Meet the 6 allies of immunity!

What keeps some people sick every month and others getting through flu season unscathed? It’s about resilience. Although each of us has a natural resource of immunity, a lot also depends on how we build it. There are several proven and simple ways to do this.

  1. Physical activity makes the heart pump blood faster and thus toxins are removed from the body faster and there is more nutritional oxygen in the blood and organs. Therefore, regular physical activity is crucial to maintaining immunity.
  2. Resilience hardening at low temperatures is also conducive. Of course, it’s not about going out in the cold in a T-shirt. Doctors advise, however, that the temperature in the bedroom should always be a few degrees lower than it is comfortable for us. Thanks to this, we will get used to lower temperatures and we will not get sick in winter and our body will be fit and young for longer. Cryotherapy can also be used.
  3. In maintaining the body’s immunity, the most important thing is to take antioxidants, i.e. substances that eliminate free radicals responsible for aging and degeneration of the body. We can take antioxidants bought in a pharmacy, but it is also worth introducing more products to the diet that are naturally their sources. These include grapefruit, green tea and cocoa.
  4. Immunity also includes vitamins such as vitamin C (a natural antioxidant), A or E. Therefore, if we want to have an immune system, we should take care of their high presence in the body.
  5. Just as foods full of antioxidants support the body’s defenses, there are also substances that weaken them, reducing immunity. These include sugar, artificial flavors and fragrances, as well as animal fat from red meat. If we care about immunity, we should reach for them as rarely as possible.
  6. Although a glass of red wine actually contains antioxidants and a few coffees a week are supposed to have a beneficial effect on our body, most of the stimulants destroy immunity. Cigarettes produce oxidative substances that make us need more antioxidants than usual to maintain the same level of immunity; alcohol kills brain cells and makes us more likely to engage in risky behaviors that damage immunity, and coffee depletes the body of magnesium, a key mineral. Therefore, in order to build immunity, it will be better if we do not reach for stimulants, and certainly not for large amounts of them.

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