Meeting of the Government Crisis Management Team on Coronavirus in Italy. Recommendations for travelers

How should people who have returned from Italy affected by the coronavirus epidemic behave? In Poland, a meeting of the Government Crisis Management Team was convened.

Recommendations of the Government Crisis Management Team

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met today (February 24.02) with the Minister of Health, voivodes and representatives of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. How to reduce the risk of the spread of the coronavirus was discussed. Important information is also provided for those who are in Italy or have recently returned.

– We have prepared SMS messages for all Poles returning from abroad, as part of which there will be an appropriate transfer of information resources: how to behave, what are the symptoms of the outbreak of the coronavirus and what to avoid – said the Prime Minister.

– We have additional temperature tests for people returning by planes. LOT airlines equip themselves with thermometers so that this element of diagnostics can be used very quickly – we read in the announcement of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.

Mateusz Morawiecki assured that he is in constant contact with President Andrzej Duda regarding the coronavirus.

According to Polish Radio, Minister Mariusz Kamiński said that the Polish sanitary services are on standby. If necessary, they will provide first aid to patients at airports. There are also reserves of drugs and medical equipment.

As Deputy Minister Waldemar Kraska reported earlier on TVN24, the main recommendation is not to travel to regions where the coronavirus occurs. It is recommended for those who have returned from the northern part of Italy immediate contact with the State Sanitary Inspectionas you may have to undergo a two-week quarantine.

Wojciech Andrusiewicz, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, in an interview with PAP emphasizes, however:

– It is important that people do not panic if they have been in Italy. Let us distinguish between northern Italy, where there is virus outbreak, and southern Italy, where it is absent.

For those who return from other regions of the country, the Deputy Minister of Health recommends self-assessment and reporting to the State Sanitary Inspectorate only in the event of symptoms of infection.

Coronavirus in Italy

In Italy, it has already been reported more than 200 coronavirus infections, most in Lombardy. Today, the authorities announced the death of a seventh patient. The first victim of the coronavirus in Italy was a 77-year-old from the commune of Vo ‘Euganeo in Veneto. So far, the causes of the outbreak in this part of the country are unknown.

“The Italian authorities have taken a number of preventive measures to effectively protect public health and contain the spread of the virus. 11 municipalities were quarantined. Moreover, all mass events, including sports events, in Lombardy and Veneto were canceled. Classes at universities in Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Emilia Romagna have been suspended. Schools in Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Veneto and Emilia Romagna will also remain closed, and all school trips throughout Italy will be suspended »- reads a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A total of 79 cases of COVID-524 infection have been reported worldwide. 19 deaths caused by it were also confirmed. So far 2 626 people have been cured of the infection (data from February 25, 157 hours).

GIS in its latest announcement warns against traveling to the following countries:

  1. China, 
  2. South Korea, 
  3. northern Italy (in particular the regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Lazio), 
  4. Iran, 
  5. Japan, 
  6. Thailand, 
  7. Vietnam, 
  8. Singapore, 
  9. Taiwan.  

The editorial board recommends:

Coronavirus in Europe. The number of those infected in Italy is increasing

The range of the Wuhan coronavirus [MAP update 24.02.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX]

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