Meet the 5 main culprits of high cholesterol
Meet the 5 main culprits of high cholesterol

Too high level of “bad” cholesterol is a problem for a huge number of Poles. Cholesterol is needed by our body to digest fats, regulate certain hormones, build cell membranes, and synthesize vitamin D3. however, keeping it at the correct level is not an easy task. “Bad” LDL cholesterol in excess can accumulate in the arteries and cause dangerous atherosclerosis, so situations in which its overproduction occurs should be avoided. Here is a list of things that can cause his level to become too high.

  1. Redundant fat. Overweight is the feature that very often connects owners of high LDL cholesterol. While it can also cause many other problems, there is also an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis among them. Excess weight affects the body in such a way that it reduces the level of good cholesterol, while increasing the amount of triglycerides, i.e. the bad fraction. That is why it is worth losing at least a little weight to quickly notice an improvement in blood cholesterol levels. What’s more, its “good” fraction is so important for the body that it improves our thought processes, i.e. improves memory and concentration.
  2. Fatty and unhealthy food. This is probably the obvious culprit for the increase in blood cholesterol. Eating too much carbohydrates, trans and saturated fats on a daily basis, i.e.: products of animal origin (fatty butter, cheese, meat), sweets and white bread, snacks, chips, etc. Everything that is associated with fatty or unhealthy products should be strictly limited or excluded. It is good to supplement the level of good cholesterol at the same time, i.e. consume soluble fiber (you will find it in, for example, oatmeal, lentils, brown rice, fruit), linseed oil (the best source of omega-3 acids), olive oil and fish.
  3. Nicotine. Smoking cigarettes is another bad habit that needs to be eliminated. And not only because of its destructive effect on many elements of our body, but also because of hindering the synthesis of a certain liver enzyme that causes an increase in good HDL cholesterol. This means that quitting smoking helps to increase the amount of it in the blood and leads to a rapid improvement in health.
  4. Traffic only on holidays. Scientists have proven that the more you exercise, the easier it is for your body to excrete bad cholesterol. Through physical activity, special enzymes transport LDL to the liver, where it is converted and excreted. The best activity will be quite intense, such as swimming, aerobics or running.
  5. Negligence. Unfortunately, many people still do not perform regular check-ups, i.e. at least once a year. Blood tests are very important to detect certain abnormalities early. Thanks to them, you can start working quickly, and dealing with too high cholesterol will simply be easier. Monitor the condition of your body at least once a year, visiting the doctor even when you do not feel any symptoms.

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