Medonet replies to Rymanowski: it is really worth looking at the numbers concerning deaths
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Bogdan Rymanowski wrote on Facebook that we provided “unverified information” and accused him of “misrepresentation”. Nothing like that happened. However, since he had already called Medonet to the board, we decided to react.

  1. Bogdan Rymanowski said in his program that in one week in Ireland, only those who died from COVID-19 were vaccinated
  2. Yes it’s true. However, this is a very selective look at the vaccine and coronavirus death situation
  3. Poland fares very badly compared to Ireland, both in terms of vaccinations and COVID-19 mortality
  4. This is what the journalist should pay attention to, and not emphasize that the vaccinated people are dying. Because why those vaccinated in Ireland die can be explained very easily. We do it below
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Bogdan Rymanowski: MedTvoiLokony’s deceptive article

Bogdan Rymanowski, a Polsat journalist, said in the program “Gość Wydarzeń” that “all who died were vaccinated”, referring to the data from one week in November. This statement was widely commented on, we also wrote about it, in the material «Bogdan Rymanowski: all those who died in Ireland were vaccinated. How is it really? »

On Tuesday, a Facebook journalist provided detailed data from that period, also referring to our website.

«After the interview with Mr. Szymon Hołownia in Guest of the Events, on November 29.11.2021, 6, doubts appeared in the media space as to the truthfulness of the number of deaths I had given in Ireland during the week from November 13 to 19 this year. During the interview, I found that only vaccinated people died from COVID-XNUMX this week in Ireland. (…)

The rest of the text is below the video.

The published data also showed that 6 people died between 13-45 November – all after the first dose of the vaccine or fully vaccinated. (…)

Information about the alleged distortions was also provided by Medonet, which also did not manage to find detailed, official data »- wrote Rymanowski on his profile, accusing us of writing a« lying article ».

Rymanowski is right. And Medonet is right

Bogdan Rymanowski is right. We have not been able to get to the detailed weekly data. Indeed, reports from Irish medical services show that only those who were vaccinated died during that period.

  1. How will Omikron affect the pandemic? Dr. Grzesiowski about what could happen

However, we did not accuse Rymanowski of lying (which can be checked). We asked “how is it really?”, Presenting data for a period longer than one week – almost seven months, which probably better reflects the scale of the issue.

According to data collected from the beginning of April to 20 November, the percentage of unvaccinated people in the total number of deaths in Ireland was 37%. 63% are vaccinated people (52% – fully vaccinated).

Why do vaccinated people die?

Bogdan Rymanowski said in the aforementioned program that Ireland is one of the countries where “despite a very high level of vaccination – it still cannot return to normal”. Here is an explanation, because the question why the vaccinated people also die from COVID-19 has been raised for a long time, since the beginning of the mass vaccination program.

First, no vaccine can protect 100%. against infection. Its purpose is to protect against severe disease and death. But also not 100 percent. Vaccines used in Poland (the same preparations are administered in Ireland) protect against hospitalization and death in the range of 90-99%.

  1. Infections and deaths among persons vaccinated in Poland. How many cases have there been?

Second, the growing number of vaccinated people among the dying shows the results of statistics. Since there are more and more vaccinated people in a given population, and in an ideal population, this percentage should aim at over 90%, the deaths – which we will not avoid – will affect more and more vaccinated people.

Third, the level of immunity we acquire with vaccines declines after a few months. Not completely, of course, but partially. Hence the deaths among the vaccinated, but also the need for a booster dose. “We are now starting to see an increase in hospitalizations among people who have been vaccinated but have not taken a booster dose. This is a significant part, but by no means the majority, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, adviser to the US President responsible for policy against the COVID-19 epidemic recently.

– The data clearly show that there are far fewer deaths after vaccination. However, I will use the example of a person who drives a car in seat belts. Can it die as a result of an accident? Unfortunately yes. Buckled seat belts, airbag and ABS are not a XNUMX% guarantee of survival. We cannot overcome the laws of physics if the speed is too high. Or we may just be out of luck. It is similar with health – explained Dr. Michał Chudzik, coordinator of the “STOP-COVID” program.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Where is Poland and where is Ireland?

Bogdan Rymanowski, in an interview with Szymon Hołownia, gave the example of Ireland. Indeed, it is worth talking about this country, but in a different context. It is the leader among the European Union countries when it comes to the level of full vaccination. Poland is also in the fifth place from the end in this ranking.

Below, data from the European Commission as of November 23

Here is the most recent ECDC data:

In Ireland, 93,3% are fully vaccinated. adult citizens, one dose was taken by 94,5 percent. In Poland it is 63,1 and 64,4, respectively. The difference is colossal. In an island country, this percentage is half that of our country. How does it compare to the entire population? 76,6% of people in Ireland are fully vaccinated and 54,3% are vaccinated. all Polish citizens.

So the number of vaccinated deaths in Ireland must necessarily be high, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an unvaccinated adult there. Currently, there are only 5,5 percent of them.

  1. Compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19? It is not a new thing for doctors, but another vaccination.

In our country, the level of full inoculation is far too low and it grows very slowly. Since the beginning of August, ie in four months, it has increased by just seven percentage points. This, of course, translates into deaths. But not for statistics, but for real numbers! It is worth talking about them.

Below is the weekly sum of deaths per million inhabitants (from November 30 to December 7):

As you can see, we are the undisputed leader in this ranking, and this is no reason to be glorified. Data from December 7 show that in the past seven days, 69,37 people per million inhabitants died in Poland! For Ireland, this indicator is 11,04 The average for the EU countries is 30,29, and for the whole of Europe – 36,05.

Ireland is also at the peak of the next wave of coronavirus. The average daily number of cases in the last week is close to 5. However, ten times fewer people die every week there (in Ireland, data on deaths are given every week, the last numbers are 55, 43 and 43) than in our country on one day (8 people died on December 592, the day before – 504). So it can be said that 70 times less people. Ireland has only 7,5 times fewer inhabitants.

Also read:

  1. Symptoms of Omikron infection. What do we know at the moment?
  2. Infections and deaths among vaccinated. How many cases have there been?
  3. Scientists concerned. They discovered an “invisible” version of the Omicron
  4. Will the new restrictions improve the epidemic situation in Poland? The virologist answers

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