Meet spring healthy and beautiful!

The snowy winter 2015 is coming to an end, and our everyday life every day brings all kinds of reasons for worries. One of them is taking care of your own health. Either pets will suddenly go to bed with the seasonal flu, or economic and political news or prices in grocery stores will force them to take pills. How to protect yourself and your loved ones from the destructive consequences of the next crisis period? Yaroslavl residents shared their personal and family rules and ways.

Olga Solomatina, housewife, mother of four children:

“We definitely can’t get sick: one will start sneezing and coughing – the others along the chain become infected, the house turns into an infirmary. Babies have a hard time tolerating viruses, the temperature is under forty, you can’t sleep with them all night. But if dad goes to bed – it’s really bad, the authorities look askance at the sick, especially in a crisis, and he suffers doubly from this. Therefore, I try to prevent diseases. Prevention – regular airing, wet cleaning, the whole family go to the pool and ski in Yakovlevsky pine forest. I also regularly drive and drive everyone to the dentist, at least once every six months. And then no money will be enough to cure him if his teeth become seriously ill. We have already tried it, we know. “

Boris Agranovich, power engineer:

“I rarely get sick, fortunately. When I fall with a temperature, I lie down and get up the next day, go to work. Due to my age, I begin to understand that prevention is much cheaper than treatment. I try to strengthen the immune system with folk remedies and tempering. I love the Russian bath very much, every week on Saturdays. This is for the common cold. And if your back hurts, then you certainly can’t figure it out without a specialist. A doctor, a chiropractor at the “TAIS” center, helped me very well – one session was enough for the pain to go away and not return. “

Irina Stupak, entrepreneur:

“By the nature of the activity, every day you have to visit different parts of the city, on the street and indoors, to communicate with different people. Naturally, I try to keep myself in shape, to maintain the body in a healthy and beautiful state – in my work it is impossible to do otherwise, they will misunderstand. Therefore – prevention, prevention and more prevention. That is, sports, no alcohol, cigarettes, and regular medical examination with fluorography and mammography. The teeth are healthy, the skin is good, the back is straight, nothing hurts – this is the only way to live and work effectively in our time. Otherwise it doesn’t work. ”

Viktoria Edchik, dentist of the medical center “TAIS”:

“In dentistry, prevention is always cheaper than treatment. Moreover, regular preventive examinations in our center for regular patients are free of charge after the first sanitation of the oral cavity. Caries at an early stage can be cured without large time and material costs, which require serious dental and orthopedic treatment in advanced cases. Early diagnosis and treatment of caries is not only the beauty of teeth, but also the prevention of many serious diseases, such as diseases of the digestive system. In addition, we have promotions in our clinic – free hygienic cleaning, removal of dental plaque. Also, for the prevention of caries for children, and for adults with increased sensitivity of the teeth, we treat the tooth enamel with fluoride preparations. The prevention of caries development in children is also facilitated by a special procedure – fissure sealing ”.

Sergey Makarkin, neurologist – manual therapist of the medical center “TAIS”:

“Pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system are a real scourge of modern man. Therefore, the development of a serious disease requiring long and expensive treatment, or even leading to disability, immobilization, is always easier and wiser to prevent at the initial stage. For example, the so-called functional block – restriction of movement in the area of ​​the thoracic, cervical or lumbar spine, causing pain and reflex tension of the back muscles – with timely treatment, are eliminated in one or two sessions of manual therapy and massage. Professional therapeutic massage after removal of the functional block is necessary to restore all muscle functions. And so that such conditions do not arise, try to observe the motor regime of work and rest. You cannot be in one position for more than 50 minutes. If you sit at the computer for a long time, get up and walk around. Walking activates all muscle groups optimally. Don’t forget to exercise daily. But if you still have a problem – just contact a specialist in time. Manual therapy is officially included in the nomenclature of medical specialties, and a certified neurologist specializing in manual therapy has the right to practice it. “

Medical Center of the Central Culture and Health Center “TAIS”:

st. Chkalova, 32a

Тел.: (4852) 72-02-08, 31-37-55

Dental Center “TAIS”:

st. May Day, 15

Тел.: (4852) 72-72-83, 72-59-33

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