birth with a doula and under hypnosis – royal birth
The 37-year-old Duchess of Sussex hired a special “hand holder” – a doula, along with an ordinary midwife for the fateful day. It seems that Megan intends to break every single royal prohibition.
The fact that the wife of Prince Harry is very free about the dress code adopted in the royal family has long been understood. Some even believe that the ex-actress is deliberately violating royal prohibitions – she is tired of being constantly told what she is doing wrong. Like, the monarchy has long become moldy, it’s time to shake it up. And even in such a matter as childbirth, Meghan Markle is going to break the established traditions. However, here she is not the first.
First, Megan found herself a doula. Doula means “servant woman” in Greek. Such assistants in childbirth first appeared in America in the 1970s, and 15 years later, this psychotherapy reached England. Their task is to relieve stress and anxiety of pregnant women, as well as teach them how to relax better during labor through breathing and different body positions.
Doula for Markle was the 40-year-old mother of three children, Lauren Mishkon. Now she is giving lessons to 34-year-old Prince Harry: she explains what to say during childbirth in order to support his wife during labor.
“Megan is focused on the calm and positive energy around her childbirth – she really believes in that,” says an anonymous source.
Secondly, Megan decided to resort to alternative medicine. Sources claim that before marriage she was a supporter of acupuncture and is not going to give up this practice until the very birth. All because she is sure: acupuncture sessions provide blood flow to the uterus, help the expectant mother to relax.
Third, Markle is very interested in hypnorods. It is believed that hypnosis greatly facilitates the course of childbirth.
Well, in addition, the duchess at first refused to give birth in the royal hospital: she said that she would go to an ordinary hospital, then they discussed that she would give birth at all at home. But in this matter, they still managed to convince the violent Megan – she will give birth in the same place where the children of Kate Middleton and Prince Harry were born.
In the meantime, we have compiled a list of those who still violated the traditions of royal families and how they did it. It turns out that even Queen Elizabeth II herself is sinful!
Queen Victoria: chloroform
Queen Victoria gave birth to nine (!) Children – she had four sons and five daughters. In those days, in the middle of the century before last, anesthesia during childbirth was under a medical ban. But when the Queen gave birth to her eighth child – Prince Leopold – she decided to take the risk and break this rule. During childbirth, she was given chloroform, which significantly alleviated the woman’s suffering. By the way, Queen Victoria was a rather fragile lady – her height was only 152 centimeters, her physique was by no means heroic. It is no wonder that the hardships of childbirth seemed unbearable to her in the end.
If Queen Victoria was giving birth now, she would not have to endure frenzied pain or use questionable anesthesia because she could have opted for an epidural.
“General anesthesia during childbirth is used only in severe or emergency situations, and this is decided by the anesthesiologist. And the epidural can be chosen by the woman herself in order to reduce pain stress and not tolerate it, as a hundred years ago. Shock and pain during childbirth have a negative effect on the baby, ”explains the doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Ph.D. Ekaterina Zavoiskikh.
Elizabeth II: no place for outsiders
Before the current Queen of Great Britain, everyone was present at the royal birth – in the truest sense of the word, even the Home Secretary! This rule was introduced by James II Stuart back in the XNUMXth century, who so wanted to prove that he would have a healthy child that he decided to show the birth of his wife to all doubters. What his wives, Anna Hyde and Maria Modenskaya, felt at the same time, very few people worried. But Queen Elizabeth II, while pregnant with Prince Charles, abolished this tradition.
Inviting the whole family for childbirth can be at least inconvenient, and at most unhygienic. In our country, it is strictly prescribed whom the expectant mother can invite to childbirth. In others, it is more and more free – you can even call a football team.
Princess Anne: Out of Home
All English queens gave birth at home. But Princess Anne broke the centuries-old course of tradition. She decided to give birth at St. Mary’s Hospital. It was there that her child, Peter, was born. Princess Diana also chose the hospital for the birth of her babies: William and Harry.
“Home birth can be harmful even if a woman is in full physical health during routine pregnancy check-ups. Therefore, you need to be aware that childbirth at home is fraught with enormous risks, up to the death of both the mother and the child, ”warns obstetrician-gynecologist Tatyana Fedina.
Kate Middleton: husband in childbirth
In the royal family, it was not customary for the father of the unborn child to be in childbirth. At least after James II, no one was eager to hold his wife by the hand. For example, Prince Philip, the husband of Elizabeth II, generally had fun and played squash while he was waiting for the birth of his first child. But Prince William and his wife Kate decided otherwise. And the Duke of Cambridge became the first royal father to be present at the birth of his child.
The prince became a good example for many Britons. According to a study by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, 95 percent of English fathers attended the birth of their wives.
Elena Milchanovska, Kateryna Klakevich